Insta down shouldn't exist

Myers needs a complete rework, Bubba and Billy need to make you deep wound and hemorage. Insta downing takes no skill and makes the game unejoyable
(killer main btw)
Like Hex: NOED needs to just be a speed buff
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Insta downing takes as much skills as hitting someone, which you only need to do twice without instadown
I don't understand big difference here
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I will never understand baby survivors that cry about everything just get better at looping….. Try some 5 gen runs like I have done loads of times….. Still sounds like a survivor skill problem…. Myers Bubba and Billy are fine and fun to play with I love running and Bubba and Billy around and here you are trying to take that fun away….
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Myers: Don't let him stare at you for long.
Billy/Bubba: Crouch.
NOED: Do bones.
Have a nice day.
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the game needs more instant downs killers. there hasn't been a base-kit instant down killer in ages….
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Well of course it seems fine for you you main those characters. Ive seen matches where the killer completely does not deserve a 4k and gets one anyway after all gens pop bc he has noed. Ive also seen the boring ways bubbas and billies play by just body blocking you to endure you can do anything to get away and dont get me started on michaelwith his 10 mins of staring at a locker (Not a baby survivor I have 2,000+ hours and iri 1 on killer and survivor every month aswell as own every character in the game)
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Or we can get killers that are actually fun to play against like the artist, wesker, nurse, and Sadako
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The difference is that it doesn't it's basically a buy one hit get one free
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I hate playing against Nurse and Current Sadako. Wesker was also a killer i despised playing against before his hindered tunnel changed occurred. Artist is just….. a no skill killer.
I just wish there was more instant down chase-type killers and less of this boring 4vs1 secondary objective type killers.
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Oh you mean like bubba ?
Funny i played against a realy good survivor the other day as bubba. He just ran me for 5 gens and i didnt want to leave him for some reason. He just went from pallet to pallet to pallet on ormond and there were literally nothing i could do (except drop chase and go for someone else, but i just wanted to push the thing out)
Now imagine with myers that cant break pallet this fast and has a limited insta down capacity. He also can run out of juice in the game (the only killer that has this downside btw). Yes, lets remove his ONLY strenght.
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The nurse is so easy to loop it's honestly sad all you have to do is run towards her, and then run away when she trys to blink up close.
Sadako just get a tape when you hit 3 stacks and watch out for her lullaby and manifest/projection sounds.
Wesker just move left and right.
Artist: lockers
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Ormond is a survivor sides map he probably relies on the broken map (he probably brought the offering)
And myers is that weak in other areas to 'make up for' lack of tier 1 terror radius and his insta down/ insta mori. So if we remove those broken things we can buff his other areas
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Right so you clearly don't know what you are talking about
Myers has no terror radius in tier 1, what an insuferable menace guys
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What are you even saying I literally just said he has no terror radius in tier 1
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I dislike playing vs Sadako because she is boring, dull and easy to play vs. Not because she is strong.
I already know how to play vs other killers. Moving left & right doesn't do anything vs Wesker when you were -8% hindered. Lockers aren't effective vs good artist players.
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That does not work if the Nurse knows what she is doing, which most Nurse's in public matches don't so it might work from time to time...
I don't understand the hatred towards insta down killers, they all have to somewhat work for, especially Billy before his Buffs, it still takes a lot of skill to properly and consistently curve around tiles, so I don't know where you got the idea from that it takes 0 skill?
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Funny you say that when Billy has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game. I suggest you watch this streamer and tell me if it still takes no skill after.
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I'm struggling to process this argument... I don't want to disrespect you man, but it actually dumbfounded me reading this thread...
I suppose the only argument I can get my brain chugging for is to point to Hillbilly....
Hillbilly has consistently been one of the most beloved killers in the game... he was the strongest killer when he was released and remaining top tier for a long time, and has then flip flopped to be one of the most difficult to play for little reward for years, then back to one of the strongest again, and yet he has consistently been a favourite for survivors of all levels pretty over the entire games lifetime.
He has also been consistently labelled as a killer to be respected as having a high skill floor and a very high skill ceiling... and he was the killer that introduced the instant down mechanic... the OG instadown killer... there is a fundamental error in the entire baseline of your arguement, and you are grossly misinformed...
I gonna be honest man... it sounds like you just got smoked by a Billy and/or Myers back to back and just came to complain, cause tbh... this is a Nuclear meltdown take...
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From Experience of one's that still camp just far enough away to not set off the camp timer to the point where they can literally just insta down you if you dare try to play the game and go for a save. (Every single one does this) and he can hold his chainsaw however long he wants bc they got rid of overheat so he's not really all that skillfulsure you have the rare few that actually do curves but then you have the most of them that just get up close and take the game hostage
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2.5k hours and you are complaining about myers and bubba
Actually pretty impressive
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Are you gonna point out what my fundamental error is or still just say a whole Lot of nothing?
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Have you considered bringing the perk that prolongs the hook timer? Seems fairly easy to counter that kind of camping... Just do gens and then a 1 for 1 with 2 survivors before next stage.
Billy still si, but if you get back revved that is on you, and players who play well don't straight up camp like that. They go for chases as there is nothing to win in pub matches anyway.
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Ooh some people curve big whoop most camp and use every single aura perk in the game to immediately go to the next survivor
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Your sentence literally has no meaning yk that right?
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Fairly easy to explain why not many Billy's go for curves, curving is hard af... It is not easy to do, so they are either learning and try to get curves, or they just play in other ways because the learning got frustrating after some time... And a curve Billy will demolish the average player, because that guy put in hundreds of hours just to learn to curve around loops...
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What's nurse gonna do? Actually chase you? She's one of if not the slowest killer in the game
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Are you complaining about killers not using Gen regression because they actually want to go for chases while simultaneously saying they all camp in which case aura reading does nothing? XD
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They camp till they secure their kill then go tunnel and camp the next one
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It is fairly easy to understand, Myers without Tombstone is a really weak killer and Bubba with his best addons is a bit above average, both are not strong killers and after a certain amount of playtime and skill acquired those characters tend to drop off in effectivity against decent players or such of similar skill.
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All while hitting on hook and humping slugged survivors
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A decent Nurse has control over her blinks and will still just blink behind you and get the hit on the 2nd blink, I don't really know what else to point out here, it is fairly obvious a wrong assumption that only applies when the nurse does not know what she is doing.
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You can only avoid getting stalked for so long, and for Bubba I just disagree.
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If she blinks behind you all you gotta do is run forward and then back when she blinks again
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i think you never played agains a good nurses if you think its that simple
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Blink on top of you. And hit you.
That is, if she knows what she's doing, of course.
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But that makes it still sub optimal, because the game does not last long enough when you camp someone for 2 min straight without game slowdown... If you lose that game as survivor that is literally on you...
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I think we have a case of "i got many hours but im terrible at the game but i think im actually pretty good and my opinion maters" thingy here
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As I mentioned b4 just run towards her as she blinks.
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The problem is you haven't really said why an instant down mechanic doesn't take skill, so trying to explain why your arguement is flawed is like basically trying to explain how the game works...
I guess the fundamental point is every instant down mechanic has some degree of a trade off.
Hillbilly - Has to slow down to charge his chainsaw, and when charged his rush is hard to aim/control, especially around terrain, and is relatively easy to juke unless Hillbilly guesses where the survivor will be correctly and is also very accurate in hitting that location.
Myers - Has to build up his power over time, he has to take huge pauses from gen pressure in order to get access to his instantdown, which requires a good understanding of map state and macro control. Once he has the power, he is a slightly more effective m1 killer, that still has to win all the standard mind games that any other you label as "skillful" has to do, without really any additional help.
Bubba - Slows down significantly when he charges his chainsaw, guaranteeing survivors can make use of corners to gain distmace, and has to be far more careful of his hitbox around terrain, meaning he can't hug anywhere near as tightly as other killers. A single mistake costs him greatly, and the skill of Bubba is knowing the timings of loops very well to ensure he has the chsnce to outsmart and catch survivors.
So the blanket statement "instandowns have no skill" just doesn't make sense. The instadown is part of the skill expression of whatever ability it is tied to... it is a boon for a particular power that could have any level of skill expression... and more often than not, removing the instadown of an ability would require you to make the ability far easier and less skillful to use....
So your argument just doesn't make sense.
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I have I've played against a good nurse where everyone else goes down instantly and I loop her for like 5 mins till she just hives up on me while chain blinding her
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Well you would be in the minority to assume he is stronger...
So what if you get stalked? He is still an m1 killer that needs to hit you normally? Tombstone takes ages and lockers or pallets exist for you to vault, worst case you just sit on a generator and get grabbed, either he downs you and hooks you or he waits until the Gen is done and moris you then, which is almost as bad as sitting there for 2 min while you are on hook... And if you miss skill checks you might be able to prolong the time, I don't know if you can get morid if you blow up the Gen?
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No offense, but your understanding of how a good nurse player plays is very limited, go check out SupaAlf or KNightlight and look how they play Nurse... Such stuff just does not work if the Nurse is good, you will almost never see it work, I would say never, but how does the saying go "Never say never"...
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sure… so you surely can give us some prove ot that? i mean you suck at hanlde a bubba / myers and billy so i don't think you can handle a good nurse
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So you want them to be useless? against good survivors you will almost never get a chainsaw (even if they don't crouchtech) and I don't even start with myers that won't get anyone from begin with because he's m1.
Besides that it's wrong that bubba doesn't take skill, you have to spin fast and precise aswell as having a insanely good movement to make the most of his chainsaw on loops and actually mindgame with him. Otherwise the survivors will most likely just wait and see what you're doing and play it save, because you can't do something unexpected.
Billy is a lot easier and stronger then before, but he's still a chainsaw killer and good survivor won't go down on him if they don't want to. You have to have good control over your curves and predict what the survivor is doing to get your hits. Also they can absolutely destroy you by using the crouch-tech (force you to break palette or making you miss).
Myers doesn't take much skill mechanicaly but he needs a really good makro-game and clean m1-gameplay to have a chance against good survivors (and even then you'll most likely loose).
So no, we shouldn't nerf them directly (we could talk about instadowns in hooked-range but that's about it).
Besides that 2k hours in dbd isn't even a lot, I'd say it's pretty average (coming from someone with 2,3k hours and twice the account-level of yours with better self-reflection btw).
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A chase against a good nurse that went really well takes like 1 min... Check out some 1v1 and you will see that it basically never takes longer... Nurse has one of the strongest chase abilities in the game and looping a nurse for 5 min means either the nurse is bad, the survivor is way better than the nurse or it is an indoor map with endless line of sight blockers.
Stuff like that just does not happen when the nurse is good.
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I've seen clips aswell as personally seen a hillbilly run around the entire map 3 times and then down someone all in one chainsaw. I've seen a Bubba down an entire team in seconds. And have seen a michael with infinite tier 3 and tombstone pretend to be friendly and kill everyone
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You, mister, are one of the most odd people I've ever met.
Everyone complains about Nurse, and also Artist when they play against her, you are fine with it.
But an instadown killer is where you draw the line.
Both Bubba and Billy can be locker-teched or crouch-teched.
Myers spends half of the game staring at you doing nothing. And he still has to chase you like evrey other killer.
And NOED can be cleansed, and is in fact one of the easiest hexes to remove.
Also, valid Nurse counterplay, not gonna argue with that one.
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No I want them to have powers that are fun for everyone and don't leave me feeling I didn't deserve a 4k for using them
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HahahahahHahahahah yes that is what Nurse will do ^^ Indeed the strongest killer in dead by daylight will chase you... This says every thing we needed to know about your understanding of Nurse ^^