Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

When will BHVR finally do something about tunneling?

The game is at the sweatiest state it has ever been.

Literally every killer tunnels. Every single one.

Because guess what - it works, by design.

And the only thing survivors can do to prevent is, it to run two perks, aka dedicate half their build only to prevent something which shouldn't be in the game to begin with.

Off The Record and DS.

Here's the problem though.

  1. The survivor is completely useless whilst those perks are active, if he wants to keep them. In other words, you and your entire team are getting punished, if you were to prevent yourself being tunneled.
  2. They don't even do much. Off the Record can be disabled 1 second after being unhooked if the killer directly hits you fresh off the hook. And DS can simply be waited out.

"B-but that's the point, the killer wastes time tunneling, so its worth it!" - And if that time waste actually contributed to something, killers wouldn't tunnel consistently, and win by doing so. Because guess what, removing someone from the game is worth it, even if you lose a few gens in the process.

Better yet, trading is easier than ever, and by proxying the hook from 16 meters, killers can immediately get a free down on the unhooker and go straight to tunneling the one unhooked.

During that time, half of the survivor team is doing absolutely nothing.

And here comes the worst part: In soloQ, people don't even punish killers for tunneling, because nobody even sits on gens. And there's zero communication in this game.

This game is literally made for SWF's only. It's a nightmare to play an soloQ survivor. As for killer, if you were to win, you have to follow toxic, unfun playstyles, because it's simply how this game works by design, going for 12 hooks as a killer is NONSENSE.

Nah, don't give me the "b-but if you're good you can make it" - Nobody is trying to make it by getting 12 hooks, because its shooting yourself in the foot as a killer.

This game is flawed by design.

If you ask me, killers need to receive punishments for choosing to tunnel. If you hook the same survivor twice in a row, the requires charges to finish all generators get reduced by 5%, stacking up to 5 times or 25%.

There you have it, now that's an incentive not to tunnel and actually punishing the tunneling playstyle.

The counterbalance for killers? Each time you hook a different survivor after hooking another one, get passive buffs for 60 seconds. Haste, faster vault, stronger base gen kick regression, you name it.

Make it so healthy playstyles are rewarded and there's an incentive to play fair. Now, there's literally none.

And all the tunneling changes done in recent years have been shite.

Buffing a perk locked behind a monetized character by 1 second ain't gonna fix the tunneling issue in the game. What a joke.

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  • Member Posts: 18

    Straight off the hook tunneling is what happens. Nobody goes for the unhooker in the current state of the game, always for the one unhooked. Always.This is a problem.

    There needs to be some sort of immunity that doesnt get disabled the moment you get hit off the hook, because then anti-tunnel mechanics really do nothing. Key word - immunity. Not endurance. Endurance tanks one hit.

    For killers like Nurse, Blight etc. getting 2 hits in 10 seconds is a piece of cake.

    When some killers have an easier time using the game's toxic mechanics, you know you have a problem. Let us also not forget that those same killers like Nurse and Blight have no problem ignoring anti-camp mechanics too, as camping from 16 meters is nothing when they're literally a second away from the hook with their powers.

    What are we doing? There's clearly a problem here by design.

  • Member Posts: 259

    I was specifically trying to argue against your reasoning for why DS and OTR are flawed. DS soft-counters tunneling and OTR provides a little protection against tunneling but a lot of protection against killers who aren't tunneling but will still favor chasing people with more hook states.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Immunity isn't feasible. Any kind of Immunity can and will be weaponised by survivors to punish killers that try to go for the unhooker.

    We already get this with endurance. Nearly every time you attempt to go for the unhooker, the unhooked survivor will bodyblock, force you to hit them, then complain that they got tunneled.

    Tunneling IS too strong, but this isn't the solution. Tunneling is strong because by eliminating a survivor early, you drastically reduce the capability of the rest of the team.

    The best way to weaken tunneling, is to make early survivor elimination less worthwhile, less profitable.

    Some kind of basekit effect or stat for survivors that scales based on the number of survivors in the trial.

    E.g. repair speeds scaled on survivors and gens, so that fewer survivors = faster repair speeds.

  • Member Posts: 499

    I had a round as p100 rebecca and got a nemisis who likes to just tunnel and face camp resident evil survivors. Without any antitunnel perks i managed to loop him for 2 generators, get hooked, he sat there in my face nodding letting the bar fill, i waited and unhooked myself right before going to 2nd stage, looped for another 2 generators after being hit right off the hook, got hooked again and waited for the bar to fill, watched the teammates get the last generator to 98 and unhooked myself again, looped him again till all the survivors were at the gates and died. If a killer decides to tunnel that hard, you are the only kill hes going to get if you play your cards right. Either way sucks to be the person on the recieving end but i made it work

  • Member Posts: 5,499
    edited June 2024

    And here comes the worst part: In soloQ, people don't even punish killers for tunneling, because nobody even sits on gens. And there's zero communication in this game.

    Are you saying you think if you could communicate with other survivors, lets say by a command wheel, that would make survivors more effective while you are being tunneled? maybe or maybe not.

    If you ask me, killers need to receive punishments for choosing to tunnel. If you hook the same survivor twice in a row, the requires charges to finish all generators get reduced by 5%, stacking up to 5 times or 25%.

    And what if I cant find anyone else but the unhooked? Just screw the Killer right? Thats not fair either.

    Though I think you are right that bHVR OUGHT to have some 2 anti-tunneling perks in the game for free by default.

  • Member Posts: 3,586
    edited June 2024

    Anti-camp at bare minimum would buy you 50-seconds per hook state, not even accounting for them having to chase you either; them solely targeting you throws the game since the Survivors can easily just slam Generators and make a lot of progress, the Killer is not contesting the Generators either so they will get done.

    Is it toxic? Id presume so… I really dont know what people consider "toxic" nowadays to be perfectly honest.

    Is it effective? No, they are throwing matches over pettiness and ego.

    Is it lame? Definitely subjective, I think it is lame.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Tunneling isn't a real problem with the game. The survivor role is the one trying to avoid elimination and thus is always at threat of being killed off.

  • Member Posts: 259

    To be fair, I used to agreed with this video and it lined up with my own experiences as a survivor.

    But, man, I don't know what it is about this event, but anecdotally, there has been a huge amount of tunneling in my survivor games in the twisted masquerade mode.

    Like I'm not even saying stuff like the killer is at 1-2 gens left and they need to get rid of the person on death hook for pressure, I mean quite often it happens when there's 4-5 gens left to go.

    I usually bring DS as a precaution and end up not needing it, but I've needed it quite a lot. I'm going to start bringing BT too to protect my allies.

  • Member Posts: 248

    Well, I do personally condone tunnelers that tunnel out of spite and not out of necessity. So, hats off to you for being super chill regardless.

    As for a reason, so far I've been very annoyed at the one that hides the survivors scratch marks. Combined with the other ability to remove footsteps/blood/groaning, its a free escape from loops.

    Far fetched, but maybe the tunneling happens because people don't count on their chance to find other survivors? But again, it's such a short duration to tunnel just for that, so maybe just unlucky.

  • Member Posts: 259

    Yerah, people are allowed to play the game how they want. Tunneling is a game mechanic. It's on the developers to stop it, not the players to play by made up rules. Sometimes if I'm in a bad mood and a killer tunnels my ally out at like 5 gens, I'll be cross with them in endgame chat, but I keep my frustrations focused on the game and not them as a person. Also I actually enjoy being tunneled most of the time, unless it's by a killer I don't like playing against.

    I personally don't tunnel because I think the game is kinda boring if you make it a 3v1 too early.

    I can say though that the early tunneling I've encountered in the Twisted Masquerade has been aggressive. People take hits and even downs and the killer keeps going after the unhooked person. It's possible some BM happened to provoke it, but I don't know.

  • Member Posts: 51

    That's where I leave them slugged instead of instantly hooking them. This causes 2 things.

    1. I don't straight up tunnel someone out of the game even if they are the only one I can find (even though I don't like this option very much either) and just reducing them to a sitting duck that has to be picked up

    2. Still applies pressure to the others to do something and may force chases in certain cases. and they are still down a person for the duration of picking them back up.

  • Member Posts: 328

    If a survivor takes a hit using BT/OTR etc after getting unhooked, and the other survivor is healthy, it's natural to tunnel the person injured.

  • Member Posts: 706

    Killers tunnel because survivors loop, legit tactic yes but when a killer is chasing in a circle they have to either commit and get them out asap or abandon and hope the others are not as good at looping... But that results in killer tunneling someone else because they can't catch the pro looper. What are killers supposed to do spend all match going in circles? No, they look for the kills any way they can. People say looping is part of the game, well so is tunneling, camping and slugging. Might not be fun for survivors but it's not fun for a killer to be looped whole match

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 25
    edited June 2024

    haha, yep, that was me. i remember that match on coldwind farm cause that was the first time i'd tried that. i don't normally hard tunnel or face camp but thought it would be funny to try it once as nemmy against a RE survivor. i found it extremely boring though so i stopped after that match. sorry you were on the receiving end of that, lol. i felt kinda bad afterward. and i know it was you because i remember your name and the p100 rebecca that was good at looping.

  • Member Posts: 747

    Are you sure that you aren't just refusing to accept that you just got caught again?

  • Member Posts: 706

    It does sound like a salty survivor complaint TBF, complaining about tunneling.. yet you guys like the chase and like looping. Enjoy the chase then and don't get caught

  • Member Posts: 499

    Was actualy on the freddy map lol so it may have been another rebecca and another nemi

  • Member Posts: 347

    Tunneling is just another strategy in the game, like camping, 3-genning, hit & run, slugging, and 12-hooking. Sometimes, tunneling is the most effective play. Targeting the weakest link can be the best way to compete against good survivors.

    You're supposed to equip perks to counter these strategies. For example, I use Deja Vu to avoid giving a killer a 3-gen. You can also use perks like OTR, DS, DH, and the upcoming Babysitter to avoid and punish tunneling.

    It’s not the most fun playstyle to go against, but you can't expect killers to always go for 12 hooks to avoid frustrating survivors. It's an online game, and both sides will use what’s most effective because most people like to win.

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    Ive said it in another post so I'll say it again. Tunneling has been addressed, but without actual game development all bhvr ends up doing is adding more and more layers to a problem. It can help, it can stop it, but it won't solve it.

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    "The survivor is completely useless whilst those perks are active, if he wants to keep them. In other words, you and your entire team are getting punished, if you were to prevent yourself being tunneled."

    If you're doing a gen, healing, and so on, then you are saying, "I'm safe and can contribute to the game again" and are therefore not being tunneled. End of discussion.

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