Toxic Players


I’m a survivor main (started as a killer main) and have been playing for about 4 months. I know not that long. But when I first started I fell head over heels for this game. It’s been so much fun, I even joined twitch and started watching twitch streams (something I never thought I would do). I’m not a heavy gamer, but this game has actually got me really into gaming and the gaming community. But here this past few weeks all I have been seeing is nothing but toxic players. Idk if it’s because of the events going on or what. But is anyone else having this problem? In the whole time I’ve been playing I’ve never had to DC out of matches, but here the past couple weeks I’ve had to leave a lot of matches because I just can’t stand to mess with it anymore. Don’t get me wrong I’ve had some pretty fun and normal matches. But the bad is outweighing the good. I was used to having a few here and there but it’s like it’s been kicked up 20 notches. Killers tunneling, camping and slugging, even at 5 gens. Survivors sandbagging, hiding the entire match, helping the killers take out teammates. Idk maybe I’m just having bad luck with match making, anyone else seeing this too?


  • spirit72
    spirit72 Member Posts: 227

    Welcome to DBD! It's not you. Online gaming in general is a toxic thing, it's just that DBD is particularly toxic, always has been, and has in fact got worse over the past few months.

    Your average 'Solo Q' Survivor has all the mentality of a bowl of Grape Nuts. No Milk. No Sugar. Just plain old Grape Nuts. So if you play Solo Q, my advice is to build for stealth and play that way, helping your 'teammates'(LOL)where you can, where it works for your game, and where they'll actually sit still for long enough to let you heal them up.

    All I can say about Killers is that far more than previously, the majority of them are just flat-out going for 'low-hanging fruit'. Camp, Tunnel, Slug. And they'll write novels about how they are left absolutely no choice but to do so, but the simple fact is that all three of these things are choices, 100% of the time. A Killer can't control whether a SWF Flashlight Militia comes in to abuse the Killer and abuse the game. But they can control how they choose to react.

    So, yeah. Welcome :)

  • Afandy
    Afandy Member Posts: 5

    It's just BHVR. They don't consider tunneling/camping/body blocking as toxic behaviour and even support it (just check some perks). Also match-making is very broken last year+ and you with your 200 hours can get 2000+hours killer or vise versa

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,205

    If you can't laugh it off, you'll have trouble.

    These tactics are completely fine.

    The only tactic that's considered wrong is to block somebody "forever".

    Sandbagging another survivor is usually clumsiness. If it's clearly on purpose it's reportable (with video).

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 1,947

    If you play killer for long enough, you will encounter so many SWF bully squads with flashlights and sabo builds, that you grow tired and start playing just to make survivors feel miserable. If you play soloQ survivor for long enough, you will eventually get fed up with killers who let their steam out on you after being destroyed by SWF. Only as SWF you can actually enjoy the game as the apex predator of it. And the devs are only making the issue worse by buffing SWFs, like they did in the recent patch with sabo builds, so this is probably the reason of increased toxicity for the last few weeks.

  • Coz
    Coz Member Posts: 57
    edited June 16

    Keep the faith friend. Dont let it wear you down. There are still a lot of us out there that play nice. I avoid playing toxic at all costs and firmly believe what goes around, comes around. One day I’ll find you in the fog and you can use that altruistic optimism to save my ass :)

  • BbQz
    BbQz Member Posts: 81

    See this guy has got it in one. It's not serious if your playing survivor and the team or killer isn't playing in a fair or fun away just find a hook and move on. There are more fish in the sea and your time and fun shouldn't be absent or wasted from a video game your not enjoying.