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Officially Distortion

Member Posts: 100

Gonna run it every game from now on cuz it's Franklin's and Weave Attunement 80 percent of games. I may as well bring self care and hide in the corner as well like the others. Thanks for the awesome perk to make my items useless and make me hide in the corner and not help anyone bhvr. The killer can remove my item every game, but I can't remove their iridescent add ons. Dope gaming

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  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I don't mind Weave + Franklins (it only becomes a problem on two-story maps, I think), but for the record, I've seen it in a solid quarter of my survivor games. Maybe one in five, maybe one in four. It's pretty ubiquitous right now - especially with event chests and event items everywhere.

  • Member Posts: 6,142

    It's okay! Killers may get official wall hacks but we have exciting perks to look forward to like Hardened... and Specialist... I'm sure they'll be helpful. Somehow.

  • Member Posts: 18

    Honestly, this is the better counter in my opinion. I find Weave Attunement burns through Distortion stacks like nothing else lol

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    That doesn't make sense since survivors complain about 4 slowdowns harder than they complain about any other perk build. If complaints are driving the killer meta by Discouraging killers from using those builds or Causing those builds to be nerfed, why is the most complained about build still the most popular, and haven't slowdowns been nerfed into oblivion?

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    "That doesn't make sense since survivors complain about 4 slowdowns harder than they complain about any other perk build."

    Except the difference is all the slow downs don't leave the meta ever. They are still kept good enough because they're required. The slightest nerf and the Weave combo is dead as it's barely viable.

    "haven't slowdowns been nerfed into oblivion?"

    Because they are required and also because slow downs require nearly zero counter play from survivors, they get to still play the same way they always do.

  • Member Posts: 585

    You’re lucky then cuz I’ve gotten it the entire event, and mostly back to back killers. One day I had it 8 matches in a row, another day I had 12 total matches with it. I’m noticing it’s mostly vecnas running it but other killers do too. 9/10 vecna matches I get this combo.

  • Member Posts: 585

    This only works in coordinated SWFs solo Q you can’t control other teammates bringing items and their items will still screw you over. Unless you’re gonna dodge every lobby in solo where your teammates bring an item, this is not a solution.

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    you: "things that survivors complain about get forced out of the meta"

    me: "but survivors always complain about stacking slow down and it hasn't been forced out of the meta, therefore that's wrong"

    you: "but that's because it's never been forced out of the meta"

    ??? I know, that's half of the point I was making.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I'd rather you not put quotes around something I did not say. You took what I actually said and rephrased it as you heard it. What I actually said and what you rephrased it as are two different things.

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    Sorry to hear you feel my summary of what you said is inaccurate. Could you please find a better summary of the phrase "Except the difference is all the slow downs don't leave the meta ever" in the context of our discussion? Preferably one that relates to the point that I'm making, which is that pointing out that slowdown perks haven't left the meta does not debunk anything I've said and in fact is one of the premises of why I felt your original point is wrong.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited June 2024

    "Anything that is even remotely decent or requires changing their normal play style is immediately bad and must be removed"

    That is what you meant to quote but rephrased. That is me pointing out many players point of view, not a monolith of what happens as you rephrased.

    ""Except the difference is all the slow downs don't leave the meta ever"

    Slow down has in fact never left the meta. Ever. A couple perks here and there, but slow down as a whole never.

    The actual context of my points is that survivor only players tend to try and force anything out that's decently good or makes them change their play style. Of which they succeed in almost everything other than slow down because it is required in the game. This is why the meta ends up stale for everyone. That's my point.

  • Member Posts: 1,725
    edited June 2024

    Thank you for telling me I meant to quote you there. Until this moment, I thought I had always intended it to be a summary rather than a quote (which is why it was a summary rather a quote). Thanks for coming to tell me what I actually meant to be doing!

    Gonna be honest, your summary of your first point still seems like you're saying "[when a perk or combo is decent], survivors complain about it and it's fairly consistently nerfed" which is roughly what my summary… sorry, "quote" was, and your second point, while slightly different from my summary, still really doesn't make sense as a refutatuon of the point that slowdown being meta disproves that survivor complaints force slowdown to be meta.

    I think we just have fundamentally different views on how the game is balanced -I think the devs focus on all sorts of feedback from all cohorts of players while taking into consideration how reasonable that feedback is and try to create a game they think is balanced for all players, and from what you say here I assume you do not. Rather than hash out these irreconcilable differences of opinion, I think it's best if we just drop this topic.

    Post edited by ratcoffee on
  • Member Posts: 647

    Exactly. If your injure, you can go back, pick it up your med-kit, and heal. But ONLY do it if the killer is busy chasing someone. Other items such as tool box and fllashlight need to be left in the corner of the ground after usage.

  • Member Posts: 158

    nah gearhead is way better to burn stacks you pretty much always have it active and it so underutilized that perk alone counter distortion but there's one more perk that's really neat that most ppl seem to have forgot and it's base kit it's called tracking the crows around the map it's like the community forgot that even a thing on how reliant they are on aura perks lmfao

  • Member Posts: 1,253

    They are sacrificing 2 generator regression slots for your item. So it's a 2 perk killer if you just drop your item in the corner and move on. I don't get people like you

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Another reason using Distortion is good is that it's a huge advantage against a certain kind of Nurses. (e.g. me)

    But it's better if all the team got Distortion because the ones without it may get found and chased more often.

  • Member Posts: 4,903
    edited July 2024

    There have been videos about this. The killer had huge trouble catching the survivor as the latter had constant "wall-hacks" on tiles.

    Found the video:

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I'd not call that "us vs them", I'd call that plain old biased.

    It's funny that OoO is extremely strong against the combo but very few people think/know about it.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    I'm gonna have to disagree with your last statement, your bias is showing when you only point out survivor only players and act like they're the only reason stuff becomes stale, we can't pretend like these killers who aren't good at the game don't have a hand in that as well, people who only play one role or just aren't very good in general, if you HAVE to stack all slow downs as a killer then the player is boosted just like a survivor stacking all second chance perks because they can't play without them, that comes down to a skill issue for the people that feel they can't play without those things.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    I don't really see that combo but there is definitely a lot of aura reading and I have considered running Distortion again in every match. I stopped using it as it felt a bit crutch like for me as I was relying on it a bit too much… but with all the aura reading perks/addons these days I am starting to think I should go back to using it as it is such a disadvantage not having it.

  • Member Posts: 147

    If so common is for you, pick a toolbox and use 99% of it on the first gen, the drop it on the completed gen you are never going back again.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited July 2024

    You misuse the word bias, as most people do. Pointing out one sides issues more doesn't imply bias. Bias would entail an "unfair" tilt. If one side has more issues or one side experiences something more, pointing that out doesn't make them bias, it just may mean there's more issues on that said side.

    If you think it is equally represented for the same reason on each side then please, list the equivalent amount and we can discuss, because I think you're picturing apples to apples when it's actually apples and oranges. I'm more than happy to elaborate as to why as well if you do.

    I have very rational reasons for all my opinions, they aren't "bias".

    " if you HAVE to stack all slow downs as a killer then the player is
    boosted just like a survivor stacking all second chance perks because
    they can't play without them, that comes down to a skill issue for the
    people that feel they can't play without those things."

    I never said this or implied it. I can rephrase my statement if it seemed that way. Also, the game is balanced around the average/bad player, ie mentioning a good player wouldn't need those is pointless. Unless you're wanting to get into how the game should be, as I don't want the game balanced that way, it's just how it currently is.

  • Member Posts: 3,259
    edited July 2024

    I was referring to where you were saying that slowdown is required in the game, it's not required but alot of people use them and I agree they should be there as an option for people who want to use them, as to the bias part I do think if you call survivor only players out and blame them for the staleness that it is bias but that's just a personal opinion there because I believe players on both roles have their fair share in accomplishing that, killers complaining about perks/new things in general that don't need nerfed the same way those survivors do about killers it all goes hand in hand to create that staleness we have it's not just survivors,.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited July 2024

    "I was referring to where you were saying that slowdown is required in the game, it's not required but alot of people use them"

    For good players no, stacked 4 slow downs is not required, but the game is in fact balanced around some slow down, generally speaking. The game is not balanced around zero slow down, regardless of how good you are, unless you are on one of the few very high tier killer exceptions to the rule. This is generally agreed upon by most all the community, this isn't really a debated point.

    "as to the bias part I do think if you call survivor only players out and
    blame them for the staleness that it is bias but that's just a personal
    opinion there because I believe players on both roles have their fair
    share in accomplishing that, killers complaining about perks/new things
    in general that don't need nerfed the same way those survivors do about
    killers it all goes hand in hand to create that staleness we have it's
    not just survivors,."

    You are misunderstanding what I was saying. Yes, killer players complain just as much as the survivors. I was not saying otherwise. What I was saying is how much justification is in those complaints between the two sides. This is in reference to meta perks or features that were complained about and then nerfed. IE many of the survivor meta things that were complained about and then nerfed, were in fact very overtuned. While some of the killer stuff does meet that criteria, the majority did not. Hence why I asked that if you disagree with that statement, then list some examples that you think contradict it and I will lay my points out. This is not bias as I can give you reasons to justify why they are "generally speaking", not the same.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    I don't consider myself one of the best killers this game has but I've played comp and ladder for years I've ran into plenty of players who don't need slowdowns, to me that part of it is really killer dependant on your own skill with said killer, as to the complaints part that's where you're misunderstanding where I'm going with this, I'm saying both roles have players who aren't skilled due to lack of intelligence playing the other role and they make complaints that bring upon changes that neither side really enjoys when it comes to veteran players or people who understand, you'll see more survivor complaints because there are more survivor players but overall they both change the game for the worse by the devs simply listening to players they shouldn't be listening to due to their refusal to want to learn the other side properly instead of just complain

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited July 2024

    " I've ran into plenty of players who don't need slowdowns, to me that
    part of it is really killer dependant on your own skill with said killer"

    As I said before, there are a few killers that do not need slow down at all. That's far an away the exception though, the vast majority of the roster requires slow down to varying degrees depending which killer we're talking. If someone's playing a low tier killer and they're winning without slow down then the survivors are bad. It is what it is. That's facts. If they were equally good they would need slow down. The vast majority of players being bad gives a false illusion of slow down being not as required. I'm referencing good vs good for my opinions here, not average games where everyone's bad.

    "you'll see more survivor complaints because there are more survivor
    players but overall they both change the game for the worse by the devs
    simply listening to players they shouldn't be listening to due to their
    refusal to want to learn the other side properly instead of just

    I agree.

    I don't think the rest of your post addresses any of my points. You said I was being bias, I'd like examples or references to support that claim and we can converse on it.

    Post edited by Blueberry on
  • Member Posts: 3,259

    I've beaten good squads without a slowdown and low tier killer it's frustrating I won't lie but it's totally possible and you cant always call those survivors bad I wouldn't say the ones that lost to the perkless p100 trapper recently are necessarily bad survivors I think in DBD anything can happen if you play your cards right.

    As for the bias you pretty much just agreed with what I said , the way your first post sounded it seemed as if you placed the blame solely on survivor only players that's what I was referring to but you agreed with my statement about it being both sides not just one so I'm just gonna chalk it up to a misunderstanding because if you agree it's both sides then you must not mean what I was thinking

  • Member Posts: 3,259
    edited July 2024

    Edit: for some reason the forum double posted so I removed the extra

    Post edited by The_Krapper on
  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited July 2024

    "I've beaten good squads without a slowdown and low tier killer it's
    frustrating I won't lie but it's totally possible and you cant always
    call those survivors bad I wouldn't say the ones that lost to the
    perkless p100 trapper recently are necessarily bad survivors I think in
    DBD anything can happen if you play your cards right."

    Let me rephrase instead of "bad". "Making tons of mistakes". IE even if they're good survivors they have to be playing bad that game and making lots of mistakes. They aren't playing equally as good as you and you win without slow downs on low tier killers. It's just not. Even the Trapper game was them making lots of mistakes. In a good vs good match with a low tier killer if both sides play perfectly you lose as killer. You are reliant, heavily, on their mistakes, regardless of how well you play.

    "As for the bias you pretty much just agreed with what I said , the way
    your first post sounded it seemed as if you placed the blame solely on
    survivor only players that's what I was referring to but you agreed with
    my statement about it being both sides not just one so I'm just gonna
    chalk it up to a misunderstanding because if you agree it's both sides
    then you must not mean what I was thinking "

    Which is why I reference back to my previous statement again, where I said you were misunderstanding what I was saying. Both sides complain (referencing killer/survivor nerfs/buffs perks/basekit changes made to the game, not requests), the difference is one side is generally justified much more often, there are some exceptions, but "generally speaking". Now as I mentioned before, if you disagree with this and my statement here is bias, then present enough exceptions to me to illustration it being incorrect. If you can present enough then I'll admit I'm wrong or otherwise it would indeed be me being bias as being presented with contrary evidence to my opinion and still thinking this would make it fit the correct definition of bias.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    First, let me just say that I'm on board the "nerf Weave" train. With that said, I don't like you using Weave as an excuse for poor sportsmanship. Sandbagging your team mates is never excusable.

  • Member Posts: 17

    As a Killer main, I love the idea that survs will have to waste time stashing and retrieving their items at the corner of a map.

  • Member Posts: 9,422

    Only reason to drop it in a corner is to prevent teammates from stealing your item. If there was trust between survivors you could drop it next to you while repairing a gen.

  • Member Posts: 647

    I mean, considering that we span in the corner of the map, it doesn't take long to do so. But if your tlaking about in the middle of the game, then yea, sounds about right ,lol.

  • Member Posts: 2,651

    How often are people actually encountering this combo? Most of my games are 3-4 slowdown with nowhere to hide sprinkled in

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