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Who is really unhappy playing DBD as a survivor rn?

Member Posts: 62

What are people's thoughts on the following: "this is the worst time to be playing as survivor in DBD"?

With the event, though nice to get Blood points, has actually been an extremely bad time to play as survivor?

Even switching to "normal mode" from the event mode hasn't felt good for me personally.

Do you think this event has made the game miserable - I know the conciseness from end game chats and discords I'm in all seem to think this event has really made the game feel… well… quite unfun and a drain to play. When compared to Chaos shuffle where it was always kinda crazy with such a variety of perks available.

People play the event for a difference yes, and from my understanding to gain the consistent extra BP it has to offer, but it has really left a lot of people unhappy after their gametime from my experience.

The killers ability to permanently remove a pallet from the game Vs. the survivors ability to put a temp pallet, doesn't seem to compare.

And a survivor blocking a window vs the killers way remote hook (removing the chance for perks like DS, Sabo's, and flashlights/bangs and even pallet saves, giving credence to the temp pallets being even weaker) - it just seems like it wasn't considered at all and again, is not comparable in terms of power/strength.

The redeeming ability with Quiet mode has been pretty good and helped me to escape a fair few chases, but scratch marks and the sheer volume of Aura reading perks nullifies it most of the times.

I've been put off my the game a fair bit.

What are others thoughts on this?

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  • Member Posts: 6,226
    edited June 2024

    I don't actually feel things are worse than usual. Yeah, I'm running into some people who are clearly angry, but that's nothing new, and if anything I'm encountering more friendly or friendly-ish killers than usual (people who aren't farming and will kill you, but noticeably avoid tunneling and spread hooks.) The insta-hook mechanic is bad, it really shouldn't be able to yeet players to a different floor or into the basement, and that and remote pallet breaking are much more powerful than the tools survivors get. But on the flipside, this is my first time playing with the new anti-camp mechanic, and good god has that helped render the worst playstyles historical record. Haven't seen a facecamping Bubba once this event, so that automatically puts it head and shoulders over the last events I've been part of.

    Plus, the copious bloodpoints mean that even the worst matches now are paying out like your best matches on a normal day. So while frustrating things are happening, and it's very irritating to see four survivors bring a cake and the killer bring a mori and then tunnel like they're being held at gunpoint… the outcome's still better than the usual state of affairs. I'm running into more players that are having fun, even in games where the killer is comp - yesterday I made friends with a Mikaela when we tried to Bardic Inspiration each other at the start of the match. Match was campy and tunnely AF, and the Wraith didn't think it was funny when I vaulted in to play our song while he moried her, but she did, and that's what counts.

    It's definitely a bad time to play if you like setting up for saves and sabo, and DS getting countered by Q spam is just broken, but SWF isn't dead - I had an insane match earlier where I got teamed with a 3-man running a quad boon and the plays they were making were amazing. I'll never doubt Exponential again.

  • Member Posts: 10,365

    I don't think it's that bad. The vast majority of frustrating survivor matches are because of mismatches. You're feeling frustrated because the game in many ways is tailored for you to win (base anti-camp, anti-tunnel, 4%ing, big hitbox on the hooked survivor, fast gens, etc). But your teammates' inability to understand basic mechanics or have game sense gets you killed, or perhaps being put with a far more skilled killer will. Every update, despite all else, there's a survivor buff. But this is fruitless, because you cannot balance the game around survivors who don't know that they win by doing gens. No amount of buffs will make that caliber of player win against killers, consistently. Sometimes even they escape vs killers, and will tbag, because they don't realize the only reason they're all there in that exit area is because the killer got unlucky and chased the 1 or 2 survivors who knew how to loop.

    This event has nothing to do with anything, and neither did Chaos Shuffle, because they were temporary modes. The match results of these modes in no way reflect the game's balance, because of how different their rules are and because they don't have MMR turned on. You're letting the bad taste of your results in a different game mode stay in your mouth when you go back to the regular mode. And the BP available is a big aspect of it, but I feel that people want the best of all worlds, and they're just not gonna get that. You can't opt to play the mode for the extra BP, and waste time doing chests and totems for the extra BP, and then complain you're not winning.

    Sure, I'll agree that insta- breaking pallets and hooking, and enduring stuns, is probably stronger than Quiet Mode, blocking windows, and spawning in pseudo pallets. But I want to dive into each of these. Insta-breaking pallets is strongest when the survivor is blocked in, because they can't slide over it mid-break, but those are all at weaker pallets in which case they'd probably take a hit anyway. And the insta-hook doesn't stop flashlight saves, pallet saves, or DS, but it does cut out the long treks that the killer has to take to hook people. That to me isn't the killer gaining a significant advantage; they're losing a huge disadvantage which is there arbitrarily. And enduring pallet stuns is fine, and is the counterbalance to the event pallets, but it's mostly useful as a replacement for Enduring while running Spirit Fury, freeing up that perk slot.

    Quiet Mode is good in a vacuum, because in a game so dependent on killers needing to track survivors, the game has really bad sounds for them to go off of, and this ability exacerbates the problem. Aura perks barely affect it either, because most are used out of chase, and this ability is used almost always during chase. Blocking windows comes in clutch many times, because at tiles like killer shack the killer sometimes has to vault to shorten the chase, or they have Bamboozle, and this ability denies that. I made a Legion see red and chase me for 5 gens, and I still escaped, because of blocking window during his ability. Now something I'll heavily disagree on is the supposed weakness of event pallets. They're literally pallets, but with skill, just like weak pallets. You have to win the mind game or know the timing to get the stun to get the benefit. I feel that recently pallet stuns hitboxes have been scaled back to be more reasonable, which makes Spirit Fury/Enduring harder to use, but also makes these pallets weaker. But it's still a pallet. In some cases you've got like 4 pallets within a 10 foot area, because they're spawnable in spots where pallets can spawn, even if one didn't spawn there this game or if it's been dropped and broke already. The killer's not successfully avoiding all of these stuns, because even though pallet stuns are less ridiculous these days, there's still those survivors who basically don't throw a pallet down unless they're gonna the stun. On those survivors, this ability is absolutely broken. And I know not every survivor is that good, but then again, neither are all the killers you're complaining about.

    So if you need to play something else (like Civilization, right?) and come back then do it. But I'm not seeing what you're seeing, which is survivor just getting weaker and weaker over time. Their meta has been the same since 2016, whereas killers have to change theirs every 3 months, and I'll say they no longer have gen defence to rely on. These events also prove nothing except the results that happen within themselves, and that the devs are going full-on millennial humor because of that cringelord floating lady.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I'm kind of wondering if they turned off MMR for the event queue or something, because, whether I play killer or survivor, I've been going against the sweatiest people I've seen in months and I agree it's not fun. Take me back to the queue for people who are bad and just want to wear a mask.

  • Member Posts: 1,399

    Played event SoloQ solely for the necessary challenges - well, and one or two more, e.g. the gen completion ones cause as killer I just don't kick gens so even if it takes ages on surv, it takes longer on killer. And yes, every match has been miserable - With the exception of some yesterday where I brought a full anti-tunnel build after that seemed to be the theme of the day again (even MfT which carried those post OTR chases so hard…) and it felt like getting petty but sweet revenge when lasting until all gens popped and people got on exit gates - bonus points for making it to the far-away corner to point at the killer before he downed me the last time.

    I did play very occasionally in a swf and that was much more chill - but that was normal mode cause everyone was fed up with the event mode.

  • Member Posts: 1,399

    If I didn't know it was pretty much impossible to struggle as killer during this event (sure, there is the odd match - but we're talking bell curve here, and the belly of that curve is pretty chill for killer) - I'd say you're struggling on killer during the event.

    Personally, I hooked through many FL blinds and pallet save attempts - not because the timing of the surv was wrong but because of how the remote hooking works. Some people say spamming the button works, I'd argue you just have to hit it once at the right time. Insta breaking the pallet is good on all pallets except god pallets, there the animation duration does slow you down a little. "Trekking" to a hook is time of the time calculation; that's a good 10-30 seconds per hook a killer saves because they don't have to move to the hook and they don't lose sight of another survivor nearby while doing so, meaning they not only spend less time hooking someone, they also start chasing again way sooner - and in the case of pick ups entirely deny picking someone up while still being able to hook. That is a massive advantage. At least I perceived it that way when playing killer. The times I went "if only remote hooking wasn't a thing you'd be back in the game right now. Alas."

    The single most effective strategy survs have used that tended to get me way more often than it was supposed to was quiet mode + lightweight + lithe. I becomes really friggin difficult to track survs on some maps.

  • Member Posts: 1,212

    I agree that the abilitys are not comparable:

    I personally don't really use the palette-breaking because I feel like it's cheap. I only do it if someone blocks a godwindow or something like that xD

    The remote-hooking is just truely countering sabos, you can still save with palettes and flashlights like normal aswell as ds (you have to time it a bit better, but it works still).

    You don't give the palettes enough credit, I agree against normal m1-killers, ranged or anti-loop they are pretty worthless, but agaist killers like blight, billy, demo, nurse, wesker, chucky and any other killer that you can stun with good timing it's annoying as hell, requires consistent timing and hopefully no clunckyness from the game of course.

    The silent mode is crazy, I feel like the scratchmarks are broken at the moment, combined with the mode survivors ether get a lot of distance or just despawn entirely xD

    Well the blocking is nice, but only relevant on god-windows xD

  • Member Posts: 21

    ✋️ I haven't hahad A single escape sinsince the lich update. It's like all the killers are faster.

  • Member Posts: 9,721

    People simply pay way more attention into the bad games they had rather than the good ones. Things are not nearly as dire as people make it out to be and most games are honestly pretty decent.

  • Member Posts: 48

    They've focused on the wrong thing (slugging) and left the hard tunneling alone except for the Babysitter buff.

  • Member Posts: 356

    The event is killer sided, so it's not surprise that is very unfun for survivors. The insta pallet break is what makes survivors expierience worse. Killers can just press one button after you drop a pallet and boom you're dead, 'cause it's impossible to gain any distance after that drop.

  • Member Posts: 7

    Survivor during events always sucks, I feel like. So many people decide to try hard, but when I go killer and just relax and play around and refuse to third (or often even to second) hook people, we rake in BP like crazy. Feels like the game gets very "goose that laid the golden egg" during events, and games feel very joyless.

  • Member Posts: 405

    It’s a hard thing to see. As survivor with event you want everyone gets points. As a Killer you can ant wins.

  • Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2024

    So. Here are my 2cents.

    Good luck if you wanna goof around during the event, you will not have a great time. Mostly.


    Slamming gens (with a genbuild and toolbox) will get you wins for either you or your teammates, which is honestly boring.

    I hope to see yet another bloodmoon event, that was WAY better for both sides, since both now, are currently sweating hard as they can, survivors slamming gens, and killer trying their best to kill

    so it could be better, if it wasnt for the party totems, chest and incenvites i already went straight back to normal dbd

  • Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2024

    also cheerleader rebecca skin when?

  • Member Posts: 6,155

    You don't even need anything other than quiet mode in my experience. I hit it as soon as I'm out of line of sight then jump in a locker. 8 times out of 10 the killer loses me. I feel like most people don't realize quiet mode also makes jumping in lockers quiet.

  • Member Posts: 7,177

    Well I can say I really didn't enjoy the anniversary event as survivor. It was pretty miserable.

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    Anniversary has been the same as always for me.

    Survivors either attempting to grief or troll (oddly, despite the remote hooks and other powers), survivors gen rushing, survivor teammates not doing anything or actively getting their teammates killed, killers slugging everyone at 5 gens, killers tunneling, and so on and so forth.

    It's just DBD, same as usual. Event or no event.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Can't say I feel the same, but I agree the celebrations have benefitted the killer role more than the survivor role.

    Currently, the survivors are more at risk from themselves than the killer, because there are a lot of wimps who give up early. If survivors actually hung around then maybe the games will be far better.

  • Member Posts: 194

    Here is how I see it. Sure make it a killer strong event. Fine. Giant Oni was fun. The problem is that even in a good game ...a killer can tunnel, camp etc and still leave with 100k. Basically rewarding them. My only hope.... All these guys coming in and taking out teams fast ...rank up high and get demolished after the event. My guess...this discussion board will be filled with crying killers again

  • Member Posts: 80

    You can get slugged and not even play the game. You get less points. You’re in chase less. You lose more often. You can have 0 input in how a game turns out. Killers can lobby dodge you indefinitely. Sure if you like hitting skill checks on gens Survivor is fun but I’d rather go play a rhythm game.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Some games are bad but mostly I have been getting good amount of bp so I don't mind. If survivors really gets too frustating I can play just killer then and try again later.

    For next year I do hope survivors get better event abilities.

  • Member Posts: 131

    Your mmr can't be raised or lowered in the event queue so that's probably why.

  • Member Posts: 131

    This + survivor mmr being broken is a bigger problem than people realize I think.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I haven't touched the anniversary knowing full well how much of a mess it is.

  • Member Posts: 1

    The Insta hooks and pallet breaks have made it almost impossible to use a good amount of perks. The only ones that are useful are gen rushing perks which suck because I enjoy the chase.

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