Easy Distortion fix!

Predated Member Posts: 2,976
edited June 27 in Feedback and Suggestions

Replace aura reads on problematic aura perks/addons with killer instinct instead.
1. survivors cannot avoid killer instinct (and I think that should always remain true)
2. killer instinct is less accurate than aura's, but accurate enough to know where you need to go

Distortion is not the issue here, the fact that Distortion counters so many perks, means that the lack of counterplay to those perks is the real issue.

BBQ with killer instinct instead of auras would be more than good enough info and also gives info on people in lockers.
Bitter Murmur is arguably better with killer instinct for most killers that are not named Huntress.
Gearhead gives a ton more value if its killer instinct.
Nowhere to Hide is a rough one, because killer instinct would reveal those in lockers, but I think it should reveal the last survivor to have touched the gen for double or even triple the time, rather than everyone nearby.
Thwack! could give killer instinct too.
Territorial Imperative is one where I am surprised it wasnt killer instinct to begin with.

This already makes Distortion a lot more situational, just to show why Distortion is not the issue.

Imagine if there are 20 meta perks that reveal the killer's aura to all survivors, and to counter that, you're forced to run Ultimate Weapon. Then survivors could claim that Ultimate Weapon is a huge problem, since a single perk counters 20 good perks. But I feel like killer mains in general would jump to point out that the only reason Ultimate Weapon seems so strong is because of the amount of aura revealing perks being used.

Distortion definitely needs some tweaks (it should not gain charges in chase), but the only reason Distortion is so strong, is because 9/10 killers use aura revealing perks and addons.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,712

    I don’t think killer instinct should really be used on perks. It’s a form of tracking that’s meant to be unavoidable so that killer powers involving tracking don’t get significantly hindered by aura-blocking effects, it’s not supposed to make perks uncounterable. Distortion’s effect of countering auras is completely fine in concept. The problem with Distortion is that it is basically infinite since (in most cases) its own token system doesn’t do a good enough job of limiting it. The only change it needs is an adjustment to its recharge system - and personally I think the best solution is to decrease the recharge time a little (20-25 seconds instead of 30) but have it only recharge while being chased, rather than while in the terror radius. This makes the perk a lot healthier because it puts a hard limit on how much the perk can help with avoiding interaction with the killer.

    Having said that, there is 1 killer aura reading perk that is too strong right now (or at the very least would be too strong post-Distortion nerf) and that is Nowhere to Hide (imo it needs to lose its moving range and just stay centered on the generator, the range following the killer like it does right now makes it a little too good).

    Also, putting KI on perks instead of auras would be buffing some perks that don’t need it since lockers would no longer block it.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,993

    Easy fix to Distortion

    -Bring back 3 tokens max and no chances to gain the tokens back

    -Any aura reading ability by the killer should only show auras of healthy survivors

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,646

    What i would do to distortion is make it so recharging tokens is capped at 1. So it starts with three and only recharges when you run out and then stops recharging when you have 1 token.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    Easy fix to Distortion: Delete the perk🥰

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Depends, the perks I mentioned I think its quite a good change, because I think their aura reveal is too niche to be risked with a block. I think aura perks should be powerful enough that blocking actually makes sense. If its a weak aura perk, it might aswell be killer instinct.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, Ultimate Weapon is fine now, because its a shorter duration and a limited space. But before its nerf it was far too much yeah. And I thought Boon Illumination bypassed blindness, since its a different type of aura (like pig's boxes)

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    If we're deleting perks, there are about 20 killer perks and 17 survivor perks I would want to delete. Either because they are busted or because they should be basekit

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,234

    I don't think most perks should get this, but I would say BBQ might be a decent exception to the rule. BBQ is typically seen as a healthy perk, that encourages hooks, and gives somewhere to go other than proxy camping. Killer Instinct also means that you can't see the character model to cheese tunnel someone out, so you still have to roll the dice when choosing who to go after. It would probably need an extra 2 seconds to account for not only Lethal, but also KI being harder to catch the start and end of.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Yeah, replacing aura's with killer instinct definitely would need some readjusting in most cases. But it would fix the current issue where there is an oversaturation of aura reading capability for killers causing survivors to run 1 single perk to counter all of them.

    And either you reduce the saturation of aura reading by switching over to screams (which just gets people to use Calm Spirit if that gets oversaturated) or killer instinct.

    Survivors' 1 advantage over the killer is that the killer doesnt know where they are so they can progress gens in the time that a killer is searching. Especially since survivors dont know where every other survivor is.

    You could combat that by giving survivors 100% info on where everyone is, by revealing their aura's, then it doesnt really matter because survivors can sit on gens and see if a teammate is going to unhook or not, but that would also mean survivors will always touch gens at any given time. Its basically how gen regression needed an all-round rework, because they added too many ways to regress gens to the point that they needed a limit on how often you can kick a gen. Aura reading perks on the killer's end are close to reaching that point too, especially since every killer now gets some form of info in their basekit (even Wesker, who absolutely does not need it).

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    I think the devs had said in the past that they wanted killer instinct exclusive to their power.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Kinda an issue is the perk is mostly good on already very strong killers, who don't need to get buff.

    Value of BBQ for M1 killers is not that high compare to Billy, or Blight.

  • CrackedShevaMain
    CrackedShevaMain Member Posts: 408
    edited June 26

    Not allowing the tokens to recharge is completely unfair when going against killer who run full aura builds. The entire perk will become worthless 1-2 minutes into the match. Not to mention scratched or vanity mirror meyers. Also the weave franklins combo would nuke it super fast as well too.

    Distortion is not the issue here. It’s the over reliance on aura reading perks and getting upset when your build gets countered, which is the purpose of perks.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    Are we actually complaining about Distortion? Why? It's a pure perk/addon counter. If Distortion is wrecking you, then you're too reliant on your build to locate survivors and need to start employing more game sense.

    Like, there's an argument to be made that Distortion is a selfish perk along the lines of Left Behind and Sole Survivor, but that's not a killer concern, that's a teammate concern.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,234

    Yeah, that's fair. My top 5 to play as are Ghosty/Clown/Legion/Trapper/Myers (and to a lesser extent Pig/Dredge/Singu), and generally don't have an issue with Distortion. If I run auras, I tend to run Lethal with them, so I already start the match knowing how many people have Dist and can plan accordingly.

    A generic change could be (on the Survivor side) aura-hides don't work when you have the least hooks. That way if being tunneled they still work, but if the Killer is trying to spread pressure they still get the info.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    If I run auras, I tend to run Lethal with them, so I already start the match knowing how many people have Dist and can plan accordingly.

    Yeah, the moment when I don't see anyone at start of the game with Lethal is pretty depressing…

    A generic change could be (on the Survivor side) aura-hides don't work when you have the least hooks.

    That's definetly an interesting idea.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 338
  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,234

    Start of match - Then that means I know they all have Distortion, which means they are down to only 3 perks. If my build was reliant on auras I can still burn through the stacks safely (eg. Black Incense essentially giving permanent aura reads, or Ghosty Iri Cam+Undetectable preventing stacks from being re-earned).

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,351

    Feel like an important note is to remember killer instinct doesn't show distance. If I hook someone and get 3 killer instinct blips from BBQ, I'd have no clue who is close and who is on the other side of the map.

  • Viciusaurus
    Viciusaurus Member Posts: 407

    I've started running Spies in the Shadows. People will expect aura builds and run Distorion, but they won't expect you to find them using borbs, and honestly it's pretty good in terms of needing to find people while they essentially now have one less perk.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,351

    Scratched mirror is kind of a bad example since you don't recharge tokens already against a SM Myers. Vanity mirror also is ridiculously unlikely to get many tokens since you're going against a T2 Myers who is PROBABLY using dead rabbit for a tiny TR.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,235

    It's only an upgrade over screams. Auras are better, but Killer Instinct can't be blocked.

    Anyway, Killer Instinct should absolutely never be used on perks. It only exists on Killer Powers for a reason. If you bring Killer Instinct onto perks, then you open up the avenue for a perk that also counters Killer Instinct, which would screw over so many killers.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,830

    The only perk I think that is really unfairly countered by it is I’m All Ears which becomes a complete hinderance when used against a Distortion user because you lose scratch marks and Killer Instinct wouldn’t work on this perk. That perk needs something to deal with Distortion because right now the threat of Distortion existing makes the perk not worth running ever despite being a good perk.

    If Distortion does need to be changed, I’d rather they just make it only gain tokens in chase so that the Distortion user needs to interact with the killer and reduce the tunnelling side effect of it. And maybe not have the scratch marks part work in chase so I’m All Ears isn’t completely gutted by it.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited June 27

    Speaking of BBQ, wheter it uses auras or killer instinct, it should not work on the most recently hooked survivor.

    Everyone gives the perk praise for being anti-camping incentive, but that's not entirely accurate. It can tell killers when to camp* and/or can show the killer where to go to tunnel; where that death-hook survivor ran off to.

    *The killer hooked and saw no auras. The survivors could have been hiding behind gens or in lockers, or the killer can assume that all survivors are within 40 meters of the hook and just camp.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited June 27

    For the "tunneling side effect" of Distortion (the killer sees fewer survivor auras and focuses on the survivors they CAN see), isn't the blame on the survivors who are not running it, to some degree?

    Imagine that Doctor became extremely popular and common. I use Calm Spirit or Hardened to stop myself from screaming and my teammates don't. If that happens match after match, wouldn't you also just equip Calm Spirit?

    There are so many killer perks with aura reading. If everyone ran Distortion, killers would have to actually use their game sense and eyes (or play Doctor/Legion/Xenomorph).

    Post edited by Nos37 on
  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    You have to be very careful with killer instinct there is a reason it's only ever tied to killer powers making it relatively predictable like hiding in lockers vs legion etc.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    The relevance of most of those perks after a survivor is revealed by Ultimate Weapon and most likely being stalked or chased is zero.

    They're just using a weak 'but what about' argument.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,303

    Distortion dont need a fix, the aura readings need a nerf, killers have become way too used to use aura readings to find survivors.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,303
    edited June 27

    Yeah, i agree..

    But its easier to push blame on people running the perk that own up to the fact that some people choose not to run it.

    The "tunneling side effect" argument can also be used with good loopers, if i cant catch people when im playing killer, then i find someone else to chase, and i skip the good looper until there are no one else left.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    I forgot to mention - I think Distortion is fine.

  • cruelb
    cruelb Member Posts: 110

    Delete distortion if killer can only run one aura perk at a time. Deal.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Its more that perk counters to other perks in general are kinda dumb. Almost every somewhat counter has other use. Vigil counters exposed, but it also aids exhaustion and its not good enough at countering exposed nor is exposed common enough to be used consistently.

    The problem is that you want people to not have their perks denied entirely.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, its quite powerful as you can gain stacks any time you hear the TR, even if its a fake one. Making it basically a permanent aura block from the start. On top of that, everytime your aura is blocked, you lose scratchmarks.

    Just as a comparison, the actual permanent aura block is Sole Survivor, and that requires teammates to die

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,303
    edited June 28

    It all depends on the perks you run. Gearhead or Weave ect. and distortion will be gone in no time.

    And aura reading is even more powerful, thus it need a nerf.