Toxic Genrush

francotorra Member Posts: 16
edited June 15 in General Discussions

Its necessary put an end to the genrush, specially with the genrush builds, there people who don´t care about having fun, they just want to repair and leave as soon as posible. I know what are they are going to tell me "the objetive of the survivors is repair the 5 generators and escape" of course, but this types of builds promotes toxicity, it does not contribute anything good for the game or for the DBD community.

BHVR please create a system that does not allow combined these perks or directly eliminate them, all the anti genrush perks received a nerf but the survi genrush perks did not receive any changes.

I dind´t do a 2k stop posting that THANKS.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,159
    edited June 14

    I swear these perks on both sides are just getting to be too much.

    My only fear of this game ever dying is it being oversaturated and collapsing under the weight of all the perks.

    Cote mentioned in an interview recently they can't test all combos before release as there are so many perks.

    And they are just going to keep adding 3 per character.

    We need a quality of life update and skip a chapter or two even.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Im all for perks being limited by catagory.

    One of repair/regression One of aura perks etc.

    Would help negate swf crap.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,011

    "all the anti genrush perks received a nerf but the survi genrush perks did not receive any changes."

    That's because survivors rarely use them. hyper focus and stake out can be absurdly powerful but no one use it due to how difficult it can be to get vaule. Hyper focus/stake out only good once u hit 6 stacks.… you even a god and rarely miss a skill check or the perk does barely nothing. You can't convince the devs to nerf perks with nearly no usage.

    Built to last and street wise should get nerf (just BUILT mainly). This with a 32 charge toolbox is just nasty work.

    Outside resilience, prove & deja vu no gen rush perk get use much. Prove been nerf and Deja vu increase is minor. Resilience shouldn't be cheese-able by 99ing a heal but that about it.

  • francotorra
    francotorra Member Posts: 16
    edited June 14

    I´m not talking about a normal people carring prove thyself these people use and abuse of genrush perks, use toolboxes with 50 charges and perks to repair them after using it

  • francotorra
    francotorra Member Posts: 16

    "just wanted to do gens, no clicky clicky, no trying to sabo no trying to be unhookable or playing immersed no anti-tunnel or exhaustion perks even"

    Let them to go to your server and play with them, let see if when you see a person with a tollbox of 50 charges, build to last, prove thyself, streetwise, you continue defending these builds.

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580

    Genrushing squads like these DO exist and they ARE obnoxious but they're not toxic.

    Generator speed is an issue, yes, but I don't think it's the Survivors using tools given to them to blame. Rather, blame that you can bring Commodious, which is overtuned, with BNP+Spool and then also stack perks like Resilience on it. This actually isn't uncommon. Then some people also bring Built to Last so they just have a forever box and it never stops being useful.

    I think toolboxes are the issue and maybe need a glance-over to balance them and their addons, it does feel really bad when people stack meta and toolboxes like this. Generator regression and hold is clearly not the answer, but a lot of the weaker Killers need some help here; rounds can be done before half of them get a chance to do much.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,613
    edited June 15

    While I agree that three of these four examples are good examples of genrushing, it's not the perks that enabled it. Leaving Gabriel out since he was the one who just had some gimmick perks that are perfectly manageable (and honestly kind of bad) on their own, let's do a little thought experiment with the remaining three examples.

    Are they doing their generators any faster if we take away their item?

    Nea and Renato have a small boost to their gen repair because they're running Deja Vu (I think?), but Deja Vu on its own is only a six percent boost specifically to the 3-gen. Not bad by any stretch, but hardly genrushing.

    Kate, though, only has one perk that relates to generator repair at all, and that makes generators go slower overall. Clearly, without her item, Kate here has an anti genrush build.

    Those builds are genrush builds, but it's because of the toolbox. Stacking together all the possible gen repair perks that don't make gens actually go slower (like Prove Thyself and Friendly Competition) wouldn't equal half of what a toolbox build can give you, not even close. It's Built To Last + Streetwise with the toolbox that makes these genrush builds, and if our Gabriel here had been running a toolbox instead of a medkit, his gen repair speed would've shot up exponentially too. Remove repair speed from toolboxes (replacing it with something else, ofc), and genrush disappears overnight.

    EDIT: also, it's really not toxic, it's just a balance problem.

    Post edited by jesterkind on
  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    I have and they just don't really bother me, any amount of gen slowdown and snowballing completely destroys them. It's like any aggro strategy if you don't stop them early they win but if you stall long enough they do not do much.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 290

    I'll take survivors who rush all the gens and instantly leave over survivors who rush the gens and then tbag and noise spam at the gate any time.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Well anniversary has bring more toxic killers literally. I didn't first believe but now I seen it so I don't blame gen rushers. I tunneled first person out on killer too but I had good reason being drinking too much.

  • SomeGuy7000
    SomeGuy7000 Member Posts: 27

    The first challenge for survivors is to finish 3 event generators, so most survivors are trying to get it done asap.

  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336

    bring back chaos mode!!!

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    The event gives killers ability just to instantly hook survivor, cant sabo. Flashlight save instantly hook survivor, cant flashlight save.

    Well the only thing they can do is sit on Gen.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 905
    edited June 15

    Honestly, the survivor rift encourages this. As does the playstyle of many killers. The meta has been finish the gen as soon as possible before it's hit with scourge, pop, grim, or jolt. Now that ruin was completely reverted it's making a comeback too. Tunneling/proxying playstyle along with perks like deadlock also necessitate fixing gens expediently. It doesnt make it fun for the killer. But on the other hand I dont see killers taking it easy when gens are slow, so why go slow? Chaos shuffle was the best time to play this game. Whatever meta gets nerfed a new one will emerge.

    Post edited by feechima on
  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 954

    Better Answer: just make characters and no perks. They're all just reskins of the same thing. Nothing is unique about a character. Only their perks, which are wasted because more often its the meta perk use. Enough perk ideas, more skins. Imo.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 954

    Considering this Anniversary is a separate "mode" altogether, why bother (BHVR that is) making an Anniversary Mode with "normalized" generic gameplay the main mode already is?

    Anniversary Mode should had been no hooks no gens. And a completely different objective. Since Considering it's supposed to be a " Fun Festival "

  • Chaogod
    Chaogod Member Posts: 135

    Honestly I think making Chaos Shuffle the main way and only way outside of other events to play the game might be one way around that. Then balance doesn't matter because it's all whatever. I have a feeling the class thing they are introducing with the new 2v8 mode might be a way for them to test the waters on getting rid of perks for survivors at the very least.

    Id say just do classes for survivors (runner, saver, healer, fixer, etc) then for killers just bake their perks into their main kits or expand on their abilities. Just make their perks work with their general game plan or do a similar approach with them as well.

    As far as gen rushing, the above would solve the problem for the most part if classes are limited to one or there is no fixer. Cuz ultimately I think to really solve the gen rush vs gen slow down is to purge the game of it, rework the affiliated perks and that's it. Might have to scale up kicks and repair speed to accommodate. But perks for both sides just permotes really boring gameplay.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,436

    I can completely understand this from the devs perspective. But I feel like when there is a synergy that's detrimental to the game they leave it too long, and that's the problem. Like the gen kick meta was left for way too long and, imo, the game hasn't been the same since then. It honestly changed the way the game is played and the expectations players have, particularly for those players who started playing in that time. They entered during an anomaly, not realising that that was not how the game was intended to be played (per the devs own words). Yet it was left for like 9 months, presumably because the devs didn't have the time and resources, and the bandwidth probably, to make adjustments.

    But so many players use that era as a sort of baseline for what the game should be like. Gen regression builds weren't the norm before then, for example - you'd see maybe 1, max 2, in a build among other perks. The gen kick era spawned the whole "4 regression perks are necessary" argument, because (again IMO) people view that era as the norm and expect or want the same results.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477
    edited June 15

    Pretty sure this would be considered toxic for people who says tunneling is toxic

    both is untrue though

    Honestly, I feel survivors are getting far less credit than killers, if anything killers seems to be generally overrated anywhere

    Probably due to bigger number of survivor players but still

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    The problem with a class system in Dead by Daylight is that killers can just ignore the runner, and focus on eliminating the fixer.

    You can never solve the genrush problem, because there's a difference between a perceived genrush and an actual genrush.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    It's not toxic anymore than tunneling isn't toxic. It's called being efficient. And there's nothing wrong with getting a 2k in this meta; that's the result the devs want killer to have. Oftentimes, that's the result I have to settle for. Either that, or go all-out risky slug at the last second, the failure of which is usually a 1k or 0k.

  • WingerSenpai
    WingerSenpai Member Posts: 48

    Also if we are at anniversary problems, how come when I play killer I have the decency to not slug, tunnel, camp. Like it's worse than in normal games. I don't know how but these problems are still not addressed correctly, just like genrushing or certain perks.

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 406

    This great point. I had stated the best way was to share bp. Then play as you want and all rewarded the same.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    How are these kind of threads still not getting old and gather a ton of replies?