There should be an option to block at least 1 Killer from the roster.

With all the new killers in the game, I think there should be an option to block OR decrease the chance of facing at least 1 killer ( Skull Merchant. ) I also think we should have a system where you cannot face the killer 2 times in a row. It's so stale seeing the same killers over and over again. It's almost always, Wesker, Legion or Blight. At least those are my top 3 I see every single game when I play survivor.
I also want to be able to block a killer from ever being in a game with me, like Skull Merchant, because I refuse to play against her, no matter what. Idc what rework she had, she's still boring asf to play against. Most of them still 3 gen and my games last more than 20 mins just for everyone to die in the end. It's so freaking boring It's insane. I'd much rather face back to back Nurse players all day, because at least she's fun to play against and feels rewarding when you dodge a blink. Can't say the same about Skull Merchant.
Sadly it probably won't end as you expect. Even if you can't face the same killer twice in a row (which would jack up wait times) it would still end up being something like blight Wesker billy Wesker blight Billy Wesker etc.
We're going to ignore the part of you throwing a tantrum against a specific killer.
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Ill have that boi clown permanently block. Shout out TS Myers... he definitely a contender as well
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One killer would not be enough. The number of annoying killers is astonishing at the moment. You have Legion, Doctor, SM, Clown, Knight, Twins, Huntress, Trapper at the bare minimum of requiring the block.
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If you're finding this many killers annoying, you might not actually enjoy the game at all.
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This is basically what I'm getting at
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I literally just wanna block Skull Merchant. Most idiotic killer in all of DBD
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Nice strawman attempt, but no.
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I see this terrible "gotcha" from killer mains all the time unfortunately. I'm glad you called it for what it is.
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I play plenty of survivor. I just think it's weird some of you guys hate practically every aspect of this game and haven't decided to stop wasting your time with a game you clearly aren't enjoying.
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this is not true. many people enjoy playing this game but BHVR has a tendency to implement killers who are not fun to go against. and have been prone to doing this for a while. just because people don’t like a bunch of killers doesn’t mean they don’t like the game, at all. i’ve seen you say this in response to many people too. people have opinions that differ to yours. if you enjoy playing against all the killers, congrats. but that doesn’t mean everybody else should, too.
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If you're finding practically every killer of the game unfun, you don't enjoy the game.
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”practically every killer” and it’s the 5 most boring killers to play against. sure bud. you know it all i guess.
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Disliking boring "gameplay" on specific killers doesn't automatically mean the rest of the game isn't worth it.
I would advise not throwing out the baby with the bathwater...
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This ain't league of legends
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LMAO u ate icl
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We're both know it's not just 5 killers
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If they did that Skull Merchants would struggle to find lobbies lol.
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like i said, you know it all don’t ya ;)
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Good. Maybe they should just delete the killer and refund any BP spent on her. She's a waste of dev time, survivor's time, a killer slot, literally just waste all around.
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I don't think "blocking" killers is a good idea, however repeat killer prevention would be nice
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Willing to refund me nearly 250,000,000 of the BP ive spent on her? :3
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Absolutely. I'll also continue to keep DCing, or throwing myself at her. Slug me all you want too. I'm on a PC. I have other stuff to occupy my time rather than playing against that filth.
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Have fun playing with bots and winning all your game cuz nobody wants to play against you :3
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Absolutely. I hope they do if that means getting rid of that stupid killer once and for all.
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There should be an option to block SWF
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How a system like this would work with MMR? And if you can't get a killer you like at your level then you would accept face a much more experienced killer?
In the end this would only boost the pick rate of the top and strongest killers of the game.
I think if you are playing survivor you need to understand that you might go against any of the killers of this game, from Hag and Twins to Wesker and Billy
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Why does a character in a video game agitate you this much? It's not hard to just play the game, or at worst try and make your own fun by your own playstyles.
Anyway, skull merchant jumpscare.
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You either block Infinity T3 Myers, or TS Myers.
Or the best killer in the game Scratch mirror Myers.
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My guess is that it's not necessarily the killers themselves but the kinds of tactics that are used or the attraction of certain playstyles that certain killers bring about. Stereotypes. Like camping bubbas, 3 gen SM, blendettes, neas with pink hair. It's not so much who you use it's how you use them, and sometimes people use them in the same way so often that people stop seperating the tactic/playstyle from the character.
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I agree
Instantly DC's on sight
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… You literally described why this system shouldn't be a thing.
If SM is a problem, it's up to Devs to fix it, just like the old Legion.
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The only thing that shouldn't exist is SM. I'd rather see the devs just delete her than try fixing her.
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sscratch mirror myers is literally HIM. Rarely see them tho! probably because they don't wanna auto lose 🤣 god bless them
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Its more on the rarity of the addon. I wish Scratch mirror is Brown addon. I would only play Scratch mirror.
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It's only fair if we add a capability to avoid SWF, ban any items or perks from killer perspective up to 1 or 2
Imagine banning exponential while using slugging build, that'd be fun
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I don't understand why it need to be a purple. Vanity the only mirror i would use anyway. At least I can play on way more maps and gain bloodlust with my wall hacks. Do u watch a streamer name Boooyaaaaa? he actually demonic with scratch mirror
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Let's be honest, we'd all just block Skull Merchant. That's why they'd never do it lol
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I was literally going to say this.. It's understandable to have a few I'd imagine, but yeah this sounds like you're not enjoying the game at all..
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What about the opposite ?
You can choose like 1-3 killers to favor (the MMR will try to match you with these killers) meaning the Blight lovers can play with them and i can take the everhated Xenomorph or PH from everyone.
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That's not really true. I have more survivors DC when I play Artist than Skull merchant. I can get more survivors to DC even as Legion.
Skully is quite easy to beat unless you struggle with stealth killers in general.
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I am not sure I would want to play weak killers, when I know, players I am going to play against want to play against me.
You have perks that can hard counter some killer powers, so feature that will make you more likely to play against the specific killer could be heavily abused.
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Lol, imagine if you could ban specific item.
Wraith and Oni would be way more fun, if I could ban medkits.
No need for lightborn, just ban flashlights :D
I simply don't think any ban system has place in DBD unless they want to bring some ranked mode, which I doubt.
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Yeah, true, im seeing this with the fun glasses, but people would just abuse it to bully/gain an advantage. Sad reality...
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Yeah, I always think about how to abuse, or break features. Just a work habit...
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I am always baffled when people hate going against Skull Merchant but have no problem with Nurse. Like gurl, you can use pallets and windows against a SM, people can even body block for you. Against a Nurse, forget pallets and windows, you have no defense. Dodging a good Nurse's blinks is also close to impossible unless your ping is below 40 and you have a high frame rate. If she misses with 1 blink, there's the 2nd blink crutch. And even if she doesn't quite land the 2nd blink, her green lunge-extending addon makes sure you don't make it alive. Also she's pretty good at bypassing anyone who is trying to body block for you.
Skull Merchant is a saint compared to Nurse, in my opinion.
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They're not going to implement a system that increases queue times for killers for nothing but survivor enjoyment. Only survivors get any benefit from this and people that happen to enjoy the hated killer of the week are punished.
Listen: killer players are not here to facilitate your gameplay or enjoyment. When you play vs a no good bad skill merchant there's someone behind that screen trying to play the game, very likely without malice. They're just trying to have fun like you are. They are people, just like you are. So grow a little empathy and think about dropping the entitlement.