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The Great Otzdarva Distortion Debate!

Member Posts: 808

Summary Distortion is a problematic perk that should receive a nerf or rework

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  • Member Posts: 3,937

    You have the same idea as me throwing this up in here xD

    I'll post a link to what I added to @ratcoffees thread, which I think is already a good Distortion change.

  • Member Posts: 83

    Like in the start of his video he explains why distortion is fine... As a distortion player you need to get the killers attention at a certain point of the game or risk losing by giving the killer only 3 options to choose from. He also mentions how distortion will force killers into less healthy perks choices and I'm wracking my brain on a worse build the aura reading as it's completely counter intuitive to the point of the game to run around with wall hacks 24/7. The true problem with the perk is that killers progress in MMR to quickly and get their using perks that make the game to easy and with out them or techniques such as tunneling proxy camping and others they literally just can't compete and have no easy way to drop their MMR to better build a foundation for killer.

    Mean while a survivor can take hundreds of thousand hours to get to the same bracket due to how the game calculates a "win" for individual survivors

  • Member Posts: 2,280

    Relax, its not Object, no ones to be tossed on a hook because of it 🎶

  • Member Posts: 83

    Giving people soap boxes big enough to reach thousands of people unfortunately doesn't increase the quality of the claims they make. Distortion is fine complaining about your wall hacks being removed and saying people who run Windows is The most hypocritical thing I've ever seen especially when Killers have the capability of applying blindness way more I'm going to survivor have the opportunity to block Aura reading. Hmm am

  • Member Posts: 2,663

    No! 8 Stacks per Survivor! 16 if you're playing as Nancy!

  • Member Posts: 1,724
    edited June 2024

    i'm totally gonna pretend i inspired him to make this video with my thread, despite the fact his suggestion was nothing like my own, even if the ideas work well together 😅

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Its not too many aura perks a problem, its the aura that work on TR instead of a prop (like No where to hide) make it too powerful on high speed killers, who's already strong.

    For example if NWTH works 24m around a Gen and see a survivor aura from distance, Blight can get there in less than 3sec then use the rest for wall hack in chase, while Trapper spends full 5sec aura just to reach there.

    I really dont want my aura hide all the time that would hurt my teammates, but Distortion lets survivors know that their aura being shown. That info alone is huge.

    I believe if survivors can tell that their aura being shown, Distortion usage would drop.

  • Member Posts: 498

    i understand why people hate the perk. Sucks bringing a perk just to have it countered by something else. It’s like when I bring resurgence and the killer has sloppy or something.
    in my opinion if they nerf it, I don’t care. If they leave it alone I don’t care either.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    I mean it would be silly to not show killer where their defense objective is

    but this isn't about patrolling vs wandering, this is about patrolling with or without guidance

    checking 1 or 2 of the wrong gens is a massive time sink that add up quickly and lose matches, no aura reading perks to guide patrolling is just asking to lose as a mid or lower tiered killer

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Now you are throwing too many angles into a discussion about distortion. Much harder to be tunneled with distortion so run distortion or its cousin off the record.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    I mostly play blight or a mobility killer so I can do faster patrol and more chasing. And I use an info perk like bbq to facilitate it. Also this is a counterpoint against a someone else's post using my entire counterpoint as my entire identity isn't so accurate so maybe calm down it was about how low power killers would suffer even more without info perks to guide their patrols because they are running on a short timer as it is and its not an interesting part of the game.

  • Member Posts: 215
    edited June 2024

    That's the kind of nerf that most people that want a nerf to it are asking for though,

    Also, I'm not one for the killer vs survivor side of the forums but if I'm going to be 100% real with you nobody says

    I think the people asking for it to be nerfed or reworked aren't considering why it is so popular at the moment.

    About any killer perks bar pop and pain res. This is an important distinction because distortion is nowhere near as important to the game as these perks for the game because as you said it is a comfy perk more than anything but it sucks to play with people using, sucks to play against people using, is very powerful in the correct hands with a stack more than solo, and the game is not being made around the assumption you have access to it (in the same way as regression and exhaustion perks are unfortunately)

    A lot of the survivor player base needs to accept it should be nerfed it is a dumb perk even if other perks are stronger it has its own issues and they should be fixed through a nerf or it should be gutted in its usability i am fine with either.

  • Member Posts: 979

    Also not sure how recharging tokens during chase will solve the so-called issue for the other 3 survivors. If I have Lethal and see someone has Distortion I have the choice to not engage with that survivor. It's giving the killer control of the perk.

  • Member Posts: 679

    Except it's not a problem for killers. It's a problem for the rest of your teammates because most likely if a killer is running aura perks someone will end up getting tunneled out because 1-2 people are hiding behind a tree somewhere for the majority of the game.

    That's pretty much what his whole argument was about. You literally have about 5-8 seconds when you activate an aura perk so naturally you will go to the closest target available during that short window of opportunity.

  • Member Posts: 4,655

    You lose all stacks immediately when facing an Amanda's letter piggy.

  • Member Posts: 4,655

    So which perk of these is now too strong? I see both as ok. Unfun design for the other side, but not very strong.

    If you want to make fun of people, bring a good argument to the table.

  • Member Posts: 555

    Having it recharge in chase only would hurt Scratched Mirror Myers.

  • Member Posts: 3,937
    edited June 2024

    Validation confirmed xD

    Thats all a fair arguement, and I think this is why, while I don't agree with shared stacks idea, I am very interested in the combination of:

    • nerf to recover in chase only from ratcoffee's thread.
    • buff to reveal auras to allies when triggered.

    When you have aura perks, lockers are a fine counter once you know the perk is in effect... the problem is a lot of the time without distortion, you learn about the aura perk being in play either by getting caught by it... which means you're caught... or it's too late to make any real use of it.

    Even if Distortion doesn't get nerfed, I'd certainly be putting forward this aura reveal to allies when aura is revealed idea forward for inclusion as part of some other perk. It's a very cool idea.

  • Member Posts: 954

    It's the players, not the perk itself. Those with Distortion are typically players who would play stealthy, selfishly, cowardly, or otherwise in the background.

    I'm sure anybody who remembers old Spine Chill remembers a teammate that would immediately run away at the slightest hint of the killer. Even today, you can see it with the terror radius.

  • Member Posts: 147

    Well, distortions feels stronger now because with the gen regression nerfs, i suppose lots of killers are moving to aura reading.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    haven’t read the whole thread but imo the problem lies in too many too oppressive aura reading perks and player relying too much on them.

    Distortion just highlights this problem combined with tunneling problem but nerfing Distortion will not really have the effect people are hoping for - it will just end up in some players evading the killer in other ways (Shadowstep, Lockers) or going down within seconds bc they are not that good in chases (and no, not everyone has the capabilities to be a god survivor and that’s okay). Same people hating on Distortion will just shift their hate to something else and the game will not really end up in a healthier state.

    Imo, aura reading perks in general need some adjustments and Distortion can very much simultaneously get some nerf (eg only recharging in chase).

  • Member Posts: 9,419

    Says anything to stay relevant.

  • Member Posts: 337

    Especially killers with high mobility who are already very strong benefit from aura-showing abilities much more than others.

    If you compare, back then perks like "Whispers" or "Spies from the Shadows" were very strong perks for a nurse compared to today.

    Distortion back then wouldn't have made sense in the meta, today it's different.

  • Member Posts: 345

    "recent map sucks" "huge deadzone" "no pallet" "shrinked map suck, killers op now"

    Oh yes, some people definitely do.

    And yes there are some thing i would like to see nerfed on the survivor side (deja vu or toolboxes for example), thats true, its the way things are.

    But i'm just trying to say that both sides have their own strong things. I'm personally fine with distorsion, i dont play aura reading on all my killers, and when i do and i don't see them, fine, i'll go for someone else, its not my experience that is impacted tbh, thats just a counter as lightborn is a counter to flashlight

  • Member Posts: 2,475
    edited June 2024

    People say the exact same thing for killers stacking gen slowdown. If gen defence and aura-reading are both types of crutch perks that get people to a higher MMR than they deserve, what perks aren't? Bad perks?

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