Unknown's UVX should explode on direct hits
Or there should at least be an addon to do that. The biggest point of frustration with this killer right now is that his direct hits are completely unrewarding and all they do is apply a measly 6% hindered for 3 seconds. I know everyone who played this killer had that moment(probably a lot of those moments) when you hear the sound of your projectile hitting a survivor from a large distance and yet the survivor doesn't get damaged because they weren't hit by the explosion. For me personally, it's probably the biggest reason I'm barely playing this killer since shortly after the release. It also completely stops The Unknown from being able to hit survivors point blank unless there's an object you can bounce your projectile from. The only possible benefit from direct hits piercing survivors without exploding is countering bodyblocks which is nice but slightly niche.
There are also possible changes to make this killer feel better such as making his power cooldown a bit shorter or increase the time it takes to get rid of weakened but I think making direct hits explode on survivors would be the best one and will remove a lot of frustration from playing this killer.
Would definitely like an add on for that. My instincts keep trying to tell me to hit them directly instead of the dirt.
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The hindered makes no sense to have. It just feels like a filler kinda thing, why am I not awarded, especially for hitting it directly at them which can be harder? The hindered is also very bad and barely does anything. I think what you're saying should be base kit.
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I think that could be a good addon but basekit I enjoy the use and skill expression of how it is right now. Like if a survivor is bodyblocking you can shoot infront of them to hit them both!
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The thing with that is that it would remove the counterplay of going close to the Unknown in order for the projectile to bounce off of the survivor and not explode onto them. The lack of reward for direct hits encourages using Unknown’s unique attribute of having to bounce the projectile off a wall in order to damage the survivor.
You can sometimes counteract the counterplay by bouncing the UVX projectile to the closest wall of the survivor to explode it, but there are many scenarios where you just have to M1 as Unknown.
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I'd say he doesn't need guaranteed counterplay of just running into him considering that he already has to hit survivors twice to get a health state and has a pretty short window to be able to actually apply damage without weakened wearing off.
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This just makes unknown huntress with an extra step. Boring.
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tinfoil hat theory:
Maybe hindered was meant to be a status effect for his weaken state where if a survivor does not look at the killer when weakened, they are hindered. Due to oppressive nature of needing to look behind as survivor, the dev nerfed Unknown leaving the mechanic as filler.
I don't understand why he has weakened as mechanic right now. This only nerf his power. They could just remove weakened as mechanic and he would be stronger.