Survivors are so bad now??? What happened
I’ve had the worst teammates the last week and have played against even worse survivors as killer. People actually used to be good or even decent at this game but Jesus dude… it’s almost unplayable with some of you guys
There was a time where majority of players were at least decent?
I think everyone was simply equally bad.
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nah. People used to split more than 2 brain cells between the four of them. It really does feel like I’m playing low tier bots all the time now. It’s not even fun
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I'm trying my best 😭
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Don't worry, I'm sure BHVR will solve the problem by buffing Killers again in the next patch.
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This and they will cry about it as well.
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There’s no reason for good solo Survivors to play. Killers will chase you for like 30 seconds and then drop chase to go tunnel someone else out. Then you’ll get slugged for the 4K. So your reward for putting effort into learning Survivor is to sit on gens and lay on the ground doing nothing…? I’d rather go play anything else.
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I think people have become way too dependent on perks, and because of this skill has suffered. Survivors rely way too heavily on exhaustion perks or second chance perks and killers rely way too heavily on slow down and aura reading. If you asked people to play without any of those I think the games would be very telling.
They should be used as tools for sure, but people don’t use them as tools they use them as crutches.7 -
There's simply more killers to play against now than back then. Survivors need to learn to play against all of them, with their powers or anti-loop etc. I imagine newer players would struggle, especially with killers you don't see alot of. Like, imagine a 200 hour survivor against a 200 hour Hag main. The survivor may have only seen a Hag a few times by that point and still struggles whereas the killer would have had a firm grasp of the Hag by then and know how to play efficiently against survivors.
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I''ve been saying the same thing, It's gotten so bad, I switched to playing killer most of my games, and absolutely DESTROYING everyone smh
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This is literally me. Sure I got almost 4k hours in the game, but I only see a select few killers every game. Hag? I probably went against her in maybe 20 games out of like 2500 vs my 2000 Wesker games
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There is literally a higher player count that normally since its the anniversary. So you gonna likely get some ppl that havent touched dbd in awhile and are playing for the event.
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It's not like good players are incentivized as no one wants to be facing good opponents and it leads to nerfs anyway.
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I know it's not everyone's view but the new killers are just not as fun to run against as well. It's pushed me away from playing it.
I like facing like half the killers but when im on killer i can ignore them
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It may not be the same reason but I feel like it’s rooted in a similar cause. It just doesn’t matter if certain things are balanced when it’s unfun. Like, I know tunneling and slugging for the 4K are totally valid. They’re in the game and don’t break any rules. That doesn’t mean that the gameplay loop it creates is suddenly fun.
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60% target kill rate happened.
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honestly if your new to the game you could potentially go hundreds of hours only facing certain killers like once or twice and that doesn’t exactly make it easy to learn counterplay
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Did you know in old times killers were in much worse spot, yet somehow freddy had like 70% kill rates or more
Games be like that
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The bad survivors come out for the anniversary.
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With the amount of quitters in this game, 60% overall is pretty even.
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It certainly seems that way! Been getting absolutely liabilities as teammates lately.
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The current survivor base rather quit playing when things don't go their way than try to learn from their mistakes.
Yes now. Survivors had more skill and willingness to play through bad situations prior to dbd going cross platform.
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Same lol Hag and Twins make me feel like a novice
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Killer is laughably easy at the moment. I always get a good laugh out of the resident killer mains on this forum trying to gaslight people into thinking killer is difficult in pub matches. I played killer back in the days of old old haddonfield and old old dead hard. The game was actually sort of challenging then. This current state of game balance is an absolute joke.
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It's way higher than 60% though. They intentionally cherry pick statistics and don't include games where people disconnect.
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Why should they include games where people disconnect?
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I 100% believe this is the reason and honestly? It saddens me a lot that skill doesn't seem to matter when you can just slop on perks to do it for you. I'm not even an older player, I am really new at 1000~ hours, but I want to actually see my skill carry me. Not my perks. I hate that people just put on perks to deny a bunch of my skill, and then get to act like they're super good now.
But all they did is boost themselves by throwing on perks.
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Personally, I play survivor to tick off the surv specific challenges asap and that's that. Based on how the vast majority of matches goes I think most SoloQ people I get matched with are the same. No one gives a damn if it's 4k5 if you got to do what you needed to (well, and if you got a challenge that requires you to finish a gen or two then you can get those in as well if you want to).
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Well, I mean reworks like Billy don't exactly help the skill expression in this game. - Don't get me wrong; Billy needed a rework but the way he's now it kinda doesn't matter whhich tiles you have; either they are long enough for him to chainsaw you right away or short enough to make everything a 50:50. "Wiggle, crouch and hope for the best" also doesn't really qualify as viable skill expression in my opinion. Both map reworks and killer reworks seem to point in that general direction: everything gotta be short and a coinflip is the standard.
The stuff that does help you come out on top with all those coinflips are the perks (and for killers add-ons).
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I agree maybe Billy is a bit overtuned now and could use some slight tweaks to make him more skillful to play as.
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What's happened is they never improved, and just got killers nerfed for years on end, and it's still not enough so that they can escape. So killer got significantly weaker over time, and their players (whoever didn't leave the game) improved that much more to compensate, and the survivors just stayed stagnant and can't loop or do gens.
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To answer why it should count:
Because those are still matches. Those are games people que into. Even if someone leaves that means they felt the match was over and cost it more for their teammates. Its a team game. So if someone of your team decides to quit and its a detriment. Then it should count towards it.My opinion on the whole lack of skill / constant killer buffs:
Dont forget that their balance changes have recently been on a string of removing tons of risk elements from killer powers so now there is hardly any risk but tons of rewards. Things that would give survivors time to get to a new pallet or get somewhere safe. Billy, Huntress, Bubba, etc have all recieved buffs to their powers to the point of even missing with a chainsaw you can be reving again almost instantly. And then they are shrinking maps making it easier for the slower killers to traverse. But also means the faster ones can fly across them. There are TONS of ways for killers to now be undetectable (My guess is this is how they want to bring the scare back.) Even look at the recent upcoming changes are heavily sided towards killer. By boosting aura readings for longer and undetectable by longer or cutting down the cooldown of it.5 -
Sadly this is the norm. Its rare to get good team mates in solo.
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This is why we need permanent Chaos Shuffle.
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Survivors don't even wanna try anymore you'll look at the activity hud on the left and not a single person is doing anything no totems no gens absolutely nothing as if they're just admiring scenery. Going down in 2 seconds after dropping every pallet on the map because of WoO and then just self sacrificing on hook. Every killer is boring every map is boring every perk is boring every addon is boring sometimes I wonder why these people even bother playing the game if they despise everything in it to the point where they'll waste hours going from one game to the next self sacrificing on hook until finally they get a match where they can teabag at EGC to get a dopamine hit.
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They are not necessarily bad but there's a tremendous disparity in skill floors between killer and survivor that is very unhealthy for a PvP game. It takes little effort to win as killer while survivor you can have hundreds of hours and still not enough because killer can negate survivor skill either through power, perks, or strategy. There's hardly any skill expression to survivor and what little there is extremely hard to acquire for minimal rewards.
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This x10000000. It's why I stopped playing the game entirely. My reward for succeeding is to get ignored by the killer until everyone else has been farmed out. The killer has no obligation to engage with a good survivor unless everyone in the lobby is good, and that almost never happens in solo queue. They absolutely refuse to tune matchmaking for more competitive solo players. One or two teammates will always go down instantly and get tunneled out if the killer wants to. And it doesn't matter how long you sustain a relatively high escape rate. Matchmaking will not improve. It's not satisfying to have your outcomes more or less determined by matchmaking instead of performance. At least 30% of solo survivor games are 10 minute cutscenes. I'm over it.
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Maybe you exaggerate here bit? I admit many games I win multiple gens remaining on killer quite easily but I then let last 2 survivors fix remaining gens and escape usually. Still some games are hard when you face good survivors.