Knight changes sounds like a big nerf?

Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
edited June 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions
  • Can't use it on loops (10m minimum path pretty much destroys any loop unless its like a very large connected loop).
  • Guards are still slow AF before they will catch someone (no movement speed increased).
  • Duration if you get near your Guards gets deleted pretty much so you never can effectively chase 2v1.
  • No more sandwich situations since Guards deplete way faster / longer path to create.
  • Less time on Guards unless you create a giant path.


  • No more Map of the Realm add-on reguired (this isn't a buff tho but nice QoL change).
  • More chase time on guards if you spawn them very far away.
  • Can pick a Guard of your choice (QoL than a buff).

Sounds like Knight will be very bad killer, its like no chase power and just scout/ocuppy survivors that will never get hit anyway.

Post edited by Rizzo on
