Knight changes sounds like a big nerf?

- Can't use it on loops (10m minimum path pretty much destroys any loop unless its like a very large connected loop).
- Guards are still slow AF before they will catch someone (no movement speed increased).
- Duration if you get near your Guards gets deleted pretty much so you never can effectively chase 2v1.
- No more sandwich situations since Guards deplete way faster / longer path to create.
- Less time on Guards unless you create a giant path.
- No more Map of the Realm add-on reguired (this isn't a buff tho but nice QoL change).
- More chase time on guards if you spawn them very far away.
- Can pick a Guard of your choice (QoL than a buff).
Sounds like Knight will be very bad killer, its like no chase power and just scout/ocuppy survivors that will never get hit anyway.
Yeah, 10m of required path is stupid change. Especially if you need it to break a pallet, it will be GIANT nerf to already mediocre killer. He seems like "use your guards to interrupt survivors on gens" only killer now. But we will see.
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They should also give him a quick interact button you shouldn't need to activate your power and draw a line to a pallet or gen thats 2 feet away
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Now you wont have to worry about it since it has to be 10 feet Away.
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Carnifex pallet mindgame is dead pretty much now.
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Knight update is perfect, dropping a guard to deny a loop and getting a free hit was one of the most brainded things ever
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This will be similar to the Chucky update where bad players say it's a nerf and good players say it's a buff. Also...why are you dismissing objective buffs as just qol, yes they are qol but they are still buffs?
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extremely agreed, thank god that playstyle is dead
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The only buff Is you can switch Guards. The rest Is either change to make you long paths or allready existing addon that just add to base kit, thats not a buff directly speaking since you can allready do it Now.
So I quess Its nice that Knight Is Now M1 Killer in chase And only thing He can do Is annoy survivors from distance to Push them off the gen or something. Wow what a good Killer.
So lets change his identity And chase Power completely after 2 years of existince. He sounds like a D tier Killer Now.
He can hand shake with trapper And Freddy.
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The important and good part is that instantly dropping guards at loops is gone.
Now that that unhealthy strategy isn’t effective, Knight can be buffed if need be. Let’s see how he is on the PTB first.
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You can just...create paths longer than 10m, and if you know what you're doing then you're literally fine. They're still buffs btw because it means you can use other addons on him now. Also complaining about changing a killer's "identity," really? Not every killer's identity is one that should stay in the game, case in point the knight! Being able to drop a guard at your feet for easy zoning was pretty blatantly bad design.
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"[NEW] When The Knight is within 8 meters of his guard, the guard’s hunt timer depletes 3x faster."
This change is completely unnecessary and will end up killing him. Removing the "drop a guard at your feet" gameplay is fine and will make the gameplay more healthy but we do not need to kill his double chase at all.
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Double chase is unhealthy and limits counterplay. Practically guarantees hits. Good riddance.
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You'll actually have the capacity to escape guards now, though, since he can't instantly drop a guard.
He's just going to become "gen patrol" the killer, which will lead to exceedingly boring gameplay.
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His gameplay is already exceedingly boring. Skull Merchant is more engaging than he is.
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To clear this up real quick, you do not need to draw a 10m path to order a guard to break something. You can still order a guard to break right next to a pallet or generator, and you can even be closer than before. This requirement is only for patrols.
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you can even be closer than before
Oh, so we don't need to take step back to break it anymore? It's cool! Thanks for clarification, it's already something. Looks like chase ability of Knight is limited now in the end, but we will see on PTB.
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I need to play it to see but on paper I think this just makes knight even worst. It seems like they want him to be a chase two survivors at the same time like killer but the issue with that is A) the guards are still really slow and can easily be countered but shift w away, B) Im guessing survivors will still be able to bait guards into vault locations causing the guard to lose even more ground, and C) ppl still can loop around and grab the banner making the guard go away. Meanwhile, while your gurad is chasing someone else you become a M1 killer with no real power. Imo there is no real reason to even use gurads to chase ppl, just use them to break pallets.
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Okay thats good but it Is still overall IMO big Nerf. If Guards at least got Faster And more lethal on their own when you have to summon them from longer distance at least they could Now secure a hit here And there. Like from 4.1 m/s to 4.3 m/s, etc.
Still, with 10 meters minimum range And 3x Faster timer when near a Guard, this effectively Killed his chase Power And makes him M1 loopable ezi Killer to VS.
I understand you guys want to remove the frustration from Survivors of him offten zooning And 2v1 easily Survivors but even Now at Live He Isnt oppresive or strong Killer. So you need to make him lethal in different way if chase Isnt IT anymore. He Will be Now Very weak.
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Everything is great but x3 in chase is too much.
2x or make the banner spawn faster. I'd prefer the banner option as it's more engaging and feels good to pull of as counterplay.
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Tho I do agree with you but this update doesn't give Knight any new gameplay opinions. Now knight really is just a M1 killer with really no power. Sure the boring gameplay was deleted but nothing fun was place to replace it.
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Looks like a huge net nerf to an already mediocre killer to me. Chase time is irrelevant if they're too slow to hit anyway.
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knight changes are great as a survivor. Dropping guards to zone was mindless and two killers chasing was extremely hard to avoid. As a knight player tho....that boi got cook🤣. He kinda don't have anti loop anymore. what u gonna do place a guard on a 10m path mid chase? so the survivor can be long gone with a guard on there tail who won't get a hit. His sandwich Survivor style chasing need a nerf but the guards need more lethality. His time to down will be much longer now as a m1 killer and he wasn't exactly that fast at downing before this. Pallet breaking knight might be his go to build now idk.
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Yeah I agree. The pincer play style at a loop was unhealthy game play and needed to go. However he needed to be buffed in his healthier play style of long distance guard placements to compensate, which he didn't get to any degree that's actually relevant.
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Pallet breaking is the only thing I see that will be useful on Knight now. Because of this, I see no real reason to ever use jailer or assassin over the Carnifex. Carnifex will be the only used Gurad I feel going forward just to break pallets in mid chase after the survivor drops it. Then when that happens ppl complain about it since it similar to Mage Hand and old chucky where it will always get you a hit.
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No more Map of the Realm add-on reguired (this isn't a buff tho but nice QoL change).
Only 50% of it is basekit though… You really think that's enough? And yes, this is a buff. Stop pretending that QoL changes aren't usually buffs as well already. Half of his best addon is now basekit, in what world is this not a buff to base Knight?
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I personally am not convinced any Knight player will stop running it. They should have just gave us a bone by giving map entirely for free and then go from there.
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As much as I disliked the playstyle of dropping a guard immediately, the required 10m path has potential for major problems. It's now free distance every time the Knight goes to summon in chase. You can just leave the tile for free
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Unless it's a requirement to make the path 10m minimum distance from the knight this isn't going to do much of anything.
Players will just draw a circle on the ground at their feet that's 10m long and still shut down the loop.
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While you could do that, it would still give the survivor more time to leave the loop so the strategy is still way less effective. Which is a good thing.
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This isn't buff because it's pointless when you are forced to run an addon anyway, especially with the fact they LOVE nerfing addons at same time
It'd be a buff if they ACTUALLY made those basekit, but that's not the case
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Yeah i can see survivors complaining about that as well. Still way less frustrating than the last version of the knight so they made let it be. I think assassin will still be useful. He like the only guard with a slight chance of getting a hit.
Side note: knight expose irl might be useable now that you can just pick carnifex every single time to be the fourth guard summon. break the pallet into a instant down maybe? i might be huffing copium tho
agree he need some sort of buff! Any ideas how? With call to arms he can pressure far way survivors decently well so i not sure what need to be buff other than the guards themselves.
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Nice changes, I'm so glad that I'll be using my guards only to bother survivors from a far, who will never get hit anyway since they just have to press W to evade the Hunt (and I won't be able to come to corner them anymore since if I get close, the hunt duration will deplete 3 times faster).
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You actually wrong knight had 4 mandatory addons to make his long pathing good which was (Call to arms, dried horsemeat, pillage mead, map of the realm) two got added as base but now CTA and Horsemeat will still be mandatory now more then ever
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were just making medieval skull merchant now
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This guts Knight to complete uselessness, so it's a typical BHVR rework. Bet they won't fix any of his bugs either.
There's always someone saying "now that they've nerfed this, they can buff something else!" and then years pass without the buffs ever happening. Stop using this as an excuse.
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Sounds like they want 3 gen slugging knights
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its this. I absolutely loathe the entire design of knight but I don't want any single killer in this game to be powerless. I think they should have put more time into a full rework and not just this weird few changes that essentially make him useless.
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I’m not saying BHVR necessarily will buff him. I’m only saying he’s no longer an unhealthy design and should be buffed after the PTB if he’s too weak.
To be perfectly honest, I have no idea how strong this iteration of Knight is and won’t really have much opinion on it until we get to try the PTB.
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Do I really need to further explain how knight getting 2 addons partially basekit is infact an objective buff or can you just think it through a bit more without being needlessly biased?
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I saw little reason to play Knight before. I see less then zero reason to play him now. Wow, at this point they could just delete him. Why bother?
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I loathe the entire design of Knight and am perfectly happy for him to be this powerless. Skull Merchant next, please.
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Pillaged Mead could be made 100% basekit and it would still be worthless.
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Your point?
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Yeah, it is still going to be mandatory, so it isn't really much of a change. Considering how much they gutted him in this update they could have at least given us that one add-on fully base kit.
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Yeah I totally see knights just using Carnifix to get easy hits at pallets like old Chucky. Going to be only real way to use his power in chase till it gets nerfed as well bc you know every survivor and their grandma will complain about that. Knight going to end up as a killer who has no power whatsoever.
Post edited by EQWashu on5 -
Absolutely as a Knight main i enjoy using Call to Arms to long snipe drop a guard on Survivors doing gens while i chase a guy the common problem was survivors can easily outrun his guards by Either holding W or loop a tile once and grab the banner the 2 meter detection gain aint gonna solve nothing if guards can't catch anyone so the insta drop at loops was a necessary evil.
Guards needs both speed and duration buffs
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I don't think people are grasping how big a change it is that you get to choose your guard now. Being able to use healing poultice whenever you want is actually fairly huge and will make stealthing against knight impossible. And carnifex on command means he basically just has base kit better brutal strength.
We also have to wait and see what his 3 use the same guard twice in a row gets changed to. Just because they made Knight less brainless doesn't mean they got nerfed.
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So all he can do is break pallets and use niche add-on builds, while his anti-loop is dead and his chase is nerfed to uselessness.
How exciting.
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It's more exciting than forcing a survivor to leave a loop because you pressed a button.
Honestly his chase is the same if you actually setup guards from range. They literally just made him less free and that's it.