Opinion: Twisted Masquerade is pretty killer sided (unbalanced) (Reupload ...)

Before someone calls me a "survivor main crybaby" or something similar: I have 7k hours (since 2016) and play survivor / killer in a ratio of 75% / 25 %

In my opinion the Twisted Masquerade modifier is pretty killer sided because…

… killers are able to gain the following buffs:

Bag of Tryks:

  • 8 seconds aura reading
  • 30 % haste for 60 seconds (115 % + 30 % = 145 % ⇒ a cloaked Wraith has a movement speed of 150 % without addons)
  • Exposed status effect on all survivors for 30 seconds
  • No terror radius for 30 seconds

Invitation abilities:

  • Endure stun by 50 % for 4 seconds
  • Remote Destroy: Breaks a distant pallet or breakable wall in 0,5 seconds (or something like that?)
  • Remote Hook: Remotely hooks a downed survivor to the nearest available hook

… while survivors are able to gain the following buffs:

Bag of Tryks:

  • 8 seconds aura reading
  • 30 % haste for 60 seconds (100 % + 30 % = 130 %)
  • Receive a health state
  • No scratch marks for 30 seconds

Invitation abilities:

  • Block window vaults for 4 seconds
  • Set Party Pallets
  • Quiet Mode: Reduced grunt of pain, footstep noises, fast actions and pools of blood by 100 % for 15 seconds

When you compare these effects one to one:

  • Aura reading: I think it's balanced ⇒ 1:1
  • 30 % haste: The killer will always have the advantage because he / she can doublebag in loops and behind walls at an abnormal pace and the survivor usually can't react so quick ⇒ 2:1
  • Exposed vs. health state: Seems to be balanced because every surivor get's full life / out of mending and exposed at the same time (the chased one has a disadvantage no matter what and it's a little time window for the killer to snowball, but all other half life survivors get healed and only 30 seconds exposed is fine) ⇒ 3:2
  • No terror radius vs. no scratch marks: The killer has no disadvantage but a half life survivor still leaves pools of blood and makes grunts of pain ⇒ 4:2
  • Endure stun vs. block window vaults: Seems balanced, both parties have to time it right ⇒ 5:3
  • Remote destroy vs. Party Pallets: The killer is able to make a pallet disappear without the breaking animation and can still move while doing so, so the pallet is no big obstacle, the survivor meanwhile has to stun the killer, otherwise the survivor gets a hit ⇒ 6:3
  • Remote hook vs. Quiet Mode: The survivor is invisible for 15 seonds (apart from still making scratch marks) while the killer is able to …

1.) avoid pallet stuns by spamming the remote button

2.) avoid flashlight saves by spamming the remote button

3.) avoid hook sabotage

4.) to save massive amounts of time by eliminating an entire gameplay aspect: carrying a survivor to a hook

⇒ 8:3 (I give one extra point because of how strong "remote hook" is)

Conclusion: The buffs are distributed in a 7:3 (8:3) ratio between killer and survivor, so overall the Twisted Masquerade modifier is killer sided. I played both sides while the event / the modifier is live and while the killer games seemed easier than usual the survivor games (in SoloQ) got worse.


  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    The event has mechanics that help killers complete their core objective (hooks and kills) faster.

    The event does not have mechanics that help survivors complete their core objective (generators and escaping) faster. In fact, the event has things that distract from gens (Party Totems and Chests) if you want the big points.

    There are no new fun mechanics to distract both sides from their core objectives.

  • NekoAndromeda
    NekoAndromeda Member Posts: 70

    One major change i think needs to happen if they are determined to keep remote hooking is remove the ability for it to put someone in basement. As killer, I don't want to lose the points for a non-event hook, and as survivor, free basement when i'm pretty far away feels very unfair. If they are willing to change it out, make it so the silent mode for survivors removes scratch marks or makes them disappear faster, and make a killer version where they leave the terror radius behind for a bit. Brings a bit more utility to the survivor one, still has good use for killer, but doesn't feel so oppressive.

  • YuffieGreatestWaifu
    YuffieGreatestWaifu Member Posts: 197
    edited June 22

    Yes remote hooks and basements is so cheap and should of been fixed since many time basement hooks are usually bad for anybody rescuing them.

  • Leidenschaft90
    Leidenschaft90 Member Posts: 77

    So, you disagree with me and that's your entire argument? Wow. You only lose scratch marks if this event is active (and that's usually once per match) and to turn off your pools of blood, footsteps and grunting you have to use an invitation at the same time and that lasts only for a few seconds.

    Meanwhile killers can magic pallets away and remote hooks, which both is pretty broken.

    And like the guy above you said right: The event has mechanics that help killers complete their core objective (hooks and kills) faster. But it doesn't have mechanics that help survivors complete their core objective (generators and escaping) faster.

    The numbers were for illustrative purposes only and to support my argument.

    You literally can't lose right now in the TM modifier unless it's a coordinated 4 men swf or you're completely ######### as killer.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Are tools survivors got in this event good? Yes

    Are tools killers got even better? Yes

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited June 24

    I would give Quiet Mode a point in the survivors favour. Not sure why this particular ability is pit against remote hooks and therefore loses that 'head to head'. Quiet Mode is arguably the best tool survivors get in this event. I have escaped so many chases by popping this and ducking behind cover.

    But otherwise I agree, it's mostly killer sided.

    I would suggest the following.

    • Breaking pallets takes an additional second.
    • Party pallets stay solid for a second after dropping before they disintegrate.
    • Remote hooking only becomes available when you're within 8 meters of a hook.

    These would gives survivors an extra bit of time to either make distance, or attempt a save, depeon the situation.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited June 24

    I would say the event is more killer sided, but is it that wild a difference that it ruins the experience? No, it's not. I think people are downplaying the effects survivors get because most of them actually require skill to utilize and most survivors on average are bad. If someone is bad at survivor then Quiet Mode and Party Pallets are going to seem bad when those are both actually extremely good on good players. If you try to make things that are good on bad players you end up with actually good players completely breaking the game with them.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,043

    Probably because if you give four dudes the ability to complete their objective faster there's a force multiplier there that's very difficult to account for.

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 185
    edited June 24

    This has been the least fun I've had playing DBD since I started playing in 2021.

    The real problem is that they made the event opt-in this year.

    Which means an almost constant 150% BP incentive for survivors, since no survivors want to play a mode which makes it harder for them to win.

    I've barely gotten to play killer all event, which is my preferred role.

    Worse, for some reason all of the killers in this event mode play way nastier than in the normal mode. I actually never thought tunneling was that widespread, but oh god is it ever in this event. Plus killers going out of their way to be as mean as possible.

    Like I played vs a basement Trapper today who didn't bring an event offering. He slugged for the 4k at 4 gens, and once all of my team mates DCed because nobody wants to willingly subject themselves to that, he just went afk and let the bots bleed out, which meant he only signed up to make human opponents miserable and didn't actually care about BP or grades and lost interest once he no longer had anybody to frustrate.

    That's the most egregious match I've had, but man there has been a huge amount of early tunneling this event. I normally bring DS or OTR as a precaution as survivor and usually end up not needing it, but I've DSed so many killers this event it's insane.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 417

    The real problem is that they made the event opt-in this year.

    I think that's a blessing, not a problem. I take it as BHVR finally acknowledging that they don't care much about survivors having a good time when they're designing new events, but at least they don't pretend that survivors don't exist and let me play in regular queue.

    Events should only be the only queue if they're designed fair also for solo survivors. I hear that the event isn't too bad if you have a strong SWF but pretty much anyone who I trust with his/her opinions recommends solo players to ignore the event and play regular queue. IMHO, events - unlike modifiers - should ideally be fun for everyone and not opt-in, but the current event just must be opt-in the way it is balanced.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited June 24

    Are you saying you can't get a match for the event as killer? My queue's are nearly instant at any time of the day as killer for the event.

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 185

    I want that BP incentive. Killer is my preferred role but I generally play whichever side has a 100% incentive in place. I like playing survivor, too, but survivor really hasn't been much fun this event.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Well if you're mainly focused on the BP incentive then you should ignore the higher bonus on survivor for the event. Even with survivor at 150% and killer at 50% I average at least 100-200k more BP on killer.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236


    The role incentive might give +100%, but with multiple Cobblers in play, that's the difference between +500% and +600%, or one-seventh of your total BP score.

    Unless you expect to earn as a Survivor, within one-seventh of the BP as you would as Killer, that role incentive means nothing.

    E.g. if you average killer score is 250K, then you need to be earning at least 215K as a survivor to make it up with the role incentive bonus.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,043

    What's with the victim complex? BHVR does not have an arbitrary grudge against 80% of their playerbase. Did you conveniently forget about the last event, where survivors could run to a place where killer powers don't work and pop out halfway across the map? Did you forget the snowmen that gave an extra health state? Come on. Killers got too much to play with this event but it's not like it's a consistent thing.

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 185

    Why does everything need to be an us-vs-them thing with you people?

    I said the event sucks as survivor and the BP incentive is stuck at 150% because nobody wants to play that, and then on top of that for some reason killers are playing way meaner than what is normal for my experience.

    The snowmen giving an extra healthstate was BS, but that was also years ago, they got rid of that last Christmas. Meanwhile, last year's anniversary event was criticized as being killer-favored, and they somehow made it even worse now with the remote hook feature.

    I actually had trouble remembering what you were talking about with the other thing, until I realized you meant the Halloween event. The problem with the Halloween event wasn't really that it favored one side or the other, it was that only the side which was winning could afford the space to interact with the event. I got plenty of free downs in there on survivors who got caught out by the fact I had no terror radius, as well as popping out directly next to survivors who now had no chance to react to my presence. I fell victim to both of those things as survivor, too.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,043
    edited June 24

    Thanks for busting in with this random accusation? There is no us vs them in my post. It's saying BHVR doesn't have any antipathy toward whatever side. It doesn't make any sense for them to. I'm saying they do stuff in a random ass way and events swing back and forth. Which again, is not advocating for any "side", it's just the shape of things.

    That event was definitely survivor favored because portal town was an easy escape to a land where all killers are m1 killers, not to mention the visual effects being so intense you couldn't tell whether survivors actually went in half the time. If someone went into any of those I was just dropping chase by the end of the event. Not worth the effort.

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 185
    edited June 24

    Cool. I also never said that, so I don't know why you replied to me by saying I had a victim complex. Maybe you meant to reply to rha?

    Edit: Nevermind, I thought it was a reply to me because it had my text in the opening of the quote. I apologize.