Thoughts + Suggestions on Current/Upcoming Chucky Changes from an Avid Good Guy Enthusiast

Hey y'all! I've been a huge fan of Chucky ever since he came out and have put a lot of time into playing him since his most recent changes (i.e. the manual scamper removal). I wanted to make a post here to discuss my thoughts and opinions on the killer's current state and what can be done to put him in the healthiest possible position for the future. In this post, I will list a few of my biggest complaints with the state he is currently in and what I think would be the best approach to making him reasonably powerful, fun to play as, and fun to play against.

  1. How to best implement the upcoming power cooldown fix

It has been noted by the developers that the slice and dice cooldown is bugged. Currently, Chucky's slice and dice cooldown begins as soon as he initiates the attack which makes his cooldown time much shorter than expected. While this bug is definitely problematic to his overall balance, it has also allowed Chucky to use his slice and dice power for map mobility by chaining scampers across multiple vaults/pallets while getting his ability back at a reasonable time. I believe this feature adds a lot of much needed depth to Chucky's power that I don't want to see go away. My suggestion to make using his power for mobility feel more rewarding is to either slightly reduce his cooldown for every scamper he hits (maybe 2-3 seconds?) or make it so as soon as he begins a scamper, the power begins its cooldown timer.

2. Slice and dice charge speed is slightly too fast

I have found in my games that while in Hidey-Ho mode, initiating a slice and dice occurs just a little too quickly and does not give the survivor enough time to react and reposition accordingly. Considering Chucky can initiate the slice and dice as soon as he activates his Hidey-ho mode, the survivor must always be ready for the Chucky to begin his attack if they know he has his power available. I think the best way to balance things would be to increase the charge time by roughly 25% and see where things go from there. If it's still problematic, I'd increase it by 50% and adjust his silk pillow addon's downside to keep that addon appealing.

3. Certain addons need updates

There are a handful of addons that have become completely redundant after the removal of manual scampering that are in desperate need of some updates. I'll be covering these addons by listing their names, current effects, and what my suggested changes are.

Yardstick (Rare)

Current effect: A scamper reveals survivors auras within 16 meters of you for 3 seconds

This addon is completely outclassed by rat poison and thus serves little purpose. A full rework of the addon would be best.

Running Shoes (Rare)

Current effect: Gain 2% movement speed after a scamper for 5 seconds

While previously useful when Chucky had the ability to scamper manually, running shoes offer little to no benefit now that you can only scamper after a slice and dice. My recommended change would be to either buff its current effect or change it to increase slice and dice movement speed by 10% for each consecutive scamper. This change should simultaneously encourage Chucky players to go for interesting hits and use his power for mobility.

4. Increase scamper speed

I know I've been writing a whole essay here so I'll make this section quick. Increase the scamper speed! It feels way too sluggish right now and is not reasonable to use in chase. Either increase his base scamper speed or make it so vault perks like bamboozle, dark arrogance, etc. work for his scamper again. I understand wanting to be hesitant in buffing his scamper speed with his previous iteration being so unhealthy for the game, but the animation speed just feels way too slow right now and survivors can easily react to a scamper due to it being so incredibly telegraphed and sluggish.

To Conclude:

I really think that BHVR is going in the right direction with these Chucky changes and I've loved playing him since his most recent update, but this upcoming fix to his cooldown and lack of updates to his outdated addons worry me. Other than these recommended small tweaks/quality of life updates to his power, I think he's in a much healthier spot than before and I don't want people to turn away from playing him due to his gameplay possibly feeling repetitive and boring if updated improperly. If even a few of these suggested changes were to be implemented, I whole-heartedly believe that Chucky would be in a great spot in regards to all aspects of the game and make him a fan favorite killer to main for players of all skill levels. If you actually managed to read through my entire essay here, thanks for listening to my thoughts on the killer. I'd love to hear any thoughts, comments, or concerns on my suggested changes and what y'all think would be the best route to take. Thanks!


  • tropic
    tropic Member Posts: 1

    overall great changes, hopefully some of these get implemented

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,981

    I think the power cooldown atm is why scamper can't be good. Because if you chain scampers and get a hit it allows you to have a shorter cooldown after you hit the survivor. I don't think scamper hits should reward a shorter cooldown because it overwhelms survivors.

    I think the problem with scamper is the turn rate. Because atm, at most pallets, after you scamper a pallet survivors can just walk to the side of the pallet and chucky cannot hit them and then they'll vault the pallet.

    Also i don't think the charge speed is too fast especially compared to other killers. Slice and dice needs to be fairly reliable because he's a 4.4 killer.

    xTHE_ULTIMATEx7 Member Posts: 15

    Chaining scampers to get a hit very rarely works out for you so I would argue that if you do get a scamper hit, you should definitely be heavily rewarded for it.

    I believe turn rate is mostly fine currently because if it was increased we would kind of go back to scampers being uncounterable which I'm not a big fan of considering slice and dice doesn't have too much counterplay to begin with if used properly.

    As for charge speed, 25% increase isn't as big of a deal as you may think and I do understand that his power should be reliable, but most survivors I've encountered have little to no time to react to it and I don't think that makes for very enjoyable gameplay on the survivor side. I would definitely wait to increase the charge speed and see how the chucky counterplay develops over time, but it should be a change worth considering for game health.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    the lower power cooldown allows him to use his power for mobility granting him that nurse-type kit with mobility and potent chase. They don't want him to be better than nurse which is why they nerfed his scamper. With all that in consideration, his kit is fine where it is at.

    His charge speed surpasses almost every single killer in the game. Both billy and Oni have 2.5 second charge times to active their dash. His 1 second charge-time dash is definitely contributing factor for his strong chase. He doesn't give survivor much time to react/reposition. So in many ways OP is right.

    but most survivors I've encountered have little to no time to react to itand I don't think that makes for very enjoyable gameplay on the survivor side. I would definitely wait to increase the charge speed and see how the chucky counterplay develops over time, but it should be a change worth considering for game health.

    I suspect that survivor would eventually complain about his super fast charge-time dash.

    I believe turn rate is mostly fine currently because if it was increased we would kind of go back to scampers being uncounterable which I'm not a big fan of considering slice and dice doesn't have too much counterplay to begin with if used properly.

    Not being able to have any chance to hit the survivor is no counter-play for the killer.

    xTHE_ULTIMATEx7 Member Posts: 15

    Not sure how to quote specific sentences but regarding what you said about the killer having no counterplay for scamper dodging is actually untrue. Scamper hits are most definitely possible, but you just need to be sure that the survivor is not close to whatever pallet or window you are intending to scamper. If the survivor is staying near the pallet/window to avoid your scamper, just kick or vault the window instead and catch up immediately with a regular slice and dice. Increasing scamper speed would be a better fix imo as it gives less time for a survivor to react to you scampering by moving to said pallet or window which puts a better emphasis on positioning against chucky rather than just having to hold w because you'll end up getting hit if the chucky scampers because his turn rate is too insane.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    they need to be running forward in most instances for scamper to work. If they hug the loop, you can't turn enough with his dash to get an angle to hit them. I am happy where he is at as a killer. for him to be perfect killer, he is only missing his scamper to 100% complete. at same time, my concern is that if they do make scamper effective, he'll land up like blight where he will stay strong for like 1-2 years then be nerfed. It might be better that he stays like this with an incomplete power.

    xTHE_ULTIMATEx7 Member Posts: 15

    People will have to be running forward in certain circumstances so while rare, it is possible. Also, with how BHVR seems to be listening to outside sources on opinions for killer changes/balance, I doubt he would end up like Blight. Scamper just needs to be a little faster and he's in a great spot basekit wise.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    scamper nerf is forcing chucky to break certain pallets even though i am suppose to be ignoring god pallets and safe loops. so no, @OrangeBear is right when it comes saying that turn-rate is not good enough.

    xTHE_ULTIMATEx7 Member Posts: 15

    never said you were supposed to be ignoring god pallets. chucky shouldnt be that busted. it shoudlnt be an issue that he has to break some pallets and i think the current scamper counterplay is fine

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I really don't like the change for him to start cooldown recovery after finishing slice&dice.

    Can't they just increase it by 0.5-1 second instead?

    Their change kinda punish you with longer cooldown if you try to go for long range hits, which should be rewarded instead in my opinion.

    xTHE_ULTIMATEx7 Member Posts: 15

    Agreed. I really don't want to Chucky players to be forced to play it safe the whole game as it kinda gets rid of player expression and makes his gameplay super straightforward and by the books.