Post your main Solo build!

Lithe, Lightweight, Dance with Me, Quick and Quiet.
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Kindred, windows, open handed, lithe
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I have various ones, so I'll give you my top three.
Lightweight/Urban Evasion/Fixated/Boil Over
(This is my Stealthing build, and Boil Over just in case I get caught; But it's interchangeable with Distortion TBH.)
Deja Vu/ProveThy/Resilience/No Mithera
( My Gen Rushing build, It's usually very effective in getting gens done and surprisingly capable of evasion too.)
Adren/Lightweight/Kindred/Spine Chill
( My Causal Solo Q Build, Considering removing Adren though.)
And all of them go on my boy David, because he is my soul.3 -
Alert, Empathy, Inner Strength, Overcome
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My core build is Self-Care, Botany & Sprint Burst (was MFT before the nerf).
Then the 4th perk depends on how I'm feeling at the time. If the games are mostly sweaty I'll put on Resilience, Vigil or Deja Vu. If I feel like memeing I'll use Bardic Inspiration or Diversion. If I feel sneaky, I'll use Distortion, Lightweight or Fixated. If I have a challenge, I'll use whatever helps with that (We'll Make It, Detective's Hunch etc). Very rarely I'll use an aura perk like Still Sight or Lucky Star.
By Default, my 4th perk is usually Resil or Vigil though.
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Bond, Open Handed, Kindred, [Free Space] (usually autodidact or blast mine for fun)
Bond is super useful. The people who use Windows love me bc of Open Handed, and it's fun to catch the killer's aura at surprisingly good distances with Kindred.
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WoO, Lithe for me.
Kindred, Any mean for team
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Iron Will, Light Footed, Deception, Distortion
It's all for fun mind games and actually works a lot.
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your making me laugh. deception? really? shrug. You would be better off with lightweight.
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Had the worst Vittorio in my game last night and he was using Bond. When 3 of us were double hooked he hadn't been hooked once, as he would run the killer directly to someone else on gen, and he would unhook when the killer was nearby and then run in the opposite direction. Dude wouldnt take a hit at all. Was healing me at one point when the killer started towards a nearby gen so he abruptly stopped (which of course gave the loud noise notification) despite having plenty of time to finish, and ran in the opposite direction leaving me injured to take chase. People love to rag on Distortion users but I swear Bond users are worse (btw I'm not saying you are lmao just referring to your "most do the opposite").
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Self Care, Inner Strength, No Mither and Weaving Spiders. I feel this build represents how much I love my teammates in SoloQ 😘🥰
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- Kindred
- Distortion
- Resilience
- We'll Make It
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We’ll make it, We’re gonna live forever, Windows and No One Left Behind.
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Remove distortion right meow! 😤
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Ace in the Hole, Plunderer's Instinct, Appraisal, Dramaturgy
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Sprint burst, OTR, Kindred, Resilience with a medkit no addons.
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I can't. There's too many aura reading builds on Killers.
I never see more than one other teammate use it per SoloQ match. 9 times out of 10 I'm the only one who has it.
Therefore, I must keep my aura hidden so I can rescue everyone.
It's insane that I max out my aulturism points almost every match, even though I know the team is cooked 🍳 the second we load in and I hear the dreaded sound of a token instantly gone.
If it's LP, it's just me rescuing people and the team is dead at 4 generators, occasionally 5.
I never see LP without at least 2 other aura perks.
Also, the first person down often tries to go next instantly. Even if I manage to get to them, they will make it to 2nd stage and the game is over for everyone.
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I run it for the meme's. You'd actually be very surprised how often it gets me value.
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Usually Botany, Empathy, Self-Care, and WoO.
However, Bardic Inspiration has replaced WoO for now. Luting > Surviving.
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Either Bond, Distortion Calm Spirit, & OTR or Bond, Distortion, We'll Make It, and Breakdown depending on how altruistic I'm feeling.
My meme build is Dramaturgy, Bardic, Pebble, and Red Herring
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Current favorite:
Calm Spirit, Built to Last, Streetwise, Bardic Inspiration
Items: Commodius Toolbox + Wirespool + Spare Parts
The toolbox lasts 43.3 seconds, generating on average around ~12 skill checks per gen, finishing each generator in roughly 45 seconds (depends on Bardic roll).
Built to Last lets me repeat these 45 second solo generators 3x per match more or less, which is hugely beneficial to the team.
Bardic still doesn't give me raw value that offsets the cost of casting in quite a few scenarios, but at least it has a chance to give those raw numbers. At the very least, even if I roll low on Bardic and don't get raw numerical value, unless it's a 1 roll, I still appreciate being on the generator for ~12 seconds less than I otherwise would have. Let's me hide faster and be vulnerable for a smaller window of time.
I feel the need to mention that Built to Last takes ~15 seconds to refill my item (12 second in locker + 3 sec travel time) and Bardic takes another 15 sec. In reality, each solo generator is about 75 seconds on average, so the numbers aren't as crazy as I originally posted.
I'm mainly just enjoying the very fast generators when I'm actually on a gen, even if overall time to complete one relative to not having this build is similar.
I also hide in lockers or map corners as part of my natural gameplay, so there's times when I can refill my toolbox or cast Bardic naturally, without really wasting time to do so. That can mitigates the negatives related to their cast/refill times.
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Overcome, Lucky Break, DS, Distortion
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Windows, Botany, We'll Make It, Aftercare
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Kindred, Lithe, Prove Thyself, Decisive Strike
Windows, We'll Make It, Lithe, Decisive Strike2 -
I have three:
Stake Out/Hyperfocus/Built To Last/Streetwise+Commodius w/ charge addons
Object of Obsession/Alert/Troubleshooter/Lithe+Purple or Iri Key w/ Blood Amber+Prayer Beads
We'll Make It/Empathetic Connection/Botany Knowledge/Desperate Measures
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Facts! It can also lead to survival.
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Ah, I see you use the Window Vanishing build!
I applaud you!
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I have 2 builds i run.
This one i usually run since i like to help the team as much as possible. Aftercare, kindred, we'll make it and windows.
This one is when ive been tunneled enough and im tired of it
Off the record, Decisive strike, windows and resilience.
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Thanks haha, it’s my “Now you see me now you don’t” build. It’s pretty strong I won’t lie 😅
What’s yours?
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I play survivor VERY rarely.
But last time I played, it was:
We'll Make It, Kindred, Windows, Lightweight.
I also used Streetwise and Deja Vu when playing survivor.
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Oh wow great build. It’s like a Guardian Angel build. Dang that’s cool. I’m going to steal it lmao
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Distortion, Kindred, Dead Hard, Resilience.
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Kindred, Deja Vu, Resilience, Balanced Landing
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My favourite build is:
- Borrowed Time
- Desperate Measures
- We're Gonna Live Forever
- Made For This
The idea is centered around anti slug and killers returning to unhooks. If I'm healthy I have Borrowed Time guard against a tunnel. If I'm injured Desperate Measures hopefully allows me to heal for a Made For This Proc on the unhook.
WGLF and MFT can be amazing at helping during slugs, ita the non-scummy version of old FTP+Buckle Up. If you're healthy and give a few seconds, you can even heal through a hit and get the proc. Rare it's actually saved me, but it has saved me and a teammates lives a couple of times.
It's also very useful for unhooking at end game 😁
Alternatively if you can get it going... We'll Make It instead of Desperate Measures, combined with WGLF can get pretty nutty xD
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currently using blood pact , mft , botany , window , and a medkit hopes that whoever is the obsession know how to loop we get that sweet 7% haste and 10% when i get mangle witch actually is not as hard as ppl think and when i get some one competent i cant stop loling and some times killers dc
dissclamer this build is not gonna work 70% of the time solo queuers are bad on average when it goes with that type of build i just life for the highs also sidenote mft with botany gets you a ton of endurances it gets a ton of value it almost the old buckle up of healing
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Right now deja vu, desperate measures, hope, and windows. I like a perk for all objectives. Chase, heal, and gens
My fav build tho is alert, kindred, bond, and open-handed. I see almost everything 70% of the time.
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I have a few builds I cycle through, but the main two are:
Strength in Shadows / Botany Knowledge / Deja Vu / Kindred
Good build for self healing and healing others, with a little bit of info. Either DV or Kindred can be swapped out for Overcome, which synergises well with the healing perks, or something like Resilience for a little across-the-board improvement. You can also swap Deja Vu specifically for Empathy, and make yourself an altruism machine.
Overzealous / Circle of Healing / Deja Vu / Flex perk
Usually with this I bring a map and the Red Twine, which makes the core loop this: Set up CoH to activate Overzealous, apply Overzealous speed boost to the 3-gen with Deja Vu, keep CoH up for healing my teammates and having them heal each other. It's surprisingly consistent, especially if you throw in some generally decent perks as the flex pick. Kindred, Resilience, Alert, an Exhaustion, or something like Detective's Hunch if you want your map slot free or just know the totem spots better than me, all work quite well here.
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Woah! You run four aura reading perks as Killer and go into SoloQ without Distortion?! No way.
I thought for sure you'd use it as Survivor since you find it detrimental to yourself when Killer.
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- Boon Exponential for when we’re slugged
- For the People to help when I can / especially for people on death hook or who have taken a lot of grief for the team - unfortunately I can’t loop well or use flashlights etc so this is my equivalent of ‘going for a save’
- Plot Twist - it has helped me many times. Sometimes can use it mid-chase if I can distract the killer for a few moments and find somewhere with a bit of camouflage - though when it goes hilariously wrong it is a free hook for killer 😅
- Flashbang - would love to say I’m good at flashbang saves but I probably only get 1 in 50,000. Mostly it can help me in chase (see plot twist above)
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Lithe/Distortion/WoO/Clairvoyance. Clairvoyance because I play solo queue and it's a lifesaver for getting hatch escapes in those matches where my teammates either give up immediately or can't evade killer for more than 5 seconds.
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Botany/Kindred/Strength in Shadows/Wicked.
The way Wicked shuts down back to hook killers is crazy.
Besides that it's just self-healing and aura reveal, I just need to not be one shot and info and that feels like enough for me.
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I never really use the same build for very long, always switching things up and trying to use different perks regularly. Going to run through all the builds on here during the rest of the event I think to keep things fresh.
Last couple of sessions I've been using Bond, Resilience, Lythe and Distortion and it's been a solid build but will be switching next time I play.
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Overcome/Light Footed/Dramaturgy/No Mither
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My load outs consist of:
• Self Care, Desperate Measures, Botany, and Distortion
• Deja Vu, We'll Make It, Resilience, and Windows
• My third load out is usually full of meme perks. Currently equipped with Blast Mine, Mirrored Illusion (I keep calling it Major Image), Red Herring, and Pebble
I swap out every few matches because I really miss Chaos Shuffle
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Lithe, Kindred, Bond, We'll make it
I will definitely use new babysitter. Probably instead of We'll make it...
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Distortion, Deja Vu, Adrenaline, Streetwise
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Lots of great builds <3_<3
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Reactive healing, solidarity, empathy, deja vu
It's not too bad of a solo build alot of times you will heal yourself by healing someone else and it saves time while providing info on which gens you need to focus.
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If I really need to escape for archives , then I run this:
Distortion, Sole Survivor, Wake Up, Calm Spirit/Left Behind and run a hatch offering. Will bring either a Key or Med-kit.