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Feedback and Suggestions

Anti tunnel perks should have exhausted type of effect



  • Member Posts: 521

    My favorite threads demanding buffs/nerfs are the kind who's only evidence is "it's obvious, just trust me". Really making your case there.

    In any case no they're not overpowered in anyway they're just a prerequisite to making soloQ tolerable.

  • Member Posts: 566

    yeah, but most of the people who bodyblock with OTR while being injured have Decisive. I don't think Anti-tunnel perk should disable if you are healthy, specially now that Billy is in the top of the strongest killers.

    It would be more healthy overall for the game if someone couldn't force you to tunnel when you don't want to.

    Just remove collision when someone is under OTR/BT/Basekit Endurance

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    None of the current anti-tunnel perks are that good and certainly don't do much against a killer who wants to tunnel. We'll have to see how Babysitter does, but they currently most certainly do NOT need to be made weaker.

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    Yes, and they will be abused by SWFs. Like everything the devs do, when they try to help soloQ, they end up overbuffing SWFs, and whenever they buff killers - they end up destroying soloQ players. This is why it's pointless to fix the balance until the soloQ vs SWF disparity is addressed.

  • Member Posts: 521

    I have never seen a SWF use Borrowed Time tbh and I doubt Babysitter will be much different. They tend to be over altruistic more in terms of overly relying on flashlights and sabotages (which I'm still waiting for the sabo apocalypse this forum promised me was coming) in my experience which in some ways makes them easier to go against than soloQ just in terms of knowing what expect.

  • Member Posts: 747

    Honestly, going for hooks is so punishing at this point, it's better to just not go for hooks at all unless it's the basement. All this "tunneling" garbage has flown out of the scope of reason. Just look at Scott Jund's analysis video on it, the claims are blown completely out of proportion and the negativity bias is very real.

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    You haven't seen much Borrowed Time lately because they made this perk basekit. And the new Babysitter is insane, it gives half a minute of unconditional speedhack which lets you outrun every killer without a movement ability (and to be completely immune to a Nurse). It's scary to even imagine what coordinated SWFs will now start doing with it, especially combined with OTR and DS.

  • Member Posts: 146

    yes you can win. get better. watch how good killer streamers play, they win 90% of their games without tunneling. watch bronx, d3ad plays, etc

  • Member Posts: 146

    JUST DON'T TUNNEL!! THERE YOUR SOLOTION. if DS LASTED 170 SECONDS they are playing 3 perks if you don't tunnel. boom

  • Member Posts: 812

    What are you talking about? Anti-tunnel perks are already limited as it is. DS - one use per match and disables in endgame. OTR - only allows one hit per unhook and disables in endgame. Dead Hard requires precise timing and can easily be waited out (on top of causing exhaustion), as can basekit endurance and the BT perk. So I'm not sure what adding an exhaustion effect is going to accomplish…

  • Member Posts: 521

    Yes they made BT basekit and yet kill rates are the highest they've been pretty much ever. Babysitter again will probably be the same, it won't do anything if you don't tunnel because beating anti-tunnel perks was solved YEARS AGO. The strategy is and almost always has been ping-ponging between two survivors instead of just hard tunneling one person.

    I almost miss 5 second DS that wasn't shut off by conspicuous actions because this used to feel like common knowledge but everyone's gone soft and lazy since then. We used to deal with old DS/Unbreakable with God tier DH and 100% Iron Will that wasn't shut off by exhaustion perks with some adrens sprinkled in.

    Now we cry about a buffed babysitter because now survivors aren't sitting ducks off the hook, sad times.

  • Member Posts: 1,152

    Anti-tunnel perks are easily countered in optimal case: just don't tunnel, and even if you do a single one is hardly a problem.

    The problem starts if they bodyblock with it, of course it's someone that doesn't work on gens, but at the same time it takes the preassure you'd get through the down so the only thing they'd have to do is taking the collision off of them while a anti-tunnel perk is active.

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