Getting Punished for Faulty DbD Servers

I've played a couple of games today, and in some of them I have gotten match disconnected through no fault of my own.
My wifi was stable and was giving me a good speed. So the only logical conclusion I have is that the servers which is running on DbD are to blame.
Now match disconnection is one thing, but why do I have to be penalized for faulty DbD servers, this makes no sense to me whatsoever.
Moreover I'm surprised that BHVR can't implement a system to differentiate between forcefully leaving a match, and getting kicked off a match because their servers suck. Especially when 90% of the game is locked behind DLC purchases, you would think they would spend some of that money on providing a better gaming experience rather than doing nothing and blaming it on the players.
This needs to be fixed ASAP.
Ethernet or Wifi? If its the latter that's entirely on you
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Whose dick riding why are you so upset? im assuming you're WIFI then if you're gonna be so aggressive which again is your fault stop using WIFI
Post edited by BoxGhost on0 -
Wifi happens. I have it too and experience the same thing. Usually, I am fairly deep into a match as well. Just glad I don't always get banned for it.
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I fail to understand how the DbD dedicated servers crashing is in any way the fault of my wifi. Even if I had ethernet the DbD dedicated server would've crashed anyways, again how is this my wifi's fault.Your argument is essentially if you get stabbed its your fault for getting stabbed.
Post edited by BoxGhost on0 -
Again it was not the fault of my wifi, my point is that there should be a mechanism implemented to differentiate between their own server crashing versus someone else leaving the game on purpose.
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If there was a server wide issue causing majority of players to constant d/c, the penalties would be turned off.
The fact the penalties are not disabled and there's not a massive amount of reports of server issues, the likelyhood is that these issues are located with your own internet.
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Listen I still don't get the fact that there is not any mechanism to differentiate between the DbD server crashing out Vs my wifi crapping out. I think its pure laziness by the devs who can't implement this simple feature.
But otherwise I totally understand getting a penalty for issues on your end, even if your wifi disconnects for no reason.0 -
If the game did differentiate between disconnections, there would be nothing stopping people from disconnecting themselves from their internet to d/c without penalty. Which wouldn't solve the problem that D/C penalties were introduced to solve.
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I literally said its fine for people to get penalities for issues on their end if there wifi disconnects for no reason.