Twisted Masquerade 2024 Community Challenges

Again… How is BHVR so incompetent implementing these in the game? At this rate, we won't be even seeing the first one being done. It's every time the same thing. Especially now, that the event and normal queue are separated (which was a mistake all in all)
Hey. The second page of the event isn't even available for 4 whole more days. It'll be alright. Not everything is meant to be rushed and finished immediately. Sit back and enjoy yourself and the rewards will come.
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Waiting times in Event lobby has increased substantially. People have done their event challenges now and have switched back to normal lobbies. Finding a game in event lobby is almost impossible right now
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They'll cut it down, they always do
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No it's not. I wait maybe 1-3 minutes for a game. You need to relax a bit dude. The event JUST started.
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It would be better count towards the community challenge whether we not selected challenge.
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You are 100% correct
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At least you can get the cosmetics with the other way, not only with community challenges. I also think most people are just doing the other challenges first and then the community one.
But I agree its going really slow.
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The 2nd and 3rd pages will have their own community challenges too.
Fact is Behaviour never calculate these community challenges correctly, and have to reduce the number at some point to ensure we actually meet them. That completely undermines the challenge of it too because we know there's no risk of failing, the goalposts will just be moved down.
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they should’ve just made the community requirement 1 million from the get go it also doesn’t help that for community challenges passive gains isn’t a thing towards it
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I totally agree, they always set the community goal extremely high while limiting the number of individual contributions to said challenge. Like I dont think they even thought out the logistics behind the challenge requirements, needing 2 million of the invitations while each player can only contribute up to 5 is ridiculous, asking for 400k players to not only play the game but complete the challenge is so crazy, dbd probs has at most around 100k-150k peak active players.
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That's a valid response and I'll apologize as I wasn't fully aware. I read the forums some more and got a better understanding at how previous events have been handled. This is my first anniversary event where I've really sunk some time into the game so I wasn't aware of how the other ones were. Apologies to you and to @Triplehoo as well. Cheers you two!
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Guess what, guys. They did it again! They lowered the milestones
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Gotta love how these aren't actually even "community challenges," as that would be the community working together to reach a goal, which means unlimited contributions per player (and for the best results it would be passive rather than requiring selecting it as a challenge, which blocks players from working on other challenges).
What DbD has is an attempted ego boost of "if this many players log in during this time period, everyone gets a bonus" goal with extra steps.