The Inevitable Nerfing of Weave Attunement



  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    You aren't seeing the bigger picture here. First of all, you are drastically understating how powerful the information is on this perk. "only info"? So if all players could at all time see each other's aura then that wouldn't be a problem huh? Information is extremely powerful.

    But the bigger picture is that this perk makes Franklin's a meta perk and that isn't a healthy place for the game to be in. If there is a really high chance in any given game that a survivor knows they are going to lose their items or that the killer has infinite wallhacks on half the map then that will increase the chances of that survivor just not wanting to play survivor anymore. It's not fun knowing that all those items you spent so much time and effort getting on the bloodweb are not only not worth bringing into a match but will be an active detriment to you. It is not good for the longevity of the game.

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 270

    It's not like Franklins is a bad perk.

    Bring this combo against a lobby full of medkits and it'll get you a lot of value.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 2,024

    I think that Twins also have an add-on like that.

    Anyway, the perk is fine, imo.

  • WingerSenpai
    WingerSenpai Member Posts: 51

    Play against it and you shall see. I think if you only play one side your opinion on the matter is basically invalid, since you don't know how the other side works. Thank you.

    And may I add how the devs don't play their game where balancing usually feels misguided, and in some case actually pointless?

    And while I'm at it let me reverse the question: Do you wish to play against 4 hardcore genrushers every single game who loop you for eternity?

    It's not that nerf requests are requested more and more just for the heck of it. It's most of the time a balance or mechanic issue that isn't addressed properly in the first place or the decision they made on the matter was from another time where it worked, but they didn't revert it or addressed it since (looking at ds & tunneling where DS was kept 3 seconds when tunneling and camping became insanely relevant just to say one, or COH and the entirety of healing getting nerfed [12 sec —> 16 sec heals & COH 100% eff. SC basically, to 75%, later 50% then only heal speed boosting, and also gutting medkits basically making them weak [you can't get 2 heals without perks or with luck + add-ons]).

    The only part that bugs me about this is about someone dropping the item by their own decision. Franklin's doesn't work on it, so why does WA do tho? Also most lobbies usually run 4 items (but 2 as a minimum I've seen recently) now, the perk has a 12 meter radius, gives 30 second oblivious on pickup (if I'm not mistaken). Let's compare it to it's counterpart basically which is Wiretap basically.

    Wiretap has a 14 meter range, 120 second duration, gives a minimal info on undetectable killers (if they kick the associated generator) and has a prerequesite of half a generator being complete before applying it to any generator that has even a sliver of progression. The perk is deactivated if it's timer is up, or the killer damages the generator.

    Let's compare this to WA.

    The aura reading zone is very big (by area, the radius doesn't sound terrible until you do the math) it can last the whole game, it can be countered only 3 ways: Bring a perk against it (Distortion, Shadow step or Off the Record) where neither of them helps too much in the situation, Bring Object of Obsession to constantly have a staring contest against each other, or put items in a useless corner.

    In my opinion it's slightly overtuned because of the fact that it has 2 effects that are pretty valuable. Counteractable even if only slightly, but still. I would reduce it's radius by 2 or 4 meters at max, and chip a bit away from the oblivious effect, or something has to be done with Franklin's. But this needs to be addressed too sooner or later just like the 3-gen hostage meta was. Or the Bully Squads, or the "Ruin single handedly stalling games for a decade" time was addressed.

    They are not useless, as in fact as a person who prefers survivor I know all perks effects, and let me tell you a good 15-20% of the perks is only that bad that they need some stitching, others are as you mentioned, are more situational, however all of them can be used to gather value one way or another. (Some perks of the stiching category: Premonition, This is Not Happening, Borrowed Time [not entirely useless just an enhance I think more than a perk now], Up the Ante [Too situational, and an abysmal effect that is Luck], Chest perks all together for looting gets less and less relevant besides tomes usually, or you open chests without them [Plunderer's, Ace in the Hole, Apprasial mainly], etc.). On killer side there are a couple of these too. The perks wouldn't be bad, they are just old and need a little fine tuning, or synergies built into the perks themselves.

    You may never know when flashbang squads or residual manifest gangs start being meta :D . And just as a side note Lightborne is not neccessary either, because most of the times the blind will barely matter, or you look into a wall anyways.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Play with it and you shall see. I think if you only play one side your opinion on the matter is basically invalid, since you don't know how the other side works. Thank you.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    not really, no.

    Most perks on either side are not worth bringing

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Perks that give you meaningful and consistent value.

    I could win with any perk set-up on Killer, that doesn't mean those perks are good

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664
  • nicko_wit_ninja
    nicko_wit_ninja Member Posts: 11

    I am the best twins main out there. I use my add on "spinning top" to apply weave attunement. It is awesome. Good. Fun. Viable. I do NOT believe it needs nerfed. A perk like this needed in dbd. It isn't slowdown. It's info n for most they need to run another perk slot w franklins to really even git value. You are tripping. You must LIKE 4 gen slowdown builds. You don't know power. Do come watch my channel. I now use weave attunement in my main build now n yes because it's good n twins actually have a easier way of applying w out using up another perk slot. So what if it's tough? ######### do you ppl always Wana nerf killers in the killer* game? How about how EASY it is to run distortion? Gives ya Info that the killer is running. Solution? Pick the item up n yes take it elsewhere. Ya made the choice to bring in items even tho they can be abused n def unfair, ya dont care. You only care that smacking off items for a STATIONARY aura read is too much? Survivors HAVE INFO IMMEDIATELY. Honestly at this point if ya ain't Surviviving any games you are simply not talented at the game. If you see a twins with better a corner cause vics pounce is smacking that item off n get well for a deerstalker 2.0....don't hate....get better

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2024

    Yes. And since you get a lot of value out of this perk combo against medkits, that means it's a good perk combo against medkits. That's how it works.

    Isn't it fun to be rude and condescending to people for no reason?

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Where did Steve picture go? Since when you become Daddy Myers?

  • aeonskul
    aeonskul Member Posts: 35

    Oh hey, finally, survivors got what they've been asking for for years. A secondary objective. Good on ya BHVR, you're finally listening to the fans and giving everyone a bunch of stuff that's been requested for ages.

  • aeonskul
    aeonskul Member Posts: 35

    Because all the formerly best perks got dumpstered in the last patch and the new chapter brought something the is fun and unique that people are trying out. When Dracula comes out, you'll likely see it used less as people scramble to make something of the new perks.

  • aeonskul
    aeonskul Member Posts: 35

    There is nothing constructive about taking things away. That is inherently destructive. If you wanted constructive, it would be better to talk about what things we can add to the game to bring up the quality of perk variety instead of making sure there are only 2-3 must have perks. Attacking what actually works is in no way constructive when you leave everything that doesn't work in ruins.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 207

    Counterplay is OoO.

    I played a match with it where two of the survivors had it, and suddenly Weave Attunement was more of a liability than a benefit.

  • mangomilkshake
    mangomilkshake Member Posts: 43

    And they can and should be moved by survivors. Pretty insane.

  • mangomilkshake
    mangomilkshake Member Posts: 43

    And this is why Weave Attunement is necessary. You get free items, you should pay the price for them.

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 270

    He did agree with me, though.

    The build gives value against medkits.

    We're not actually disagreeing.

    The thing is he's being disingenuous in his reply.

    He said: "If a Killer sacrificing half of their perks for aura reading that can be almost completely negated"

    So I pointed out that he was kind of downplaying the fact Franklins is a pretty decent perk and the build is very strong in general against medkits.

    And then instead of acknowledging that or giving a counter argument, he tried to play it off like he didn't just say that the build is useless.

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2024

    Which is exactly my problem with Franklins/Weave.

    Not that it's overpowered, that they are obnoxious, badly designed perks which grow in strength based on how little communication and game experience survivors have and should likely be changed for that reason alone. Anything which disproportionately preys on less skilled or solo queue survivors is not a good design since killer doesn't really need any extra help against those people.

    Franklins kind of needs to stay the way it is because it's consuming the design space for a perk which forces survivors to drop their items, but in my opinion it's a lot like Knock Out in that it's an unhealthy, mean-spirited perk at its core and they should try to avoid making other perks which synergize with it.

    That being said, even against a SWF with good communication, bringing this combo causes slowdown in the form of forcing them to run to the edges of the map to dispose of their items and it still does the job of denying medkits and flashlights or just making them extremely inconvenient and risky to use.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Sure, but I don't believe that's a reason for nerf. Because it's going to be simply useless, if you nerf it in any way.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    I disagree. There is a world in which Weave is useful but not overpowered. If the perk stated that "when an item is dropped you could see the aura of survivors within 12m radius for the next 2 minutes" for example, I think it would still be quite useful but it wouldn't lead to the dominate situations we find ourselves in now where one or two items are providing disgusting amounts of information for the entire match. If someone else has a better suggestion then I'd like to hear it.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    I make no claims to being a great player. But I can recognize a balance issue when I see it. I'm not even going to make the argument that this is necessarily an issue at the highest levels of MMR or competitive DBD. What I am saying is that for a large portion of the player base it is an issue. It isn't healthy for the game for the best strategy to be "don't bring items, don't take items from chests, and if you see an item on the ground drag it to the corner of the map and drop it off".

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 879

    People constantly say stuff along the lines of "Distortion has almost no counter" or "You need a full aura build to counter Distortion!" (which is nonsense, Gearhead alone absolutely vaporizes Distortion and any single aura perk is enough if used by a stealth Killer) but the moment a perk shows up that isn't overpowered yet is a hard-counter to Distortion then people lose their mind and call for nerfs even though several meta perks were just severely nerfed, some of them into uselessness, even though gen slowdown was recently given a hard-limit which is easily reachable if using certain perks or facing good enough Survivors (or smart Survivors that harass a specific gen and pre-run to prompt the Killer to waste their regression events).

    Like, I get the hate Franklin's get, it's obnoxious even though it's not exactly meta. What Weave Attunement did was make it more than a one-time use perk since dropped items continue to give value after the initial M1, which makes an incredibly obnoxious but fairly weak perk actually viable.

    Quite frankly it's pretty obvious Weave Attunement is getting gutted at some point, too many people are calling for it's nerf/removal, my guess is that only empty items will give aura which will shatter the synergy between the perk and all add-ons (and other perks) that can force Survivors to drop items.

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 348

    Just stop already. The survivor salt is getting annoying as hell. It's a niche 2 perk combo. And i'll be the people angriest about this are flashlight users who wanted to bully the killer

  • DrHyk
    DrHyk Member Posts: 101
    edited June 2024

    Okay, but does that mean Background player flashbang can get nerfed too then?

    How about prove thyself and friendly competition?

    What about hyperfocus and Stake out?

    Pain res and Pop have been a prominent combo since Pain res was released, there are much worse combos to have and the constant spam of items is nice to have something to go against it. I've faced it as survivor but I've run Object for years, all it does is help me. My only complaint about the perk is more killers need to run it so I can have more wall hacks with object

  • JeanGreyarea
    JeanGreyarea Member Posts: 498

    yeah I agree with you but people like that will pull out the “I play at high mmr” card to ignore what you said. He kind of already did that

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    To all survivors: Let us all use Object of Obsession, take an item with us, drop it next to the Gen we work on and get a free 6% speed boost.

  • AnxiousGummy
    AnxiousGummy Member Posts: 123

    They should just do it to where it only provides aura reading if the dropped items have any charges left in them. In this way, if it's paired with Franklin's, it'll only show surv's auras while the dropped item is depleting charges and once their gone, WA won't work for that item. However, WA can provide more value in the cases where surv's don't fully use up the charges on an item and then leave it on the ground or if they swap one item out for another they find in a chest, etc.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,328

    Maybe I just need to use it myself, but I really don't see how the perk could be that strong. You get 30 seconds of Oblivious, and aura reading for the killer which you can counter. Use up your toolbox/medkit, or drop it in a safe spot for later use, just like you would against Franklin's. And really, survivors don't need items to do well in the match. It may mess up someone's instaheal or toolbox build, but again you don't need those things to win. Just because you can't handle losing an item doesn't mean that everyone else can't. Items are to be used, not collected.

    And oftentimes I see so many people not bringing any items into the match. Why? To deny yourself a free advantage? You can't complain about losing all the time... and then say that you're gonna chest search for an item.

    But I don't think Weave Attunement is gonna make or break anyone's game. It's aura reading for killer, and that always gets bombarded with emotional/casual tales of how the killer using their eyes is OP, but I really don't think this is worth a nerf. Even with many perk ideas exhausted over the years, I'm sure something much stronger is just around the corner. If not? You wanted a killer meta switch-up, so you got it. That is, if you actually believe this perk is OP.

  • Shaddoll_Serpent
    Shaddoll_Serpent Member Posts: 178

    Honestly, I don't think this perk's overpowered at all and doesn't really need a nerf, but I will say, it's incredibly unfun and annoying so I wouldn't really be opposed to it getting nerfed either way, especially because I hate Franklin's. Kind of the same reason I want Distortion nerfed honestly as I consider perks whose sole purpose is hard countering perks/items that aren't even that good and primarily used for fun unhealthy.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,746

    Yes, i also think this perk or this combo is really a bit too strong.

    Just played against some killers who have it and boy… no chance - it is like they constantly see you.

  • revna
    revna Member Posts: 22

    Wild concept and I'm not even trolling but…. instead of slamming gens maybe pick up the item that is clearly on the ground and move it to a corner. Teams are doing it and…. it works.

    Clearly they are trying to break the hive minded mentality of injecting a different way of approaching the game. The only maps that weave attunement even remotely becomes broken is on midwich and game which you're getting information on multiple floors at that point. Bigger maps like swamp and borgo you get even less info to the point that it's almost pointless.

    TLDR it's not broken embrace a new mentality and just move the items if you see them on the ground in high value information areas.

  • FalseBanGamer
    FalseBanGamer Member Posts: 9

    survivors when there is fun perk for them : 😃
    survivors when there is fun perk for killer : 😡

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580

    This perk doesn't need a nerf.

    What it does need is to show Survs the aura of the dropped item in white. That's it. That is ALL it needs.

    It's not that strong a perk, let Killers have things guys. Would you really rather have MORE gen control? What is with the complaining about aura read these days? Why do we have to cry "nerf" for every single perk Killers have? Not every single Killer is Blight and Nurse.