What a suprise

DLC is release, and what a suprise, the achievements dont even work.
pretty good job so far
Well thats irrelevant if we are honest, will be fixed in some hotfix soon
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how is it irrelevant? its part of the DLC is it not? and it doesnt work
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@Dr_Trauts on which platform? and which Achievement does not work correctly.
Thank you
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PC-steam, both adept for Jane and plague and the new generator one. Actually seems all the new achievements are broken along with some old ones. Check the numerous post in the bug report forum pc here and on steam. Atleast old adept achievements seems to be broken also since the patch.
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They got the important stuff though, they managed to nerf a killer who many people thought was mid-tier, and even the people who thought she was strong still put her below Nurse and Billy.
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PC, all of the plague achievements and adept jane. not sure about the others
thank you for the response ;)
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Pretty good job with coming up with a new saying...oh, wait you repeated the same old line again. Carry on
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well i mean thats cause the old lines is a meme and kinda jokes....why the ######### would i come up with a new saying?
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Downing 25 survivors with legion also still don't work for me.
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I'm in PC btw
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With so many complaints around, I'm confident they'll do a hotfix and soon. A little annoying, but hey, we just have to wait a little.
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Do they even do hotfixes?
Basement bug took a week to fix and that was gamebreaking.
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They do hotfix sometimes, but they like to wait for bigger patches. I have a feeling this is a low on the list of things that are getting fixed before a major patch, even thoe it is not only the new achievements that are not working but all of them. I dunno how easy it is to fix, might just be an easy fix and a issue with steam or something is wrong in the code and it is harder to fix.
Seems like both xbox and ps4 is okay and only pc is affected, so hopefully we will get a fix before the weekend, hopefully today as it is easier to patch on steam than on ps4 or xbox. Both this forum, steam forums and reddit have a lot of threads about the issue and people that are sad and annoyed about the issue, so hopefully that will make them fix it this week. I dunno about others but I kinda don't wanna play until it is fixed even thoe it is not game breaking per say, but I like going for new adeps and map achievements.
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At least we know why there is a PTB now.
Since this is something we can't test and have to rely on their internal testing...
We can now see why we have a PTB, since we have to do the bug squashing for them.
Getting your playerbase to test for free is a great thing.
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Are you guys going to fix something cause alot of threads are about nerf that or buff that it's starting to get really boring hearing theses from complaning players? Also can you guys give survivors a 2nd objective with gens that would give killers time to look for survivors cause right now if we go agenst good survivors we get Gen rushed.
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