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about MMR system

Kebabsurv Member Posts: 47

as we know, mmr calculating win matches. survivor goes exit gates = + mmr, dies = - mmr

probably 1.5-2 years ago when mmr system was added, i remember bhvr told that in future mmr will calculate not only your wins, it will calculate HOW MUCH YOUR TEAM WINS, so it means how much you was useful for your team. for example, player looped killer for 5 gens and died, 3 teammates survived. game will give you + mmr

so question. is mmr became like this today? or it calculate only your wins


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    can you share your source where the devs said this?

    as far as I know, MMR hasn’t changed and is still only using escape/kills but I also do not remember the devs saying what you remember

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,536

    Yeah, they said they wanted to improve it and take the team score into account too.

    Was probably on a stream.

    But i never heard anything again. Nobody really knows how MMR currently works i think.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    Well, maybe devs still don't care about the survival rate of your teammates.
    If devs did, everyone would happily sacrifice themself to keep the other three alive, because that would increase their future survival rate. This is still true today, but many survivors today only care about their own survival rate in the game they're currently playing.

  • The4thMagi
    The4thMagi Member Posts: 14

    If thats how their mmr system really works, then its no wonder solo queue is a h**l hole. Doesn't mean you're competent just because you escape, nor if you die you're bad. I am basically mid-low mmr and I majority of the time run the killer for at least a gen, if not more. I take hits, get saves, unhooks, heals. So when I inevitably get tunneled out/dice rolled to be found before the other person left, my mmr goes down?

    There's literally so much to take into account aside from just escapes vs kills. If bhvr really thinks the "anti-tunnel" mechanic stops a tilted killer from tunneling someone out who wasted a lot of their time, they are deluded. If you play killer you understand what I mean, if you want someone dead you can easily make that happen. Doesn't matter if you get run for 3+ gens you will make sure they die if you really wanted to.

    Not to extend this further even though it would be easy. Let's be honest, if you're in low-mid mmr you roll a dice every game with your team-mates. Majority of the time, they die in less than 20 seconds. So, unless you can blast through gens, and hide all game/find hatch, gl climbing mmr consistently. Gl if you enjoy looping, you're penalized for interacting with the killer, and if you're somewhat good at it? Lol, gg next, get tunneled, only a matter of time till u make a single mistake and die.

    TLDR; defo no disparity between SWFS and solo-queue, not at all. No improvement or rework needed at all.