I don't expect anyone to agree with me.

The amount of toxic killers is unreal, no matter if I bring in Screaming Cobbler or not I end up being hardcore tunneled. This game is no longer fun for me. I loved this game, the characters are interesting and entertaining, both survivor and killer. The maps are unique and fun, and I enjoyed the recent D&D chapter. But I can't play this game anymore. The game has become a killer sided; survivors can only survive if they join a SWF team. I'm sad because I love this game. I want this game to be as great as I feel it can be, but the way things are and the way it's going, I don't think I can come back. And I was excited for all the upcoming stuff, like the Castlevania Chapter. Again I'm sorry but this is my final farewell.


  • Hecata_Harbinger
    Hecata_Harbinger Member Posts: 29
  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,661

    That was my experience last night a few times.

    A few months ago, it was just me as Ada and a Mikela on 1st hook with one gen left and since I had 'We'll Make It', I unhooked her and started healing her when she spam crouched.

    Wraith showed up and Mikela signals him to go for me (it would have been my 3rd hook).

    I just looked at them both. The Wraith looked at her and downed her. He took her right back to the same hook, hooked her and spun left to right rapidly.

    Wraith then came over to me and we watched together as she went through 2nd stage, fighting the whole way.

    We then walked to shack where I thanked him and he gave me hatch.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,579
    edited June 2024

    Ive just been using a Backpack Build for fun (Iron Grasp, Agitation, Mad Grit, etc.).

    Early today, I had a game with 4 Distortion users who didnt bring the Event Offering and spent most of the match hiding, was a 40 minute match and I hardly found any players. Past a certain point I kind of just pulled out my phone and browsed Twitter since the match was taking too long.

    Once all the Generators were done, the spammed notifications near the Exit Gates and did the usual "watch me leave" stuff you can expect. In the post-game chat, they all started to attack me since I "couldnt find a Survivors without crutch aura reading perks" and that I "should learn to find Survivors without the game holding my hand"… I had no aura reading perks tho?

    Oh yea, cannot forget about the 4x "-rep" on my Steam account.

    None of this is to say that "only Survivors can do bad things", I think both sides are capable of doing things that are generally agreed "distasteful" by the wider community; but since the Anniversary attracts a lot of players to the game, it will also attract a lot of bad actors, as with any DBD event.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,661

    May I ask what you use for a good 4th perk in a backpack build?

    I have been coming against bully squads a lot lately so I use it with Lightborn.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,579
    edited June 2024

    Rapid Brutality, Batteries Included, and Awakened Awareness are all good perks for a backpack build.

    • Rapid Brutality makes follow up hits much easier.
    • Batteries Included is a similar concept, but has more utility within the match (does not prevent Bloodlust as well).
    • Awakened Awareness is good information. Since it is the Anniversary, you can get really good information if you remote-hook last second before they wiggle off.

    If you dont mind dropping Lightborn, Shadowborn is actually really good, counteracts Champion of Light and turns Flashlights against them by giving you Haste. IMO it is better than Lightborn for countering Flashlights.

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 328

    Ok, and I get t-bagged by toxic survivors whenever I lost this event. Your point is?

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,127

    This is my experience too. I've had the odd killer whose family is clearly being held hostage, but for the most part killers have been fine. My team mates though... it's been something.

    I apparently angered a Nea just now cos she was on hook for like 10s while the Wraith was still there, cloaked, after kicking my gen and knowing I was somewhere close, and I didn't want to either farm her off hook in front of him or hook trade. Another survivor ran in and of course had to hook trade, and Nea decided to point at and sandbag me all game. I made sure to save the gameplay and rewatched it after and still have no idea what her problem was. She ended up with 10k and I had 27k so I hope seeing that in endgame embarrassed her. But that's just my most recent game. I've had about a dozen team mates like her this event.

  • Chaogod
    Chaogod Member Posts: 148

    Then learn to improve.

    I don't want to be mean and say skill issue but that's part of what it is. Record your games and see what you are doing wrong in chase. Your complaints are assuming that you did everything perfectly and made 0 mistakes. You don't see high MMR players complain about this for a reason.

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 962

    I survive in plenty of matches playing solo queue. It is possible. Practice and learn how to play better instead of giving up. The devs aren't going to nerf killers because of threads like this. The kill rates for solo queue are right where the devs want them to be. On average you will escape more than 1/3 of your matches, even in solo queue.

  • Jacknalls_Paw
    Jacknalls_Paw Member Posts: 239

    Comments in this thread are just proving OP's point.

  • Garboface
    Garboface Member Posts: 300

    Not in this event, no. Recently tracked about 30 games and escaped 3 of them, only because the killer let us. I do prefer this to the game being balanced around solo cue though.

    4 anti-tunnel perks are required just to get points.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,258

    You're calling killers toxic for playing the game. If you understood why killers tunneled, you probably wouldn't be as mad about it. Basically, they're gonna tunnel any team on-sight because when they don't it usually loses them the game. Realizing they would have won those games had they tunneled, that's what they're gonna start doing. People would describe tunneling as an OP strategy, yes? So why does the killer have to rely on OP strategies to beat teams? Game sounds a lot less killer sided this way.

  • Unusedkillername
    Unusedkillername Member Posts: 215

    This needs to be said

    Neither killers nor survivors are more toxic than the other. It's just that the communities that play each role just want different things out of the game its why the online content creators that either apply to one side of the community or the other have very different content for very different communities

    Killers are more competitive which is why the biggest generally killer players like

    1. Otzdarva
    2. Tru3
    3. Scott Jund

    Often post extensively about balance or like Otzdarva have a website made for this

    Link to his website below https://otzdarva.com/

    While the biggest survivor players like

    1. Arun
    2. JRM
    3. Skermz

    generally don't do videos like this.

    So some killers end up going "These survivor's are so sadistic and just keep tormenting me"

    and some survivors end up going "These killer's are so sweaty and just keep tunneling/camping me"

    when both sides are just trying to play the game.

    Also I feel the need to say this is not on anyone to change its just kind of how an Asym game is going to be different people will be attracted to different roles in any game its just more pronounced in a Asym.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,127

    I watched my team mates behave like this the other day, after they let me go to second stage on my first hook and then I was the sole person to do the last gen - despite being injured and on death hook thanks to them - and I committed to finishing it with the killer right in front of me so I died for them. And they behaved like this at the exit gate despite being absolutely useless to me. I regretted so much doing that last gen. I should have just hid like they did.