Finish the sentence

We’re dead by daylight players of course we’re gonna…
complain about swf's but then also play in swf's and also cry and complain about everything else also
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buy cosmetics that cost 3x the price of a DLC.
4 -
Cleanse Haunted Ground while someone is in chase.
If it glows, it goes!
8 -
meme or die trying :)
2 -
complain about the other side
Post edited by Shroompy on10 -
accuse our opponents of cheating regardless of whether they actually did or not.
7 -
just played killer and 4k with no skill and gained tons of bp. Yup take sides.
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grow increasingly obsessed with crows and birds in general
…what, that didn't happen to you?
2 -
See cheaters every game.
1 -
… have an unbiased and rational discussion about such or such aspect of the game.
/S 🤔
4 -
Immediately DC at the offering screen during the event if the Killer brings a Mori Offering.
1 -
Remember fondly the good old days.
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try to boop the snoot, but get a party hat and a hook because that's an outdated meta action.
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think wasting the oppositions time is warranted (bleedout/exit gate t-bag), but calling me names goes too far!
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… truly love the game, and as much as we say we hate it or dislike some of the developers' decisions, we all just want what's best for the game.
5 -
So wholesome
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Cry about things that are broken on one side, but defend their op things to the death.
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get upset with the pedestrian walking across the street waving at us. Toxic.
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Buy pallets at home Depot
3 -
2 -
Pretend we are hooking a survivor when we hang our towels
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Accidentally do the same little motions our Mains do in real life - seriously why do I keep grabbing towels like I'm unhooking then running away with them, making the Onryo and Pinhead hand motions, sliding around corners like I'm lean-stalking, and examine kitchen knives like I'm Michael Myers?
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stack every advantage we can while complaining when the other side does the same
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leave the match if there are less than 3 anniversary cakes
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bro said bp.
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Leave the game freely while only my side has access to said ability and then vehemently defend it even though I have 7000 hours in the game and should know far better than that, then go on to complain about that fact that I have to face a penalty if I can't wait all of 60 seconds to get the slap on the wrist free version of leaving the game.
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Jam out to Legion's chase music.
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… keep complaining and gaming.
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say "comp cheater filters" for funsies lol.
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Buy a new character just for their perks
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I love the last one, I'm gunna start using that lol. Bro are you even loooooooooong MMR?
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In that case it's because you went against survivors that were much worse than you.
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Complained about losing even tho it our own fault.