We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Survivors holding the game hostage via hiding needs to be fixed.

TheGriffinDore Member Posts: 87
edited June 27 in Feedback and Suggestions

Once survivors decide to never complete the objective and just hide, the game turns into a giant puddle of nothing. Not entering chase for 90 seconds needs to start revealing auras or something.

What sparked this post in the first place, was match that lasted 57 minutes on Eyrie of Crows.

Simply due to the size of the map, It's next to impossible to spot someone trying to hide and nothing else.

Post edited by TheGriffinDore on


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    The game does need something for this. This scenario isn’t rare like bleed outs either, this is an extremely common scenario.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,552

    Some players don´t like chases.

    Maybe if nothing is being done for 10 minutes you can reveal something. They had something like that in My little Oni.

  • loreaccuratenemesis
    loreaccuratenemesis Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 25

    This is extremely aggravating, I agree. And I don't even mean when the last two Survivors are at least still doing gens but are very good at hiding when I patrol them, I mean matches where the last two Survivors will literally not even touch a gen whatsoever for over 10 minutes. Players like that really need to be punished and this shouldn't be a thing. You should get crows if you don't touch a gen for a few minutes when there's only two players left.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,994

    The reason this happens is:

    • That the game becomes incredibly unbalanced when 1 Survivor die. meaning the third will follow fast.
    • Survivors can only hatch out when there.
    • Nobody want to be the last Survivor to die.

    I think the game could do VERY WELL if there was a way Survivors could try to end a losing game without giving up but still not extending the game too long without gameplay interaction from both sides. Sorta like a way to switch between escaping and just closing the game up. I think the reason to highlight is that no Survivor wants to go down to the Killer.

    So a solution might be found in Pre-5.3.0 Gameplay
    You see back then Hatch became visible to all players after the following condition were met: Number of completed Generators = Number of alive Survivors + 1
    More specifically:

    • 4 Survivors alive: 5 Generators completed, Exit Gates were powered.
    • 3 Survivors alive: 4 Generators completed, 1 Generator left.
    • 2 Survivors alive: 3 Generators completed, 2 Generators left.

    What I want us to focus on here is the last part two Survivors left, Imagine this being a thing so at least you have to do 3 Gens to make your team "lose with grace" or a TIE as this is how the Hatch contributes to MMR these days.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Okay, make it a gen for 5 minutes instead, it would be better

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,692

    Two players left, 3 is in chase and 4 is on a gen. Killer downs 3, slugs for the 4k, and survivor 4 has no choice but to try and hide for hatch.

    • 4 minutes for #3 to bleed out.
    • Couple minutes for the killer to find hatch first
    • Two minutes of EGC where survivor 4 could still realistically get a door and escape.

    At no point in this timeline should survivor 4 be touching a gen after the down, unless you're expecting them to hand the killer a free kill, and all of this is considered valid gameplay by the rules.

    Anything less than 10 minutes here is basically giga buffing slugging for the 4k to guarantee the last survivor has zero chance of escape. You might as well delete hatch if we're going this route.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,245

    Bring Weave Attunement, watch as one survivor uses a dropped item to rat out the other, profit.

    But no, seriously, I hate matches where the remaining two or three survivors hide and wait for the other two to die and gens don't get touched at all. The game is not designed around the killer searching in every locker and behind every rock for survivors UEing around the edges of the map. The game is not designed for that, the maps are not designed for that. Everything falls apart if survivors aren't touching their objective.

    Hm. Maybe what we need, if gens aren't being touched, are the danger zones like in Battle Royale. Automatic head-explodey areas of death.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 819

    It would be great if survivors…dint die. Instead trial have time limit and either survs manage to open gates - they won, or time is up, dawn has come, entity eats survivors and they are dead by daylight.

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 634

    Should be infinite aura reveal after 3-4 mins of doing nothing, they already have pity escape aka hatch and then has a chance to open the exit gates

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 619

    The effect of the 'Whispers' perk should kick in if a chase hasn't started for 4 minutes.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,092

    Unfortunately no, because you can game crows by moving between tiles. If you sit in place, you'll get crows, but you can just move back and forth in the corner of the map, or swap between lockers every minute, and you'll avoid getting called out.

    Changing crows so that they can also come if a player hasn't performed a conspicuous action or been chased in X amount of time might fix this, assuming it's a long enough grace period where it won't fire at random (5 minutes?)

  • TheGriffinDore
    TheGriffinDore Member Posts: 87

    It's especially a problem on larger maps where it takes upwards of 30s to cross from one side to the other with your average 115% killer.

  • stanheights
    stanheights Member Posts: 18

    Happens way too often :( Wish they’d implement something for it like they did with the 3 gen hostage fix because circling the map while people hide for half an hour is so miserable.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,240

    Identity v has a second set of crows that heckle survivors that dont interact with gens, totems or chests for about 80 seconds, i think.

    Beauty of this is they dont go away by interacting with objects unrelated to progressing the trial nor slightly moving.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    Very simple solution is killer instinct in 1v2 if you don't interact with gens/hex/killer obj for x% of a minute. Ace who did 35s of a gen during a minute is fine, but claud in a bush/basement doing nothing is revealed.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 749

    I would be down for a solution, for the whole "We are the last two survivors in the match, non of us want to die, so we hide and wait until one of us dies, either by slugging bleed out or on death hook; and get hatch or escape gate, for a over abundance of time"

    It is irritating to deal with as a killer, as I forced to played the Seeker and waste so much precious time trying to get a 4k as a killer (only for adept Achievement or specific challenges) and most often then not, forced to find a survivor and kill them right away so I can quickly find hatch and secure the 4k, increasing the risk the last Survivor finds the hatch.

    If there is a way to make crows or killer instinct to reveal survivors whom refused to work on any objectives at the same time for a certain time frame, without anyone else working on Generators. That would be fair. And maybe as a counter Buff to survivors, to incentives them to work on Generators even more, the Generators aura get removed from the Killer's point of view, to incentives killers to be more aware of the Genators's locations in advance.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 819

    Hiding inside killers terror radius is nothing bad, why survs should be forced to reveal themselves only to be killed? If that have to be the case, then just start collapse. Killer should be moving around the map, and each second when survivor is not doing conspicuous action OR are not running while outside killer terror radius they get stacks of SMTH, survs should loose those stacks each time they are doing conspicuous action, and those stacks should not pile up when running nor when hiding inside terror radius.

    What about 3gen?

    3gen is totally behaviour fault and neither survivors nor killer should be punished because of that. Behaviour should remade gen spawn logic, so that none 3 generators are in 32m radius.

    Also, deja vu aura reading should be basekit, so that survs know where current 3gen is.