The Executioner (QoL changes + addon pass concept)

Hello so not long ago I was kinda hyped for the upcoming silent hill 2 remake that I decided to replay the original game and try to unlock all the endings in it and during that I had some ideas for addons for phead + new addon concepts that are based off of tools that are in the original game
Also this is strictly a concept it’s not meant to be perfect and might be flawed from game balance pov
Pyramid Head could definitely use some addon buffs. However, he is already a very strong killer, so I am not sure how I feel about basekit buffs. If anything, he could even use a very small compensation nerf if his addons ever got buffed, because even without good addons Pyramid Head at the moment is pretty damn strong.
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I did include like 2 nerfs for his kit to his tunneling ability if you look back at the QOL changes
And also most of the basekit buffs are just his used perks addons and range being made basekit (also his useless addons)
And regarding a compensation nerf (aside from the 2 nerfs I made). I’m thinking of endurance and haste being a last second resort if his tunneling ability never gets toned down
P.S I also removed this nerf concept from it but I think the cage notification should either be removed or delayed by like 3 seconds so survivors could have a chance to get away before getting tunneled out (but that might only harm inexperienced phead players)
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I like the Cage spawn logic change for when the gens are done, and the increased anti-camping distance.
I don't mind the overall buffs, and the new iridescent add-ons sound fun, and playstyle-changing as iri rarity could be imo.
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All the basekit buffs are good. The cage anti camp buff is by far the biggest change to the basekit which benefit the survivors. Most of the addons are cool or at least interesting. The only one i don't like is the monstrous shrine like green addon. obsidian goblet would be a nightmare in solo q
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oh yeah I miswrote it but it’s meant to be 30% sacrifice progress but I’m fine with it being halved to 15%
And thank you for your feedback btw :D
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Most are good the iri spear is not.
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what other flaws does it have? I added 2 downsides to the effect it has or is it bad design wise?
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I want a addon, that makes the spikes stay one the ground permanent, which slows people that walk over it and makes them oblivious. Maybe also an addon that gives the spike effect to others, when they touch each other. One that makes them louder would also be nice.
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128 metres, u can pretty much snipe survivors off any gen on the map
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Don’t step on his trails
- You can avoid them
- You can crouch through them
- Both sides get denied of using hook perks which means pyramid head can’t use pop, pain res, grim or even build NWO stacks maybe remember that advantage?
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that’s the idea of it it’s like having map wide range and it’s mostly useable TWICE because it consumes 50% of Rites of judgment when used and it slows you down when activating it because it takes a few extra seconds to charge up
Aside from that it can also be used again when judgement charges up a few charges
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that’s a waste of time and throwing the match move cause now other survivors can do gens peacefully and on top of that now he has to chase you again making it an even more time wasting move
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Interesting stuff. Would welcome some of that.
But the 128m.. Add the downside that Survivors can see his aura - even when effected by blindness - while charging POTD and I'd like it
EdIt: or a sound cue
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I actually had a louder sound cue idea in mind
Personally I wouldn’t mind if the sound of his POTD would be extremely loud base wise (except for charging the power keep the audio as it is)
Also the aura reading won’t work because undetectable status effect often removes the killers aura but a louder sound might do the job
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Thinking more about it.. The sound cue wouldn't really help.. The PH player could simply spam M2 without finishing the move to annoy the Survivors.. Maybe if he couldn't cancel it - like Freddy with his Iri add on
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that’s an over punishing downside there’s probably better alternatives
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Being able to see the aura of the trail building up towards them after it's casted - like Artists crows?
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Sure not a bad change