Don't kill Knight's double chase entirely, please

[NEW] When The Knight is within 8 meters of his guard, the guard’s hunt timer depletes 3x faster.

Removing the "drop a guard at your feet" gameplay will probably work to making him a much healthier killer, requiring him to predict where a Survivor will go to get into a Hunt instead of basically guaranteeing it.

However, this change is extremely overkill. Being able to chase alongside a Guard is probably the most fun part about him, and will still be less effective with the 10m Patrol Path minimum. However, adding this change will potentially make it borderline impossible.

If using Guards in a chase becomes completely ineffective, people are just going to use Guards to patrol gens, and nothing else, which has already been established as extremely boring gameplay.

Also, only adding half of Map of the Realm basekit is a bit weird, please add the whole thing.

Apart from these changes, I think the Knight rework is really good on paper. However, please reconsider implementing this specific one.


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Unfortunately I think double chasing with the guards is unhealthy game play. There isn't skill involved in, I go this way and guard goes that way so you get a lose/lose scenario as survivor.

    The main issue isn't losing that. The main issue is them not buffing him properly to make him viable and fun in the way healthier way they want you to play him.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206

    Corralling survivors into areas where you can get hits is his entire gameplay. Skill isn't exemplified solely by hitting an orbital hatchet; it's expressed through macro gameplay and knowledge as well. Trying to make a survivor mess up enough to get double tapped is a good examples of it

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited June 2024

    Yes macro play is skill just like micro play. However, guard goes this way and I go that way is not macro or skilled game play. There was nothing skillful involved there. Survivor "double taps" aren't realistically a thing against any even remotely competent survivor. Getting double taps regularly means The Knight is facing very low skill/low mmr survivors.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731

    I doubt it will kill double chasing entirely, even when depleting at 3x speed jailers chase time will be 8 seconds, which will be enough to force someone off a loop, but not so long that it's completely brainless to get a hit. I suspect double chases with carnifex and assassain will be bad though. For carnifex that's fine because his job is to break stuff. Assassain being worse than jailer for double chase seems a bit weird to me though. Perhaps a better change would be to make the jailer have a 6x multiplier within 8 meters, carnifex to keep the current 3x and assassin should only have 1.5x. That way chase time within 8 meters is 4 seconds for jailer and carni but 8 for assassin.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    one issue is that double tapping is now nearly impossible because of 8 meter restriction. Sometimes you know guard will hit survivor but guard is too slow so your just waiting for them to hit survivor so you can double hit them. that is one issue with their change.

    another issue with their change is banner change. The chase last longer but Banner time doesn't increase per duration of the hunt. Banners should be scaling off duration of hunt. like 50% of hunt duration.

    The other issue is how AI works vs pallets. AI should be going through pallets but currently, it is not doing that and it making guards extremely useless at getting hits.

    so those are my 3 concerns with their changes.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    "one issue is that double tapping is now nearly impossible because of 8
    meter restriction. Sometimes you know guard will hit survivor but guard
    is too slow so your just waiting for them to hit survivor so you can
    double hit them. that is one issue with their change."

    This is pretty irrelevant imo. You don't get double taps on good survivors. They have to be very bad to actually get these.

    "another issue with their change is banner change. The chase last longer
    but Banner time doesn't increase per duration of the hunt. Banners
    should be scaling off duration of hunt. like 50% of hunt duration. "

    I honestly don't even see why banners exist. If guards were fast enough to get hits then it would make sense as they're a safety net for the guards strength getting too much. Currently though it's a counter for something so weak it doesn't even need a counter.

    "The other issue is how AI works vs pallets. AI should be going through
    pallets but currently, it is not doing that and it making guards
    extremely useless at getting hits. "

    Yes this bug has existed got ages. We've complained about it for so long and still not fixed. This bug nerfs them a lot.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    idk how they could fix issue 1. maybe if guard is within 4 meters of survivor when you are near a survivor as knight, the hunt timer pauses. double-tapping doesn't work because of BVHR bad balance. they're trying fix this new changes. we'll see. i suspect the double-tapping will be impossible due to 8 meter change.

    I honestly don't even see why banners exist. If guards were fast enough to get hits then it would make sense as they're a safety net for the guards strength getting too much. Currently though it's a counter for something so weak it doesn't even need a counter.

    no clue either. the counter-play is suppose to be avoiding detection, mindgaming knight. the banner limits his 4vs1 presence as he is unable pressure gens with his guards due to banner disable his guards. it is just self-imposed nerf. Despite this, people kept saying he was good at 3 gens… when he sucks at 3 gens because of banner mechanic renders any form of split pressure in 3 gens as ineffective.

    Yes this bug has existed got ages. We've complained about it for so long and still not fixed. This bug nerfs them a lot.

    well it is going to be a problem because his pincer is nerfed right? so the guard has to be able 1vs1 survivor if you do max distance hunt. if survivor can 1vs1 the assassin guard and you can't help assassin guard because of 8 meter 3x depletion nerf, than that is a problem.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I don't think they even want double tapping to be a thing.

    Yeah I think his 3 genning capabilities are exaggerated a lot. Honestly after the 3 gen regression limit I don't see it as a thing any more regardless of what killer.

    I agree about the guard 1v1. That's essentially my main point with the changes. Until the guards can reliably get hits 1v1 Knight will be bad.

  • Princeharlequinhq
    Princeharlequinhq Member Posts: 74

    I don't disagree with you, i loathe going against the knight, but i don't believe in completely gutting his power either. Annoying or not, its part of the knight's identity and removing this portion of it just makes him another boring m1 killer.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,398

    You can still launch the guard 10 meters away. That’s not far. Then still double chase.

    I’m glad it’s gone. It was needed.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,018

    And then the guard only chases for like 5 seconds because of the proximity nerf. So it does literally nothing.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,398

    5 seconds is more time than you think. It’ll also be more than 5 seconds by the way according to their numbers.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,352

    Breaking pallets and some very loose zoning is all I can see.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,018

    5 seconds is nothing if a killer is farther than 10m away.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,398

    if the killer is more than 10 meters away than the hunt bar won’t go down in 5 seconds. In only applies when your closer.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,018

    So you get closer and the bar goes down extremely fast and disables. Or you don't get closer, and the survivor outruns the slow and stupid guard AI.

    You accomplish nothing.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,398

    Let’s see. Let’s test its limits on PTB first fully. Then go from there. It’s not always as bad as it seems when you first see the initial details of what’s being “modified” other area of changes could very well make up for the part that which you are unsatisfied with