We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Ok, some people just go to too much effort for the 4k



  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited July 1

    Neither side is "the bad guy", or if anything both sides are. It's not always a us vs them tribalistic problem. It's understandable that survivors don't want to stay on the floor for 4 minuets (I even stated I dislike that myself) and its understandable that the killer is allowed to and expected to go for a 4K. If they want to be "nice" and go for a 3K instead that's also fine. If they are ok risking it for hatch that's also fine.

    If they want to settle for the lesser win and are ok with it then cool. But that doesn't make those who don't the scum of the earth. They are just striving for the higher form of a win, which is to be expected. For players to try to get the best result they can.

    A 3K is a lesser win and a 4K is a higher win. Most players are going to aim for the higher win and that's fine. That's expected in the game design. That's the expected ultimate goal of every match for killer, to kill as many survivors as possible and ideally all of them. Survivors it's to escape with as many as possible.

    Then there's also players who believe that a 4K is the only time the killer won because that's what the game asks the killer to do. Whether from personal belief or because the game does not ever say that a 3K is a win, so they default to 4K. That happens on both sides btw, there are survivors that believe as long as at least 1 gets out the killer lost and the survivors won.

    The main issue here imo is the game is designed in such a way, due to hatch, where once it gets to 2 survivors left the match dissolves into a waiting, slugging, and hiding fest for both sides. It's obnoxiously boring, but it's also optimal for both sides to do so it's not like I can fault either side over the other. It's just bad design pushing players into a situation where neither is happy and they are pushed to play in exceptionally uninteractive ways for an RNG chance.

    If they want to play for the best result possible at least. Which is not a crime, it's to be expected.

    I hope that summarizes things from my perspective well enough.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,303

    You're ignoring the survivors role in it again

    What role?

    If a 3K always feels like a loss then that's irrespective of survivors. They literally have no power or influence here.

    At this point the pattern is clear enough and I'm just talking to a survivor wall.

    Considering what you've been arguing, I think you need a bit of survivor talking-to.

    But, if a player feels that only a "4K" is a win for them, then that's legitimate.

    They can have all the feelings they want, but they can't expect the game to bend over backwards to accommodate them. And they certainly shouldn't blame survivors for their disappointment in the game when they come into it with unreasonable expectations.

  • jezebelthenun
    jezebelthenun Member Posts: 195
    edited July 1

    Yeah, and that's scummy too. The hatch thing, I mean. Seems like a lot of DBD players are unsocialized internet kids, honestly, on both sides.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477
    edited July 1

    In the term of game system, going for 4k instead of 3k and getting it is reasonable expectation, literally slug and you can even get survivors up, so you can almost guarantee it, what truly is "unreasonable expectation" here is getting a hatch escape simply because it solely depends on killer

    And look at what survivors saying everywhere, they are the one ABSOLUTELY expecting to get the game bend over backwards, so many survivors are asking for "guaranteed hatch" only to make them feel better, asking to change the game fundamental, even though it's an unreasonable expectation to get a hatch, some of them believe it MUST be guaranteed to happen and yelling it everywhere, to change the game system

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400

    Yeah, good point. When there's only 2 survivors left, the survivors should just give up and let the killer kill them. Also, since winning with a survivor down early is basically impossible, when there's 3 survivors left the survivors should just give up and let the killer kill them. Also, since it's trivially easy to tunnel someone out of the game early most of the time, getting to 3 survivors left is basically guaranteed so when there's 4 survivors left the survivors should just give up and let the killer kill them. Anything else is just survivor entitlement asking for free wins, really

    …I trust you recognize this is a joke, and understand what the joke is.

    Question, if I don't play stealth when there are only 2 survivors left - Just play the game normally, work on a gen, and if the killer finds me so be it - am I allowed to call killers who slug for the 4k when they don't know where the last survivor is "thirsty as heck", or am I still a toxic survivor main asking for free escapes?

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400
    edited July 1

    Once again, none of this supports the notion that people who complain about slugging for the 4k are "basically complaining that the killer tried to win."

    Most of the people I play against - at least 95% of the endgames I get to, more likely over 99% - are perfectly content with hooking the second-last survivor and risking the hatch. That's what I'm basing my complaint on. You can explain about lesser wins vs greater wins, and people wanting to get the most win per win, etc. but it really doesn't matter.

    In my experience most people just enjoy playing the game and want to get a result; they don't care enough about the distinction between a 3k and a 4k to bother doing something they know is annoying to a lot of people. When I make the complaint, and I'm sure when many other people do as well, what we're saying is "jimmy how are you this thirsty, why can't you be like 99% of other killers and just hook." It is, in a way, a condemnation of the reasoning itself that you have presented, rather than a failure to understand that reasoning, that drives these complaints. To be blunt about it, they are saying the few people who care that much about getting the so-called "greater win" over the "lesser win" are pathetic.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited July 1

    It's still complaining about players trying to win, even if that's just trying to win more. They're still just trying to win, it's just more than you'd like. But the survivors are not the judges of how much a killer is allowed to try and win.

    To many players a 4K is what they determine as a win and going for a 4K to them is "trying to win". To many others they're trying to win as much as they can. I don't believe the game or the devs for that matter ever said "try to win, but just enough so it barely counts as a win, then stop trying to win any more than that". That also just sounds strange to hold as a general standard. You can choose to do that, but it's your choice.

    That's your experience but others don't have the same ones. Besides that, the number of people participating in something doesn't make it right or wrong to do. There's more than enough behaviors that are problematic that have many players doing it.

    If you personally see trying to get the best result as "pathetic" that's your opinion and not really a fact that can be asserted or proven.

    By the same token, survivors hiding indefinitely being so thirsty to get hatch can also be seen as pathetic.

    I think it's pathetic that some people get upset at their opponent for trying to get the best result they can as the game presents it.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400

    But that's not "complaining about killers trying to win" that's "complaining about killers Not Being Satisfied With Anything But A 4k," which you have to acknowledge as being a fundamentally different complaint unless you believe a 4k is the only win condition.

    I know other people don't have the same experiences, but I truly believe that I am in the majority here, and short of some evidence from BHVR showing that a majority of killers will slug for the 4k I don't think there's anything you can do to convince me that people who think that way are the overwhelming minority.

    WRT the hiding thing, I also think that people who hide and play for hatch are pathetic, with the one exception of people hiding from the specific situation of a killer with 2 dead and 1 slugged trying to find survivor 4 with no cues to where they might be. Not that it matters - we're talking about killer behaviors here, doing a whataboutism on survivor behavior only serves to distract from actually talking about that killer behavior.

    However, I find it very interesting that you accuse people of "complaining about killers trying to win" (despite the fact your reasoning doesn't back that up), yet you yourself do something that could far more reasonably be called "complaining about survivors trying to win." With 2 dead and multiple gens left, there's no chance of an actual escape happening. the best chance of getting out is through hoping you lose the coin-flip of getting found first, and then finding hatch, so reasonably speaking that is what someone who is trying to win will do.

    I've played enough where I don't really care about getting sacrificed, so as I said in another comment I'll just play normal and if I get found first it's whatever (and as I said in this comment, I think it is pretty thirsty and pathetic to play stealth like that) but I find it very interesting that you're essaying to defend killer players who slug for the 4k for trying to upgrade their Win to a Win Deluxe, while also condemning survivor players who are trying to turn their Loss into a Maybe A Draw. You use your words to say you are sympathetic to both sides, your actions disagree.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited July 1

    I never condemned the survivor players either as far as I recall. They are in their full right to try and escape. As I've been saying both sides are doing the most optimal play. To quote something I said directly to you "It's obnoxiously boring, but it's also optimal for both sides to do so it's not like I can fault either side over the other".

    The players playing to get the best results they can is fine and acceptable on both sides.

    "You use your words to say you are sympathetic to both sides, your actions disagree."

    What actions? My words are my actions, we're on a discussion forum. How is one different from the other when the only action we can do is "words"?

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400

    how is one different from the other when the only action we can do is "words"?

    What you choose to write about and the amount of effort you can choose to spend writing about it is an action that is distinguishable from the meaning of your individual words. To use an example relevant to the pinned post on these forums, there are people who will say "I'm fine with LGBTQ [people], but…" and then launch into a multiple-paragraph long diatribe saying all sorts of horrific stereotypes about them, which they say only applies to "some" LGBTQ people. They say they are fine with them, but then spend large amounts of time complaining about them and spreading negative stereotypes. Their actions (spreading stereotypes) do not match up with the short, halfhearted CYOA disclaimer that they "totally are fine with them, swearsies." Obviously your posts here aren't spreading bigotry, that's just an illustrative example of what I mean.

    I never condemned the survivor players either as far as I recall

    at this point you've said so many things that I believe to be not only fundamentally incorrect, but also that I have reason to believe you know they are fundamentally incorrect, that I feel I would be doing myself a disservice to engage with you seriously. i'm sure you have some reason as to why calling those survivor players "thirsty" and "pathetic" isn't condemning them, but understand if you provide it it will be ignored because i feel like there's nothing you could say that would change my mind on the validity of your points.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited July 1

    Does that say "I think survivors playin for hatch are pathetic"? No it says it can be seen that way by the same token, or in other words with the same standard.

    I don't personally think either side is pathetic for trying to get their best result, that was a notion you put forward. But if one side is to be seen as pathetic for doing so than so should the other if you hold the same standard to both sides. Which you later on said you find those survivors pathetic as well iirc.

    I was using the verbiage you yourself put forward ("thirsty" and "pathetic") to comment on what you were saying and draw the parallel. Not saying I felt that way myself as well. Otherwise I would have stated that I do.

    Of course its going to be seen as off if you start making things up that I didn't say.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,228

    It's down to the individual ultimately. I'll go for 4k after downing the third if I know they are nearby and where they are roughly. I know thay's not the type of 4k you're talking about and I do think it's a waste of time hunting for a fourth when there's no sight of them.

    As an example, I took on a Dredge recently. Nothing really wrong with them. Of anything the other Kate was the problem as she tried to make noises tp give away my position. When Dredge arrived, she tried to point me out but Dredge was having none of it. I fled to the otherside of the map and Kate went down. I expected Dredge to pick her up but it never happened, and after what she had tried to do there was no way I was getting her back up, even when she crawled towards me. Anyway, she bled out and I found the hatch. That was a lot of time wasted when - if Dredge had just hooked her - it wasn't too far from the Hatch spawn!

    Basically, the main problem with hunting for that 4K is a great deal of time is wasted when we could all be in other games. In the end, Dredge didn't get that 4k, but could have had it any other game. I don't blame killers for doing it, nor should we be doing that. However, it doesn't make sense to me to spend way too much time doing pretty much bugger-all, playing hide-n-seek. I just hook and see what happens. I get 4Ks happily enough that I know one trial seeking for the missing fourth doesn't matter.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477
    edited July 1

    You may be different, doesn't matter when majority is not

    Please try to actually read the post, your reply doesn't make any sense, at all

    Imo, some killer just like playing hide'n'seek with no time pressure, that's the thing

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400

    I don't know any way of interpreting this other than "no, because I dislike it when survivors hide any survivor opinion on killer player is invalid"

    You used your complaints about survivors hiding as rationale for why complaints about slugging are invalid.

    I asked if I'm allowed to complain about killers slugging for the 4k if I don't engage in hiding as a survivor.

    You said it doesn't matter if I engage in hiding or not. By implication this means that no, I am not allowed that opinion.

    Please explain to me what other possible interpretation there is here? Because I know, I just KNOW nobody would be so brazenly narcissistic as to claim that their opinion trumps all others, but I simply cannot come up with any other interpretation of what you've just said. Please help me out here

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,250

    Please explain to me what other possible interpretation there is here?

    They said: "survivors do and absolutely will camp in the hatch for 10 minutes." Personally, I thought they were talking about the same thing I talked about in my earlier post: the last survivor alive sitting on the open hatch for 10+ minutes teabagging waiting for the killer to come over and see them escape.

    That was my interpretation, anyway.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    And before someone says "just go hit them", at that point it takes basically same effort as slugging for 4k, there is no reason to choose it instead of simple 4k which rewards you

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400
    edited July 2

    I'm talking about the interpretation of the entire exchange, that is to say:

    They say: "some survivors engage in this toxic behavior, therefore any survivor criticism of killer behavior is invalid"

    I say: "I don't engage in the toxic survivor behavior you mentioned, am I allowed to offer criticism of toxic killer behavior"

    They say: "well some (i recon most) survivors still engage in the toxic survivor gameplay so no"

    I was hoping my drippingly scathing phrasing would cue you in to the fact that I was criticizing the shockingly narcissistic attitude that I percieved as the only possible way of interpreting the sentiment behind what they said: that they think, so long as killer players have complaints about a certain element of gameplay, that survivor complaints about that aspect of gameplay are invalid.

    It's frustrating, because your "alternative" explanation for what they could have meant is solely a nitpick on what specific survivor behavior they think disqualifies all survivors from being allowed to have an opinion, not that the quintessential interpretation of what I think they said is wrong. Your reply kind of reinforces my point; if the only alternative explanation is that they think survivors aren't allowed an opinion because of a slightly different gameplay style than the one I assumed, I'm forced to the conclusion I really wanted to avoid: that some people on this forum simply are so biased that they think that they're allowed to invalidate one entire side's (representing 80% of the players in any one game) opinions because an entirely unrelated survivor player did something they didn't like. I'd hate to believe such a person existed as anything other than a strawman. Please help me figure out where my logic has gone wrong

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,250

    uh, jeez. That's a lot to process when, to me, what they said seemed a lot simpler.

    Neaxolotl said that the final living survivor will waste time for no reason, which wastes the killer's time. If the killer's going to lose time and points, then the killer's better off going for the option where they lose time but earn points (in other words, going for the 4k).

    You in return gave a very long response to what they said which seemed to have little to nothing to do with their original statement. So Neaxolotl said "Please try to actually read the post, your reply doesn't make any sense, at all"

    I also didn't see them say anything that suggested survivors aren't allowed to have an opinion. What they said is "You may be different, doesn't matter when majority is not." All that means is that, while playing DbD, players base their decisions and actions on what the majority of other players do. What I as an individual survivor do and what you as an individual survivor do doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things if the majority of survivors play differently. We base our general tactics and decisions within the game on what the majority of people do. As an example: If I'm playing killer and in my experience the majority of survivors hide in the corners of the map, I'm going to go check the corners of the map; you telling me you personally don't hide in corners isn't going to change my behavior.

    But I don't know. I now feel rather confused because I read what they said completely differently from how you read it, apparently.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400
    edited July 2

    Please reread all, and let me emphasize ALL of the words in all of the posts and try to figure out if there are any parts of the exchange you are missing (a paragraph beginning with the phrase "Question, if I don't..." is incredibly key to understanding this whole exchange, and nothing you have said thus far has suggested you have read that part of my post, which was actually the core point I was getting at)

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,250

    It doesn't seem like they directly answered that question.

    Anyway, you originally asked, "Please explain to me what other possible interpretation there is here?" which was in response to them saying, "Please try to actually read the post, your reply doesn't make any sense, at all." And the post they were referring to was:

    It's quite weird some people believe slugging prolong the game, but the fact is, survivors do and absolutely will camp in the hatch for 10 minutes

    Most of the time, going for 4k ends up faster

    So, going directly by the words used and the posts quoted, you were asking for how else that specific post could be interpreted. And I told you how I interpreted it. The rest of the exchange between you two isn't even part of this. You're complicating it. I'm not going to put words in Neaxolotl's mouth or try to interpret the deeper meaning or sentiment of what they said.

    You asked how else those two sentences could be interpreted. I responded. You've added new stipulations. I should have said as much when you added "I'm talking about the interpretation of the entire exchange," because that was when you expanded on the question you asked to include more than originally expressed.

    I didn't interpret what they meant the same way you interpreted it. So it can be interpreted differently. How exactly Neaxolotl meant it, only they can say. I'm not saying I'm right. I'm saying I personally interpreted what they said differently.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400
    edited July 2

    I mean, I guess that's technically another interpretation? However, I do have some objections to some things you've said.

    First, to clarify, when Neaxolotl said "survivors… camp in the hatch for 10 minutes" I thought they meant "survivors will camp/hide to get hatch for 10 minutes." I can see where that would actually be a pretty niche interpretation of what they said, but honestly that isn't really pertinent to anything else we're discussing.

    Now, on to my objections to your post.

    it doesn't seem like they directly answered that question

    So I guess it's possible that you could see their post and think they were not addressing that part of my post, but the first sentence of their reply is:

    • phrased as if it were the reply to a question
    • directly references verbiage in the part of my post that I was talking about

    See below:

    I find it extraordinarily hard to imagine a scenario in which someone sees those two posts next to each other, and does not draw a connection between the sentence in which I use myself as a hypothetical example, and the sentence in which Neaxolotl discusses my hypothetical behavior.

    You asked how else those two sentences could be interpreted. I responded. You've added new stipulations.

    I'm sorry, but I feel I was fairly clear I was asking about from the start. Here's a map of the first four posts in this interaction, up to and including the first time I ask for an alternative to my interpretation of what Neaxolotl was saying. You'll notice that I stated my initial problem (that I can't find an alternative interpretation), I listed the entirety of what I felt was relevant within the interaction to that point, and then I further explained why I found it frustrating that I couldn't come up with an alternative way of looking at what they'd said.

    I thought that when I described in full the scenario I was asking for clarification about, that people would read all the words I said and assume that they were all relevant to the question I was asking.

    For those particular reasons, it's really hard for me to find your interpretation compelling. It's kind of demotivating when the alternative interpretation of what was said is premised on missing what I felt were fairly basic and obvious choices of sentence construction, which I would have expected someone acting in good faith with nearly 7,000 posts on this forum would have been able to pick up on.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited July 2

    Yup, I had a similar experience with that poster. They added things in I didn't say and were hearing/assuming what they wanted to instead of reading what was actually said. Hence the reply(s) not making much sense. Basically mental gymnastics going on imo.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400
    edited July 3

    I would very much appreciate if you didn't act like I'm not Literally Right Here. This whole "I had an interaction with This User (who, by the way, happens to be the last person to have replied to this thread) " thing is devolving into catty middle school gossip tier drama

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited July 3

    You're the one who said you would ignore me and afaik you did with my previous response. You're the one who excused yourself. Why would I talk more, directly towards someone who said and showed themselves that they're ignoring me after I already gave them a chance not to?

    Besides that this is a public forum, you can read anything I write. Anyone can comment on, discuss, and/or criticize what others post and interactions within as well. Which is what I did.

    If I cared about keeping it from you, DM's are a thing.

  • BoxGhost
    BoxGhost Member, Mod Posts: 1,355

    Closing thread as conversations have evolved beyond the initial topic at hand.

This discussion has been closed.