BHVR logic

They know that mostly killers in their game are weak and neef a buff like legion/freddy/ghostface/trapper. But no they deside to buff this overpowered trash can because he totally need this (no). SIngularity already one of the most insufferable killer to go against but after the update he became from a tier to s tier killer and winning against him became completely impossible. I guess skull merchant now has a competition of from who survivors dc the most
We're getting the feeling you have a dislike of robots
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No robots. already strong overpowered killers who get huge buffs when some other deserve it more. And who can make more insufferable match to play against than skull merchant
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Have you tried picking up an EMP?
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Yes i try. My main problem with singularity that he is much stronger 3 gen keeper than knight or even skull merchant. At least playing solo with random teammate we can broke 3 gen against them, but never against singularity
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While we won't argue about others needing buffs more with Freddy sitting in the corner, Hux ain't overpowered. You can reliably and semi easily remove and deny his power by following Yharwick's advice, needs to set up a decent amount to get strong. From what we've seen of the buffs it makes Hux easier to pick up (and maybe buff camping ability) and that's it.
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in case of 3 gen strategy he is overpowered and more insufferable than skull merchant or knight (i wrote above how its completely impossible to break 3 gen against him)
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I mean I have heard that a lot of the people that played old Merchant went to Singularity but I've never ran into that, I barely run into Singularity ever as it is. I would imagine the anti 3gen system would combat this somewhat and EMPs would do the rest and you'd eventually win it just would be very tedious.
However I'd argue this is just a symptom of trap killers as a whole and games against them take longer on average with the exception of maybe Trapper but Hag and Merchant definitely yes.
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they should buff those other killers you mentioned. I agree, certain killer could be taken down a slight notch. I’m not too much of fan any of the recent killers over the last few years as is but I don’t see them all the time anyway
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How is he better at 3-genning than anyone else? If you mean he's using his pods a lot to check the moment anyone is on a gen, you can just use EMPs.
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Hux can not hold a 3 gen indefinitely as if Hux breaks a gen 8 times it's BLOCKED from regressing from things like pop. This is something for every killer, including melty bot. At best can hold a 3 gen almost as good as merchant. Knight still definitely holds 3 gens better than hux currently (and probably after the buffs).
We're going to give the benefit of the doubt and assume you know what you're doing, so what are your teammates doing? Are they picking up EMP or prepping them? Are you all being conservative with them or using them liberally?
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My teammate doesnt even know about EMP existence, at least they doing the gens right next to singularity camera. he teleport to them, caught and hook them, they give up on 1st hook and gg. Thats a reason i use skull merchant as example. Every time i play against Singularity (which is not a lot cause he is unpopular) at least one of my solo teammates give up on 1st hook. There is a reason why old chess merchant players love current singularity.
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....that's then a problem with teammates then instead of Hux is it not?....
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Problem is he is more complex to play against then to play is. Thats a reason why merchant and singularity the same. You need more skill and knowledge to play against them, then play as them. And giving up is indeed big problem on this two
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And this is where the benefits of doubt go away.
We've played hux. We've played against hux. It requires A LOT more to play successfully with him than against him. You can make an argument that it requires some teamwork which is lack luster in solo, but mate, it's grab EMP, prep EMP, go do job while keeping nearby EMPs ready and blowing up cameras efficiently (efficiently is also a possible teammate problem but not a Hux one). While something may change if the buffs go live, current Hux ain't an overpowered Bender that's near unbeatable.
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Say it to solo teammates who doesnt know about EMP existence and working on gen right in front of the camera
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update haven't even live and somehow you managed to make matches "completely impossible to win" huh, what kind of magic is happening here
"but muh solo" is never a meaningful argument because they can be just as good as any SWF players, if you hate solo just play SWF
If we gonna balance everything around weakest of solo who doesn't know about EMP existence, might as well remove the killer entirely
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That's exactly why he's a great 3 gen killer. He can 3 gen most maps whereas many killers like ranged killers fail due to LOS blockers. EMPs are temporary and he can replace cameras as well. Sure you can break the 3 gen (eventually as the gen kick limit exists) but you need a very coordinated team against a smart singul. It's a cycle of emp → slight progress → tank hit → heal → repeat. If your teammates dont immediately get on gens as the singul is chasing someone else then you will not have enough time assuming it's 4 slowdown perks.
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The problem with Alien and Singularity is that you are reliant on EVERYONE grabbing the Killer item, not only yourself. If you are being tunneled by these Killers, you better hope the rest of the Survivors are playing interference in a meaningful way. Sadly the game is built around accommodating selfish gameplay by all players, so if you don't get team players in soloq, this exacerbates the problem. This was less bad when stepping in a trap means you get sent to a hook, but when the Killers are designed around teamwork, they are designed around SWF being the only viable opponents to them, with comms or not.
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Idk Singularity is kind of on the weak side in my opinion and that's as a survivor facing him i really don't play him often enough to have an opinion on the killer side of things he's not really a killer that caught my interest as far as his gameplay mechanics go
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Play a few matches as Singularity and say this again please.
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Singularity is very complex to play, there's a lot of macro gaming that's required to be successful with it.
Also there's a lot of frustration around various parts of his kit, aiming etc. And we're looking to address these with this update.
Whilst a top line Singularity is of course pretty strong, very few players are at that level with it, and making the character more accessible to all players is the desired outcome here.
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On a paper I feel like Singularity changes are best work on mistakes in dbd history, when we talk about killer changes.
Absolutely every my issue with him was solved in this patch (and even more) and I really hope we will see him on live in this state.
And I don't think he really will recieve this big buff, most of the changes just QoL updates, which will make him much more pleasant to play as, at least for me. He definately will be my new main, if he won't be changed much after ptb.0 -
while i like singlurarity changes, there is one change I wish was in. This change is when you hold your gun. Singularity slows himself down to 50% movement speed. I feel like this is over-punishing for new players that pick-up singlurarity. It would be nicer if the m/s for holding his gun was a little less severe such as 65%.
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Currently Singularity is weak he does require 150% effort and skill to get Value from this killer (setup, patrolling and infection) which is hard for low and average players i have seen god Singu mains OhTofu and Chocolate and at high MMR Singu can hold a three gen very strongly and probably needs addressing later down the line once he becomes more accessible and easier for more players but for now Singularity needs that patch
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I'm like 99% sure this is just not true
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Yea he feels pretty weak to me as a survivor playing against him but I don't know much about him as a killer except what I could gather from the ptb playing as him and then the first few weeks he dropped, honestly though it's just not a killer I have fun with I like Freddy, onryo, Billy, oni, demo, twins, at the current moment those are my go to killers , a retired nurse main now I won't play her because it's just no fun ending a game that fast or having people immediately quit because you're the nurse
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yeah i get it he aint your cup of tea but for me i do like him and want to play him more buts its miserable on controller on top of him not being that good
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never ever mind. i am wrong. the 50% is breaking pallet/overheating. one thing that survivor do with infection is like stay around corners where it is difficult tag them for teleportation. to me, it kinda feel like you always have to use his camera's over his gun to TP a lot of the time.
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Console killer is definitely harder than pc anyone willing to put up with that BS has my respect, I don't see how people play on like 30-40 fps and slow motion vision
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Brother, Singularity is a mid tier and balanced Killer, these changes are needed to make him less clunky for people to get into and play. They're good changes.
Now only those handful of Killers you mentioned need help - and I'm more than certain BHVR has buffs planned for them this year. ESPECIALLY Freddy, Ghostface, Doctor, and maybe even Myers (though I doubt it, remains to be seen).
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Right, but the team didn't just change his complexity to play. Y'all increased his power especially in unfun to vs strategies immensely and that's not going to end well both from a fun perspective and from a harassment perspective. We've all seen how Skull Merchant players are treated - I don't want to be on the recieving end of a repeat of that, to be entirely honest.
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im used to it for playing so long on console but pc 60fps-90fps a big difference ive noticed
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Now that gens have a regression limit, you have to change how you address 3-gens, especially with Skull Merchant. Instead of simply pushing the 2 furthest gens, it's better to simply do the 5% of the gen to stop the regression than to progress the gen a whole bunch. That's because you know the killer's gonna come back once they've cleared someone off the other gen, use up a regression event on yours, and after 8 kicks, if even that, the gen is blocked and they can't regress it anymore. It takes patience and being careful, but 3-gens simply aren't this unbeatable strategy, and they never were.
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He is overpowered trash can, that miserable to go against. The less survivors face him the healthier game become
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Singularity is caring by his busted base kit and yes its indeed difficult to just spawn camera on the map and just watch survivor on them (no). And yes i never play as him but watching content creators he feels like really easy and busted killer plus i going against him and chase never last longer than 15 seconds both for me and my teammate. His pallet shredd and fast vaulting denying any counterplay survivors have
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So for Hux you need to place cameras (which can be fried with EMPs), then tag them by looking at them for abit (which the survivors can move or EMP), then keep looking at a tagged survivor (which they can again move away or EMP, which also cleans the tag AND breaks the camera) which then teleports you with a buff. You need a good chunk of set up to even attempt this and its relatively easily dismantled by survivors with braincells and some prep (admittedly sometimes a tall ask).
Second, many content creators (maybe not all but we dont know) usually spend time to learn and become good to not make themselves look bad. They went and bothered to actually learn how to play him well. Take a try before the buffs go live and see for yourself. If you and your teammates don't last long in chase thats sadly on you guys. He only shreds pallets and fast vaults while in overclock, which only happens when he teleports, which only happens if your tagged, which only happens if you don't use EMPs, which only happens if no one uses them for some reason.