You don't get tunnelled frequently. You are just biased.



  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617
    edited July 2024

    Posting anything still won't help your lack of understanding of sampling. Nor does it change that, in a competitive setting, Dbd is essentially a tunnel fest. People tunnel because tunneling is disproportionately effective for the skill and effort required.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    It's even better paired with ds and dh. Bigges issue with ds is though you have to go purposelly down to use it as the timer is so short. If it was 80s like otr it would be better. B

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Because there is at worst 25% chance to being tunneled. But in my lobbies I see otr every game at least 2 has it. But those teammates who don't bring otr I see getting tunneled the most they go down like flyes.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,411

    Because most bring DS instead and that one is more useful?

    DS at least allows you to get to somewhere safe, even if a killer hits you right after you've been unhooked. OTR doesn't do that.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,214

    I'll be streaming them on Twitch, might try to knock them all out today, unsure as of yet

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,214

    Tunneling is when the Killer hooks a Survivor twice in a row.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324
    edited July 2024

    Sure but people are fast to yell Tunneler nowdays no matter what. Tunneling on purpose at 5 gens when someone gets out of hook is tunneling and can be annoying sure, but tunneling when survivor gets off hook and tries to bodyblock you from going after the other survivor deserves another hook.

    If you don't run away after getting unhooked and killer comes back to the hook then thats on the survivor.

    Also i've had multiple games where ive literally not found anyone else and the unhooked person eather was on a gen or ran past me..yeah you bet im hooking that survivor again instead of running around aimlessly,

    If killer has 2 hooks and 2 gens are remaining i would say its fair to start putting pressure back to survivors at that point no?

    So yeah…nowdays survivors yell tunneler no matter what even if they werent actually "tunneled"

    I play mostly survivor these days and i get hardcore tunneled out of the game maybe few times per week. Theres games where distortion Andys are causing the killer to pressure us since the killer can't find them more than actual purposeful tunneling

  • DeBecker
    DeBecker Member Posts: 453

    You completely ignored all the criticism that was mentioned on his thread. Dont know why you would even pull this out of grave again? It was all discussed beyond believe.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,214

    To make it as simple as possible, a Killer going after the same Survivor and hooking them twice in a row is tunneling at it's most simple.

    Adding conditions make it murkier and much harder to judge without running a SWF all streaming.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324

    Fair enough. I'll just disagree with you but i understand where you are coming from. The words tunneling,camping, gen rushing have become so murky that i can't personally take most of them seriously anymore.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 747

    It's literally at the top of the page in the OP.


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,214

    You quoted the wrong thing, just heads up.

    You were talking about a different users experience

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 411

    I think this one depends on the person and how the game goes afterward. Many people are going to assume they won't get to play and will be completely tunneled out. So they will just let go on hook or dc because they were hooked twice in a row.

    Or, perhaps the other survivors saw the double hook and assumed that person is being tunneled out. They may decide to just sit on gens in this case. By the time they figured out they weren't going to be tunneled for the kill, it may be too late to make a save. Now the survivor didn't get to play the game anyway.

    A killer may also start out tunneling someone into 2nd state so that the moment the game doesn't go how they expected, they can just switch back to finding that person. Which means the survivor may get to play for 10 minutes after being hooked twice or it may not even last 10 seconds before the killer switches back for them.

    To me, from the survivor perspective, it's always tunneling for the kill when a killer hooks me more than once in a row. I have no way of knowing otherwise until they don't.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,141

    DS has been around since 2016 and works once a match (no longer in endgame). In the same vein that I'm sure tunnelling is in a minority of games, I'm inclined to believe those who bring and weaponise DS are an even smaller minority than that.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,214
    edited July 2024

    The problem here is that you are assuming that your defintion is the end all be all correct one.

    I'm restarting the experiment with the new knowledge presented, and once again will be taking all of the "skill issue, stop being bad" comments. I'm also going to play at my normal time, instead of like noon. This is mostly pragmatic, as I literally can't play at noon today.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129
    edited July 2024

    Did the devs actually come out to define what tunneling means? Everyone has committed to their own definition of tunneling so much that it's just discussions about apples and oranges at this point.

    Having a definition that everyone can agree on or has to abide by would stop a lot of discussions from going off track and energy wouldn't be wasted debating on definitions which is literally only the first step to talking about the actual topics.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    People really have no rights to complain when they made up killer mind and somehow gone afk, and leaving on hooks without even checking whether killer is nearby or not is plain bad play from survivor

    And no, "switch back to finding that person" pretty much never works unless you are legion or something, not to mention the fact it's 100% likely the "tunneled" survivor will be healthy by the time killer switch back, which make it non tunneling

    All that extremely niche and specific situation is more like a self fulfilling prophecy than anything else, it's either one of actually getting hard tunneling (3 hooks in a row) or making up something that didn't happened and ignoring dying survivor (which is honestly just an extremely bad play on survivor side)

    tunneling is only proven when someone dies, survivors killing survivor is simply a misplay and NOT tunneling, nothing of your post indicates "survivor thinks two hooks in a row as tunneling", but rather, "some survivors are too eager to give up and ends up killing their own teammates by thinking killers are going for three hooks in a row"

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,411

    No I wouldn't? Why anyone waste 2 perk slots when one of them gets instantly wasted the second you get unhooked and get hot anyways? That's the most illogical thing to do.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480
    edited July 2024

    Because it's unlikely that the perks gets "instantly wasted" nowadays, thanks to AFC feature that will absolutely helps

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 411

    And this is why I say it depends on the person and their own perspectives/experiences in the game.

    What you say are niche situations in your experience may be more common for someone else . I rarely see a killer double hook someone and not go for the third hook as well. That's why I am best to assume it's always a tunnel. In someone else's case they might see more of the opposite.

    I also understand that going for the person they may have left can be harder, but that depends on when the killer decides to turn back on them. If they completely walked away to avoid killing that survivor then yeah, it may not be in their best interest and may not work as well, but the option to kill them, because they were tunneled for second stage, is still there. If they start to walk away, get upset that a gen gets done, then they might turn right back around 10 seconds later and continue with the same person. They just went from not tunneling to oh, better tunnel.

    One of the counters that has always been given for camping/tunneling is "just do gens". So it isn't a surprise for someone not to be checked on after they are hooked twice in a row. This honestly probably happens less than tunneling these days but does still happen.

    Tunneling also doesn't mean someone has to die. It can be just a focus of one survivor. If I chase the same survivor all game, I have tunnel vision. I may never catch them but above all else they got my undivided attention. I can tunnel for second stage because I know that will leave me with some pressure I can utilize later. Doesn't mean I have to tunnel them out of the game though.

    All that being said I don't mean to imply that I see a lot of tunneling because I don't. ATM I can't even play the game. But the problem with tunneling is that there is no blanket definition on what it is and just the threat of it can cost the game.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 828
    edited July 2024

    I wouldn't be surprised if tunneling is more common in low mmr, tracking an injured survivor is a lot easier than tracking a healthy surv. Also newer players might not have interacted with the community enough to know that those strategies are unpopular. I'm pretty sure that camping and facecamping was more common in low mmr aswell, for similar reasons. I would guess that I'm average mmr and face camping was rare in my experience, but the Devs still felt that the anti face camp mechanic was necessary (I don't mind it, it just has no impact in most of my matches).

    Others have already said it, but tunneling has no dictionary entry, it will always be subjective (just like genrushing, if you look at the recent post about it). And as someone who has been playing since late 2017, no the definition was never unanimous, people argued about it back than aswell.

    Personally, I define tunneling as intentionally chasing (and hooking if possible) someone right after they have been unhooked. So I would also call it tunneling if a Killer stops "tunneling" after the second hook, but in my experience that isn't a common experience. More common is leaving a survivor after the first hook but tunneling after the second, because by then gens have popped and the Killer wants to get a kill. And that is understandable, but can still be frustrating If you're the survivor in that situation.

    I find it curious that you like to tunnel but try to convince people that tunneling isn't a problem. Scared your winning strategy could be nerfed?

    Post edited by SunaIIanu on
  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,411

    Maybe the devs should fix their game, instead of us needing 2 perk slots out of 4 to counter one play-style hm? And I still wouldn't waste 2 perk slots, you do you :)