

The Pig Pen Hangout



  • Member Posts: 2,490
    edited June 2024

    Bro they need someone in sound who ready to cook so they can drop a banger like these fanmade ones for Pig.

    Speaking of Fanmade themes, Who theme should I work on next? I was leaning towards Bubba but i'm taking requests

    Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on
  • Member Posts: 2,490
    edited June 2024

    I feel like if I was a license holder and BHVR nerfed our iconic character I would be on the phone with support the next day like…"nah, you gotta revert those changes you made. They ain't workin out…how much does it cost for a super-sized mondo buff released next patch? I want their kill rates on par with SM"

  • Member Posts: 555

    The time spent developing unnecessary changes to other killers could be going towards killers who have been in desperate need of it for years such as Freddy. Some of their decisions have no logic behind them such as back in January I didn't play the PTB and watched gameplay and was satasfied and I remember talking to @radiantHero23 who agreed with me and all the feedback was positve and they decided to scrap it for the live version. I was looking forward to actually having fun playing her. There was no logic behind this decison. Even the survivors were happy.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Sadako on PTB was completely fine. She was strong with enough coounterplay. I genuinely dont know why they felt the need to nerf her. Its so hilarious how detached they where with the cooldown, that they had to revert it the very next bug fix.

    Funnily enough, she ok right now. Base level, her power is better than OG and more skill based than 2.0.

    Sadly her addons are now complete dog water. Ive got ring drawing and bloody fingernails autolocked.

  • Member Posts: 401

    fr bro!! She’s like one of the three licensed killers (Freddy and Bubs) that don’t have a theme.🤕

    As for your theme, how bout a better theme for Ghostie?

  • Member Posts: 1,542

    Seems it's gotten less likely, as for reasons not appropriate to discuss on these forums, many players are saying that they don't want any more Stranger Things content, and even wanting it to be removed again, this time entirely. "Stranger Things can rot."

  • Member Posts: 3,914
    edited June 2024

    If you look up controversy with Stranger Things actor Noah Schnapp you'll get your answer... though fair warning, it'll likely upset and annoy you, no matter where you opinions lie 😏

    As AGZ said, not really something we'd want to dredge up here on the forums.

  • Member Posts: 3,914

    I would very happily pay good money to get this in the game... it hurts my heart that it isnt... 🥺🥺🥺

  • Member Posts: 401

    We’ve waited this long, hopefully our turn will come. 🎶 🥺

  • Member Posts: 2,490
    edited June 2024

    My classy pig wishes everyone a fabulous day.

    …piggy belly…BREEEE

    Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on
  • Member Posts: 401
    edited June 2024

    Ahhhh my oinker!! You got the celebration outfit!!! 🎊 🎉 🙌🏽 Pig out on all the cakes this annual masquerade with survivors wanting to boop the golden snoot! 🐽 🐷

    I wanna stock up on at least 500 cakes this anniversary for Mandy before getting a few for Sheva, Elodie, and Nea. 🤩✨ Luckily, the games I've had so far makes getting over 250k BP per game easier to get more cakes since everyone is bringing their own cakes as well and are cool with celebrating with Pig! 🐽

    Edit: Pretty sure we all can get 300k+ BP per game with 5 cakes. Didn’t kill anyone, they didn’t gen rush, no camp, no tunneling, no slugging; I believe being active and applying consistent map pressure will grant the most BP gain so idk why there’s so much sweat this event. 😵‍💫

    We all just had fun the second half after I got everyone at 2 hooks (Eliminating everyone would grant more BP, but eh, want everyone to get juicy BP) 🥳🎉🎊 Enjoy the masquerade!

    Post edited by Atsuka_Anarchy on
  • Member Posts: 2,490
    edited June 2024

    Lookin like a fine swine, Hoss. I had a good week and decided to spend a little something on myself and Amanda Panda. She got her fancy bowtie all dressed up. And that golden snoot 🙌. Between the event and D4 season 4 I've been in hog heaven.

  • Member Posts: 555

    To anyone who also plays survivor, do you feel like the killers have been sweatier or at least tunnel more? For me this anniversary is a lot sweatier when playing as survivor but when I play killer it is really fun? I do hope that everyone is not forced off survivor because of it. I also really need to get the Masquerade outfit for Amanda, how could I forget!!!

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    I have honestly not played survivor much… As @Nun_So_Vile already said, we are in hog heaven…

  • Member Posts: 2,490
    edited June 2024

    Well, being an event I expect maximum sweat from both sides. So far all my games have been either slugging at 5 gens, tunneling at 5 gens, teammates killing themselves on hook, and trying to sandbag or sell out our team. I'll finish my challenges on Killer and take a break.

    I've just sort of stopped playing Surv for this event. I will probably play killer like @Atsuka_Anarchy is doing it and spread hooks to maximize BP profits for everyone. Could care less about winning or losing attached as I just want as much BP as possible per match.

    I feel like i've become the older more mellowed, experienced killer that's been there and done it all and now i'm just living on my own terms in my golden years bringing screams and laughs to the fog. Everybody gonna be eatin if i'm in their lobby.

    Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on
  • Member Posts: 2,490
    edited June 2024


    Devs: "Ultimately we want to create an anniversary experience where both sides can have fun and take time to interact with the new anniversary items."

    DBD players: Nah

  • Member Posts: 555

    This is so true. In my experience it is a complete contrast to last years anniversary. I had many fun moments last year. At least we have three weeks left.

  • Member Posts: 2,490
    edited June 2024

    Yeah, still lots of time left. I think the sweat will settle down after the first week.

    Had a resurgance in interest for D4 lately so I have no problems taking some time to grind the season challenges and lvl100 there. Here, have a pic of my minion necromancer.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Guys… I cant wait anymore… Shadow of the Erdtree is just 2 and a half days away….

  • Member Posts: 2,490
    edited June 2024

    If we don't hear from you, I'm sending a wellness check in on you after iit drops bro.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Thx for that... I might need it.

    Got it all planned out already. I'm gonna play through the night when it drops at midnight on the 21st...

    Call me crazy but....

    I waited long enough.

  • Member Posts: 3,914
    edited June 2024

    I am not ready… but I must… to honour the maiden who fought valiantly along side me, my ally on the battlefield and dear friend, who laboured for so long aganst her sickness to reach the base of the Haligtree, only to remove the needle and wither into rot as the person she was, rather than ascend and become a weapon of the Erdtree. In her name I continued on, the quest to return the dignity and the sense of self to the Blade of Miquella, too lost in her resistance of the Scarlot Rot. Our honourable battle returned the pride she forfeited in meeting Radahn's measure, facing the scarlet bloom for the last time to finally be one to prove a match for the Goddess of Rot. It is only fitting to meet her Lord and face him for true dominion of the throne.

    Also an aside:

    It's funny that we called this build being problematic even with the aura nerfs months ago… I now live with anxiety for a random note to appear in the patch notes one day 😩

    EDIT: For ease of reviewing, is standard scream build Pig, Hex: FTD, Ultimate Weapon, yadda yadda.

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • Member Posts: 4,634

    I'm doing a Millicent run right now. I'm at Godfrey. She will become elden lord. We will rewrite the story. She will become the person she always wanted to be.

    Regarding the video....

    I don't want to be that guy but... We told them!

  • Member Posts: 2,658

    ...I just found this thread.

    I have not read any comments.

    This is where 🐖 talk about how to not use stealth and use Distressing, right? Right?

  • Member Posts: 555

    Oh my god, my friend is the same. He has completed the game 5 times in the space of the space of christmas and halfway through Febuary. Each playthrough took him less then 60 hours. We said he needed help. When I say I literally saw him like twice over that period I am not joking (aside from christmas). When I was considering getting it, he told if I actually want to keep the will to live don't get it. I am prepared to not see him for another month.

    I wish you good luck!! And try to leave the house!! My friend has already taken the rest of the week and Monday-Wednesday off for it.

  • Member Posts: 4,634


    We also talk about worship, balancing and other stuff.

    This is the circle of Pig mains.

  • Member Posts: 4,634
    edited June 2024

    I got the game after Christmas. Was my first game that I wanted to play on my new computer besides playing high def. Piggy.

    I have 4 playthroughs at this point with the 5th being almost done. However, I'm mostly playing in evenings for an hour a day because I don't have that much time throughout the day.

    What can I say, the game is just that good. Wish they had a certain women with a Pig mask in it.

    Post edited by radiantHero23 on
  • Member Posts: 2,658

    Max Deviousness points, see?!

    Zero irl heart attacks by survivors!

    That's How you play 🐖

    Aura reading has to go but I'm letting it slide as long as the 🐖 is not jump scaring people.

    @radiantHero23 How the hell did I not know there was a Pig Main thread hidden in off-topic?

    I still haven't read any posts as I'm scared of what I may find...

    I can't function when she's the Killer, it's embarrassing as a P100 Nancy being all scared after 5,115 hours in this game.

    But, that be the effect... the effect of the Pig 🐖

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    We've always been here...

    In secret...


    To scare you!!! 🐽

  • Member Posts: 401

    Ngl, jumpscares do bring back the feeling of DBD in 2016-2018 though. 😅

    Hell, I got 7k hours and running into Mandy or Myers still gives me the jumps. lol And it's difficult to find this place as the Pig Den is isolated off the coast of an abandoned Island that the company visits to give us the slop of changes before retreating off the island. We really tying to stay healthy with the slop given. 🐷 You'll find that we are a wholesome community of Pig enthusiasts looking for ways to allow Pig to venture out into the world and just relax/chill, talk of anything new; strategy-wise of anything of the sort. *oink Welcome to our humble Den. We expect boops as an entry fee, though. So PAY UP!🐽……………………… please? 🐖

  • Member Posts: 4,634
    edited June 2024

    @Nun_So_Vile , @UndeddJester


    (cries in Millicent)

  • Member Posts: 3,914
    edited June 2024

    Excellent! Which ending did you go for? I had a brain fart moment and accidently locked myself into the frenzied flame, as I had to betray and kill my doppelganger for the Millicent Prosthesis… 😭

    Also props for the lore accurate Shamshir. I did my Millicent playthrough with the Hand of Malenia for the Waterfowl, did try to look into weapon art swapping, but couldn't get it to work 😒

    Also, nice tie... as they say... they all count xD

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • Member Posts: 3,914
    edited June 2024

    Edit: Oh! I thought you traded for the kill, I can see that sliver if I zoom right in 😩

  • Member Posts: 4,634
    edited June 2024

    Its done… around 12 attempts later, the fish is cooked….

    I can also beat Radagon hitless now lol…

    Its amazing how good of a boss Radagon is compared to Elden Beast.

    Final thoughts: this run was amazing. I got extremely good at the game and learned a lot while using very little (literally just flame grant me strenght and the shamshir, which is a super good weapon btw.).

    Millicent now sits on her throne. Waiting for the land of Shadow…

  • Member Posts: 3,914
    edited June 2024

    Its done… around 12 attempts later, the fish is cooked….

    // ...

    Millicent now sits on her throne. Waiting for the land of Shadow…

    Ggz! Well played dude! You should buy Malenia's gloves from the crone in the Roundtable to give you a prosthetic arm! I'm curious if you fought her as Millicent, and how it went? 😁

    I got extremely good at the game and learned a lot while using very little (literally just flame grant me strenght and the shamshir, which is a super good weapon btw.).

    Awesome, you're hitting that satisfying point of Mastery. I find I enjoy all Soulsborne games much more on follow up playthroughs than the first playthrough 😁

    I can also beat Radagon hitless now lol…

    Its amazing how good of a boss Radagon is compared to Elden Beast.

    I know exactly what you mean. Radagon has some BS attacks, like that lightning dash is pretty busted, but overall he's a great fight, and the BS can be forgiven as the final fight xD

    Elden Beast though is just cack. I raged so hard when I best Radagon and this annoying cheap fight came up at the end. I was so mad that I lost all will to play for a month... a friend of mine talked me back into finishing it and joined as a summon...

    It was then I took my hatred of this fight and decided to help other people... for all of my characters I get to the end and just throw down my summon sign to help anyone who needs it beat Elden Beast.

    I must have killed it like 100 times now, with like 800 attempts... newbies struggle to survive long enough to kill... 😅

    Now I know Elden Beast like the back of my hand, it's not that bad... I can beat this fight solo almost every time unless I get really cocky... but if he decides to be a stain and refuses to use his normal attack loop, it gets very annoying 😑

    P.S. I also noticed you have Baldachins Blessing on your status effects (the red square with a down arrow). This means you have accepted the Blessing from Fia the Deathbed companion, and it means you've got a 5% health debuff... so you've been playing the game on a mini hard mode 😅

    To get rid of it, use the Baldachins Blessing in your inventory. Should be half way down the first page or so. It's the grey shield thing with a glowing centre:

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • Member Posts: 4,634

    I never noticed that debuff…Thanks!

    I'm pretty good at Malenias first phase. Her attacks are for the most part fairly simple to dodge. Second phase is where I still struggled. I died a bunch of times to the valkyrie-attack. I know how to dodge it, but it always hits me when I'm outpositioned.

    After around 2 hours, I decided to go a bit for lore accuracy and got Finlay. With her I finally was able to get her down, giving her back her dignity. All things considered, I'm not that big of a fan of her fight. It's amazing but waterfowl sometimes feels a bit too punishing. Especially when playing on keyboard and mouse.

    I should really get that arm... For the majority of the run I played as invader Millicent (with the other hair style) that's why I also used flame grant me strength. It kinda makes one look like an invader.

    Then when I had to get her talisman I decided to change my hairstyle. Forgot about the prostethis though.

    I wish one could unlock her specific cosmetic piece in game. That would be awesome.

    Up until now Godfrey was by far my favourite boss. I think this has changed now. Sadly. Although first phase is still one of the best bosses this game has to offer imo, second phase was a bit awful. I went for the safe route and only punished two specific moves. Both of his dash grabs. One hit per move. This resulted in me taking almost no damage whatsoever, but made the phase alone take roughly 17 minutes (he started spamming the ground slam for some reason).

    Radagon was truly amazing. I struggled hard in my previous runs due to not having light roll. The fight is fast, punishing but for the most part really fair. I'm also now addicted to his theme.

    I wished they would have just made his healthbar bigger and let him he the final boss with elden beast being optional. It feels a bit bad to end a such magnificent game on a boss like Elden beast, when Radagon could have been such an amazing end.

    So your like the letmesoloher of elden beast? You got that fish framed on your wall?

    Btw... Its only 12 and a half hours until the dlc... It's almost time!!!

  • Member Posts: 3,914
    edited June 2024

    Hehehe, I love Malenia's fight, mostly cause almost every single attack can be countered.

    When I fought her first time, I used a shield to block Waterfowl whenever she threw it, and I eventually figured out she does it at approximately every 1/3 health loss. I now can roll through it, and usually use some kind of throwable or ranged attack when I get her that low to bait her into using it.

    The Valkyries is a run for your life attack admittedly with the same 1/3rd health logic in phase 2. If you run, the only one to really watch out for is the 4th (i think) Valkyrie cause that one dives right on you... then its just avoiding Malenia herself.

    I actually get quite annoyed at Godfrey myself... but the funny thing is though, the split between Malenia and Godfrey as best fight tends to revolve around what kind of player you are.

    I've got a mate who prefers Godfrey, and I prefer Malenia, and the thing is our builds are always very similar... we both run dex/dodge builds. However I noticed this when we started a Malenia/Radahn duo run...

    The difference between us is he tends to hug close and dive forward into attacks, trying to stay in under the enemy and keep swinging between attacks. I on the other hand prefer to roll away, bait out attacks and counter punch. Kinda like the difference between Joe Frasier and Muhammed Ali.

    As you describe Malenia's waterfowl and Valkyrie attacks punish a go forward style a lot, as you get caught underneath her and eat a lot of near unavoidable hits. For a counter punch playstyle however both these attacks are quite manageable, and fshe gets staggered on a lot of hits, so I can counter hit and break her combos a lot of the time, so it fits me like a glove.

    Conversely Godfrey has his arena wide stomps, with strong fast attacks that keep the pressure on you. For a counter hit playstyle, his dashes up to you coupled with both the ground shatter and arena wide stomps are annoying to deal with, as his fast recovery doesn't give up much time to move back into range of him to land a few hits before another attack comes. In this case hugging close to him and taking odd hits in between his attacks avoids this problem, so keeping under him and punishing him between attacks works far better...

    It's this difference of these 2 fighting styles succeeding to very different degrees on these 2 bosses, on more or less identical builds that is so awesome to me, and why I tend to nerd gush about ER 😅

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Seems like im more like your friend then. Im almost running into enemies when fighting. Thats why I enjoy Radagon so much. Super fast but you can punish almost everything. Fighting him very close is incredibly rewarding due to him using mostly similar melee attacks that are easily dodgeable.

  • Member Posts: 3,914

    Hehehe, are you one of those chads who rolls close to him when he does that triple hammer smash attack? The one that blows up a huge wave actoss floor in front of him and paints the Elden sign on the ground?

    I've seen a few people do that, and I'm just like "nah"... I move to about mid range and dodge through the shock wave xD

    Sounds like playimg with you would be a blast... shame there is no crossplay support 😭

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    @UndeddJester it is time…

  • Member Posts: 2,490
    edited June 2024

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