So this isn't reportable?
So slugging isn't reportable huh?...hey look at how many gens we did a nice big zero and how many hooks? Also a big zero. Your tell me this isn't a reportable offense because it's slugging. Full on crystal clear more clear then through then a freshly made window SO CLEAR THAT I CAN EVERYTHING THROUGH IT. But nope according to BHVR it isn't a reportable offense even though they never bother hooking anyone fun fact we all bled out. Yes someone DCed and did I report them for it no because I found it valid they DCed because they didn't want to wait 4 minutes bleeding on the ground because the killer just wanted to ruin a match for everyone "your fun isn't their priority." Okay...still doesn't mean they didn't ruin the match if BHVR wanted to stop slugging here's an easy solution...a give up or force bleed out button if all four survivors are one the ground and the killer isn't picking them up at all the survivor can "force bleed out" they disconnect from the match but their player stays still keeping the username so basically its a secret dc it let's the killer think they DCed when in reality their off playing a different match all it does is waste the killer's time and guess what the killer doesn't receive any BP from that survivor because of it.
you can counter any perks like no mither or boon, unbreakable.
why you dont use it?
13 -
It's not reportable. Move on instead of dwelling on it.
23 -
I like to troll back. I run Plot Twist, so if the killer is slugging, I put myself on the ground right in front of them. Good times.
Really, though, don't dwell on it. The great thing about bleeding out is it requires no effort from the survivor, the match will be over in less than 4 minutes. If the killer is slugging, I'm off watching a YouTube video, getting a snack, or playing on my phone. Idle games like Cookie Clicker or Animal Restaurant are also great for those I-got-a-few-minutes-to-kill-while-I-bleed-out matches. Or have some flash cards handy; a few minutes here, a few minutes there, you can learn a new language.
Basically anything is a better choice than letting yourself be upset about it.
10 -
Because when we do use Unbreakable the forums complain that Survivors only use the same 4 meta perks (and the only other viable one is honestly Plot Twist), and when we don't use the same 4 meta perks this happens with alarming consistency.
18 -
I don't see why you should let all survivors bleed out in that situation, the only times I ever did that were on swfs sending me to badham or something like that. But that's entirely their own fault sending me on this horrible map and still losing xD
Well the bleedout button would be nice and is requested since a while, but I don't think any of them will care about the bloodpoints xD
2 -
He didn't say anything about Unbreakable, he was talking about No Mither. Why don't you pick No Mither every trial to counter this?
5 -
Considering they are on Midwich, it could easily be a Nurse who went to this Map.
Some people are just like that. Even tho it would be better if they would just uninstall, because if the only reason to play is to make it as miserable as possible for the other side, they should play single player games.
10 -
The killer might've been destroyed by a bully squad in the previous game, so it's understandable why they would do this. The source of all toxicity in DbD are SWFs.
4 -
Ngl, who actually cares if you run meta or not?
Just use what you want, if people want to complain, let them complain. Their words should quite literally have no effect on how you play a game.
7 -
Unfortunately no, the game rules are pretty clear that this kind of slugging is not a bannable offense. Even though it's pretty obviously unsportsmanlike.
Don't worry though, the next patch will make sure every hook on the map respawns and several people have assured me that is the only reason slugging like this ever happens. (/s)
Oh look, zero hooks...
7 -
Nah, not really. It has been months since the last time I saw more than 1 person with Unbreakable in a match. So the chances for all 4 survivors to use it are very low. Even then, 1 match with a perk that's used 4 times is not that big of a deal. It just can't be like old DH, where on average 3 survivors would use it and your statistical chance to get a match without any DHs was about 1:256.
I agree though that something needs be done about this kind of slugging. There is nothing wrong with an ambitious play where a killer slugs a survivor and can immediately chase another but if the only goal is to slug all of them and bleed them out, this should be a reportable offense (which it technically is as it falls under griefing).
4 -
Yes the chances are high, there aren't a lot of killers that could 4 man slug with 5 gens on midwich xD
2 -
"no mither, boon, unbreakable"
They were, in fact, talking about Unbreakable. But "Why don't you pick No Mither every trial to counter this" we both know why, but sure, I'll humour you.
Because No Mither doesn't fit into my "fun" or "comfort" build (that being Autodidakt, Head On, Quick and Quiet, Strength in Shadows), and sure I could absolutely replace SIS for No Mither, but the downside to playing injured, potentially facing an Oni, etc. just isn't worth it to counter something that I don't encounter constantly.
But even then, that wasn't my point. My point was that yes, there are strong perks which counter this situation, however when they are run people will complain, and when they are not run people will complain that you should have simply run the perks. It's like complaining about the amount of pallets on the map, and instead of recognising there's a problem that realistically should be fixed at a base game level responding with "Oh just use Enduring/Brutal/Dissolution, why aren't you using those?" Release Garden of Joy was balanced, you just should've combo'd Bamboozle with EndFury, sounds like a skill issue.
Alternatively, when someone who doesn't use gen defence complains about gen speeds, being told to run slowdown instead of recognising that there's an issue at a fundamental level and perks are being used to bandaid them over and over instead of just fixing the damn problem.I should not have to dedicate slots out of my perks to fix a fundamental problem with the game. This is true for both sides. Stop arguing in bad faith.
Me, I care, because I personally don't find it fun. I want to run a build I enjoy (again, Autodidakt + Head On) and shouldn't have to sacrifice my enjoyment of the game because of BHVR's refusal to fix a problem with the game at a base level for over 8 years now. Perks should not be a bandaid to fix a core issue of DBD, there should instead just be fixes to the core mechanics of DBD.
6 -
That’s not really justifying anything. It’s just trying to pin everything on SWFs when killers and soloq survivors can be just as toxic without reason.
Dont try to find excuses for others.
14 -
If you don't see the reason, it doesn't mean there is none. After a killer gets destroyed and BM'd by a 4man, they have a high motivation to do something like what happens in the OP. Survivors in that game might think the killer is doing it without reason, but the reason is right there and is pretty obvious once you know the context. Those survivors then might start being toxic to their next killers, and so on. And the source of all this spiral of toxicity were the SWF.
3 -
It's clearly not ban-able as outlined in the rules, but something should be done to prevent it. Maybe you shouldn't be able to have more than 2 survivors in the dying state at a time. When a third one goes into the dying state, the first player downed can push a button to improve by one health state.
4 -
Since the core source of all of this is SWF, something should be done about SWFs being able to obliterate and make any killer feel miserable. Anything else would be treating symptoms instead of the disease.
2 -
that’s just an assumption though. You do not know if this is true.
I do not deny this doesn’t happen. But you can’t act like that’s the only possible reason for a killer player.
by your logic, the SWF might do it just because a killer player was toxic to them. So maybe everything did start with killer players after all?12 -
Even if it's not the only reason, it's definitely the main one. Even I, being the nice person I am, feel the need bleedout survivors for several games after an unsuccessful game against SWF. SWFs can make any wholesome player into a toxic one. Although there might be a few killer players who are toxic just because they want to be, most of toxic killers become such once they learn what "playing nice" against SWF usually leads to.
by your logic, the SWF might do it just because a killer player was
toxic to them. So maybe everything did start with killer players after
all?Not quite, SWFs have a huge advantage over killers. They are guaranteed to win against 90% of killers unless they intentionally goof around. It's the power role that has the stronger ability to start being toxic unprovoked, and the true power role in DbD is SWF.
2 -
You're just making things up, and in the process justifying toxicity. That just perpetuates the problem.
Taking a break, stepping away from the game for a minute is both healthy and stops the cycle of toxicity. Stop blaming anything on some people being a complete toxic jerk to other people, there's no excuse for it.
There's literally no evidence that '90%' of killers are being destroyed by SWF, especially since the most recent official stats have SWF escaping about 48% of the time. SWF is also currently losing more to killers, so this assertion is just completely false.
14 -
poor unfortunate soul…
Or not.
That’s just excuses.
not every swf plays on that level and not all spread toxicity. And plenty of killer players are being toxic without a meanie swf winning against them.
have you considered that you are not that nice of a person as you say you are?I mean.. the fact you are intentionally ruining other people’s fun because completely independent players were assumedly toxic to you isn’t speaking for yourself
9 -
Yeah, those stats that have no evidence to back them up, that basically just say "the game is balanced and the devs are doing a pretty good job so far", the stats that don't align with actual experience of any killer player, sure, those stats are an argument.
1 -
I just gave an explanation why some (if not most) players do what they do. It's easy to blame everything on the final thing you physically perceive without trying to reason any further, so it's easy to come up with conclusions like "everyone who does a bad thing, does it just because they are bad people", but such a method won't get you far in understanding the actual situation in full.
1 -
you just say that swf players are bad people and there is this one simple reason for everything.
I am saying there is more than just one single reason for all players to play toxic/assumedly toxic
I never said that all killer players playing like this are bad people, I just said that maybe YOU are not as friendly as you say you are.
7 -
Pretty much impossible to back up stats with facts as the stats are the facts themselves. I'm sorry if the Stats do not represent your personal experiences playing DbD, however please do not infer that we would make the statistics up.
23 -
"Even I, being the nice person I am" is really giving "I am a nice guy" energy.
13 -
This! you can counter slugging with perks. As Distortion do counter other perks. both things are fine
1 -
Someone punched you.
You punched me.
Your reason is someone I dont even know punched you so you punched me in return.
That's not an excuse. End of story.
22 -
Well, you could call it "survivor sanctions" if you will. But you probably misunderstood, I wasn't talking about "excuses", I was explaining the reason behind such behavior, whether you agree with the moral part of it or not.
4 -
I'd say that if someone's reaction to a bad match is to take it out on unrelated players .. that's a pretty bad-person thing to do.
You know what I do if a game frustrates me? I do something else and come back later. And if a game consistently frustrates me? I stop playing that game.
13 -
Even if such a killer was pushed around the prior trial, it ends up doing no good to take frustrations out on the next group, who are innocent in this situation. All this does is continue the vicious cycle we need to break free from. It is very human to react that way yes, but all it does is make things worse.
11 -
Because a basekit mechanic shouldnt only be counterable by perks.
5 -
And why did that SWF go there? Probably because they were facing killers like this.
Believe it or not, the first toxic strats came from killers. Every toxic survivor strat is literally a counterplay to a toxic killer strat. Rarely are toxic killer strats a counterplay to toxic survivor strats.
A nurse can turn an entire lobby into toxic players. So that Nurse pissed of a SWF, and then that SWF pissed off the next killer.
If a SWF is toxic, they had a toxic killer before you. And that literally can apply to every other of your arguments:
"After a killer gets destroyed and BM'd by a 4man, they have a high motivation to do something like what happens in the OP."
After survivors get 4 man slugged, they have a high motivation to destroy the next killer and BM him.
The correct response to toxicity is to let it be in that one game. The main source of toxicity is taking it to the next game.
Wait, let me rephrace that: YOU ARE THE MAIN SOURCE OF TOXICITY. Stop letting past games affect your next games. If you cannot let the last game go, go play a single player game. SWF isnt the source, singular killers arent the source, its people like you that are the source."They are guaranteed to win against 90% of killers unless they intentionally goof around. It's the power role that has the stronger ability to start being toxic unprovoked, and the true power role in DbD is SWF."
Nah, a random Nurse is the true power role. besides, they are not able to guarantee wins against 90% of killers. In most cases, those survivors prepared to face a Nurse and were then matched up against a Pig. You cannot blame survivors for being forced to deal with a slugging Nurse and then defeating all others. If 1 killer requires survivors to gear up, then the killers also have to gear up as if they are facing a SWF who gears up against a slugging Nurse, which means solo's have to gear up as if they are facing killers who are gearing up against a SWF who is gearing up against a slugging Nurse.4 -
Egg chicken whatsoever is pointless, being slugged for 4 minutes is nothing, just do counter, if you don't like using counter, accept it
There is like hundreds things survivors can do to prevent this, it's all their own fault if it happens
4 -
why is it whenever a killer decides to engage in the most antisocial behavior in the game that actively pushes people away from the community, it's the survivors fault for not picking perks that have a 98% chance to get no value, or even actively detract from their chances in most cases? why do survivors have the responsibility to throw just to earn the privilege of the killer not being toxic to them?
6 -
killer decides to engage in the most antisocial behavior
Killer is the one who kills people, and killing people is indeed a very antisocial behavior if you ask me.
5 -
I mean, that's technically true - it's understandable. But anyone could tell you that doesn't make it okay, and taking your frustrations out on an unrelated group of randos who hasn't done anything wrong to you is a.) unfair and b.) just perpetuating misery along.
Your claim that the source of all toxicity in DBD is SWFs is absolute nonsense. SWFs who hate killers generally do so because they've also, surprise surprise, been treated badly and have decided that means everyone playing the role is a deserving target of their ire. Which is, again, small-minded and idiotic behavior. But your poor innocent killer who was forced to bleed out some randos while humping their bodies is every bit to blame for this as the bully squad who gave them a bad time before.
Don't be disingenuous. We're all people playing an online game. Using the particular skin we're playing in our game of hide and seek tag to excuse being a dickhead is a tired and lazy excuse.
9 -
I can't tell if this is a joke meant to agree with me, or someone who genuinely thinks that "pretending to be incapable of understanding even the most basic of declarative statements" is a genuine argument, and that says something about the level of discourse on here. I'll assume it's a joke
5 -
so it’s okay for survivors to be toxic towards killers? I mean, they are just trying to survive and the other character is trying to kill them. Surely those SWF players are allowed to defend their survival without being restricted to a rulebook telling them to be nice to actual killers?
( /s just in case. We are all playing an online multiplayer videogame. Play within the rules, don’t be unnecessarily toxic to others especially when they weren’t directly to you, and give constructive feedback so mechanics enabling toxic behaviour can be tackled by the devs)6 -
I mean, if a Killer is intent on bleeding every single survivor out, these perks only do so much.
Unbreakable is single use. Exponential can be snuffed. No Mither is basically handicapping yourself for the entire trial.
It works for countering slugging in a regular gameplay sense, but if a killer is intentionally trying to bleed all 4 Survivors out to grief then it only really delays the inevitable.
8 -
Any perk combination is fair game. I wouldn’t listen to the people who complain about your perks.
1 -
There is a difference between slugging to pressure and bleeding out.
OP accepts defeat, not asking for basekit Unbreakable as a fixing.
OP asks to punish the bleeding behaviour.
7 -
I wish something like this was actionable but the problem is there are legit times to slug. So how would you identify this? Is it 2+ slugs at once? Slugging for x seconds? What's the exact scenario it goes from an annoying but valid strategy to just being mean to people? How many fake reports of bannable slugging would be submitted ?
0 -
Exactly this. Slugging in general is a totally fine game mechanic.
However, bleeding out for 4 minutes is just griefing at that point. I don't think it should be bannable because support is already pretty swamped, and that doesn't solve the issue either. There needs to be a measure taken to mitigate how much time this can waste.
3 -
Sure let’s give survivors even more basekit second chances and put even more restrictions on how killers are allowed to play. This will definitely solve all the problems this time.
4 -
What if, when slugged, you were allowed to exit the match and replace yourself with a bot (without DC penalty or losing match earnings) if everyone else is also downed/hooked/dead, or if it's a 1v2? That way killers don't lose slugging for the 4k, but the survivor doesn't have to stick around for it, and slugging to bleed everyone out is pointless because your hostages will just leave you with bots.
1 -
hey man, really like this post of yours. i'm having a bit of trouble though and maybe you can help me. do you mind pointing out where in the post OP asked for "more basekit second chances"? because I didn't notice it. i'm sure it must be there since you're so confident that's what people are asking for, so could you help me locate it?
10 -
The only thing that needs to be done is to reduce the bleed out timer when everyone in the match is slugged and have no way to pick themselves up. I wouldn’t consider that to be a second chance mechanic.
1 -
This has nothing to do with second chances. Nobody is arguing that survivors should be able to save the match at this point. It's about players wasting each others' time for the specific and sole reason of being a jackass, and how maybe that shouldn't be a thing. Boil Over RPD Library didn't win matches but it sure dragged them out, and we all agreed that was garbage. The only 'restriction' we're talking about here is griefing. What exactly do you think is preserved by leaving killers the right to sit around humping and nodding at survivors for four minutes after they've lost the game?
6 -
Its as reportable as 4 healthy survivors sitting at the end of the exit gate teabagging until the last microsecond is.