Which maps have the golden toolbox not been found on yet?

And are we sure that it exists in those maps?
I forgot that they exist at all, but I'm also really curious. Didn't saw them on new maps
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Now that I think about it, have they been found on the Alien map and Vecna's map?
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What are golden toolboxes? :O
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Every (or mostly every?) map has a golden toolbox hidden somewhere on it. Some are easier to find than others. For example, the one on Midwich requires that you stay in the game until the last 20 seconds of EGC, at which point it emerges from a meat pile in the science lab. While the one on Hawkins can only be found by playing Nurse.
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New Haddonfield, New Ormand, Toba, and Nostromo are all undiscovered iirc. Haddonfield and Ormand were found but the spot changed after the rework.
Funnily enough, RPD's updated G. Toolbox location was found but the one on the original map still hasn't been according to the wiki.
If I had to guess, the Alien Toolbox could be tied to the Egc timer like Midwich because the ending of the original Alien involved Ripley racing against the clock before the ship self destructed, leading to the wreckage we have in game. Xeno's original washing machine chase music was because the alarm of the ship before it blew up was the main sound effect.
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^ I don't thinks it's been updated in a while actually, but it's the best resource I found.
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Ormand, Deepwood and Haddonfield.
I'm very surprised they haven't been found if they do exist. It's possible with the Ormand rework they forgot to add it back in. Maybe with the Ormand variation it'll show back up?
Same with Haddonfield. They could have just forgotten to put it back in.
Deepwood I have no idea.
It feels like they should have been found with all the people that glitch around and stuff.
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I want Ormond to only show up if you bleed on the mattress.
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Wait, Toba and Nostromo are listed as the same realm in game, so there might only be a toolbox in Toba, but it is also worth keeping in mind Nostromo has its own offering, so it is still treating mostly as its own place by the game, so a G. Toolbox could still be there.
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I believe they get smarter with hiding it. We probably need to meet a certain condition for it to show. Like in the Midwich, where you have to activate and make EGC last to maximum. It can also be shown in a certain time interval in the game. Like the beginning of the match, the ending of the match or even more difficult: x minutes and y seconds into a game which lasts for z seconds. Anything is possible.
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I’m getting Zombies EE flashbacks.
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Future Ormond lake map seems a perfect place to hide the Golden Toolbox of the realm. I checked the map quite thoroughly without success… but I think it may be related to endgame and snow melting, maybe on the hanging platform.