Next year...
- Can you do an event next year without broken mechanics on one side or the other?
What am I talking about?
- No snowmen protecting survivors (Christmas event)
- No insta-exposed (last year's event)
- No insta- healing (this year…but at least it gives an "exposed" effect))
- No insta-hook (this year)
No insta- breaking of pallet (this year)
And for those who tell me "go play the normal game"… I'm a customer who has spent a lot of money on skins and DLC... I would like to enjoy a fun event once a year with balanced mechanics, am I asking for "crazy things"?
considering events will probably always be separated queues now there will probably always be overpowered mechanics now because after all it’s optional (shrug)
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That's a pretty unhelpful request. What constitutes a broken mechanic in this sort of context could pretty reasonably be disagreed upon by a lot of people, that's something we see happen all the time, and even if each side gets a very strong, very oppressive mechanic, you could also probably argue that both sides having such mechanics evens out. I don't think this is healthy logic personally, but you haven't provided a benchmark for a balanced event mechanic, preexisting or even just conceptual. There simply isn't enough to discern from your post as it is—what even MAKES those listed mechanics broken, in your eyes, anyway?
(It's also worth noting that, because of event queue separation, balance in events IS objectively less important because it won't run the risk of completely upending the whole game, there is always the usual game to fall back on—looking for feedback on balancing an event that won't be around long enough to be patched when it isn't preventing the base game from being played probably is less of a priority.) I understand wanting the event itself to be balanced, don't get me wrong, but I think this post could use a bit of elaboration.
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So no window blocking, no silence, no pallet summon too, because clearly those are also broken mechanics too
You are basically asking for normal game, and at this point just play normal game if you wish
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I think original snowmen were BS (this was 2021). Everything else i am fine with honestly.
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Absolutely better get rid of survivors spawning pallets too if we are getting rid of the other stuff. Having respanable god pallets is not fair in the slightest.
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Is really nobody talking about the old iron will on demand?
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Snowmen didn’t protect survivors last year. When we got hit in snowmen, that counted as a hit. There was no free protection hit.
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the year before they did
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to be fair you need to get the stun otherwise they're useless which imo they are
not as strong as the killer insta deleting a pallet
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Wouldn't be a party game without all these gimmicks.
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It does seem like they can't change the actual game mechanics at all without the community going into a frenzy. You're not forced to play the game mode.
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the events aren't meant to be balanced. they're meant to be crazy and outside the gameplay loop of dbd.
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not as strong as pallet-saving survivors infinitely.
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Agreed. Although BL 1 into exposed wasn't that great either. It basically encouraged killers to walk behind a survivor until they had BL 1 even, if they could get the hit before that.
I think what we have now is mostly alright and even showcases how big of an impact things like injured noises and the time to hook survivors actually have.
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I know they did the year before, but last year they removed that meaning it’s no longer an issue. Thats why I corrected it.
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So no fun? 😅
Every day we see this game is X sided threads. People can't even agree how well balanced (or unbalanced) the regular game mode is.
I'd much rather BHVR go nuts with the goofy ass mechanics and accidentally go too far one way or the other rather than just play it safe because they're scared it's too X sided this time
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yeah gl w/ this in solo queue
not gonna look at this in a vacuum where 1 in 50 games you come across a bullying swf doing this