I'm not having fun playing with my friends anymore

Karth Member Posts: 190
edited June 30 in General Discussions

Not every duo, swf or trio is a coordinated seal team six bully squad, some just play casual and for fun, but no, MMR gets heavily increased meaning we constantly face the most unfun killers out there that will do everything in their power to 4k and thus, get punished for it.

Yeah, yeah skill issue blah blah blah but for me I'm having WAY more fun playing soloQ than with my friends which is sad


  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    That's rare. Someone saying they are having more fun in solo queue than in swf.

    Killers are just as adamant to get the 4k in solo queue as they are in swf groups. Only difference is in solo queue its often easier for them because the team mates you get in solo are usually not good.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,161

    If my friend or I play solo, we seem to get more casual killers. Seem to get higher-MMR teammates, too. Not necessarily good teammates but they'll usually have prestige, four tier-3 perks, and some game knowledge.

    Then my friend and I play together, we get hardcore 4k-at-5-gens killers and teammates who are potatoes. I don't know what is wrong with the MMR. Playing together doesn't mean we play better. We meme. We die a lot. Our matches always stay about the same.

    I still prefer it to playing alone, though. I like having someone to play the lute for me while I get gutted by a Tombstone Mikey. Or someone to high five after I run into a friendly Mikey's swing and force the Tombstone. Or someone to discuss whether or not this Mikey staring at us is tiering up for a Tombstone.

    There've been a lot of Tombstone Mikeys, lately.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    If your survivor MMR consistently increases with the current 60% kill rate, it means you wiped the floor with quite a number of killers.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    Personally I'd rather wait for my reliable team mates to finish than go into another lobby that is likely going to have poor team mates again.

    Getting a solo queue team to work is a rarity in my experience. The good times are rare.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Its like playing lottery.

    That one time I demonstrated to them I had Q&Q, Headon at the beginning. Then a teammate saw me jumped into a lock nearby, they understood and ran pass my locker so I could stun killer mid chase.

    Or I used Sabo build and happened to have a random Dwight with Nomither & Boil over. He downed on purpose and I saved him from hook 3 times.

    Or Vittorio used Potential energy with Provethyself then killer came, I took a hit for him to not lose stacks and he dumped it on another Gen.

    It felt great.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    Those are some of the best moments in the game, where you have this perfectly silent handshake with a stranger and express your plan without ever saying a word. Wish it happened more often… most of the time I try to demonstrate Q&Q Head ON, they don't understand the fast vault was silent and think I'm sandbagging.

  • Karth
    Karth Member Posts: 190
    edited June 30

    Its all fun and games when me and my duo get paired with potatoes and a high tier mmr killer with barely 1 gen done, ive died so many times during my SoloQ adventures my mmr has been destroyed at this point, not sure if im under or at the mmr threshold (i did encounter like what, 14 afk scripted killers so i know my mmr aint high lmao)

    If i die when a couple of gens done sure thats fine, but man, this inconsistency sucks

    Atleast with low MMR i know what to expect

    Post edited by Karth on
  • Doxie
    Doxie Member Posts: 137

    I'm calling BS on this. I'm far from a high rank but I get 90% sweaty killers. Honestly I've been more leaning to.... And I don't care if the mods slap my hand again... If a killer comes in sweaty... I take an early leave.... Lately if they are running Franklins Atune during the event, I take an early leave. Already got iridescent survivor…I don't need the W's nor do I need to play in a miserable drawn out game to pad a killers points. I give them time and money... They give me a legal way to do this. There shouldn't be any complaining. Now when I stop playing the event, I will take less quick outs... But in a killer strong event...not worth my time