New "skip matches" system

SleepyWater Member Posts: 26
edited July 2 in Feedback and Suggestions

Its not like I wanna ruin the game, and please dont be so sensitive to my idea, try to get my mind, please, I will try to explain my idea. Would be cool if you added "suic..d" button. Sometimes its really annoying when your team is doing literally nothing thorough the game, or killer is tunneling you (your anti-tunneling system is not really working), and you just want to skip the match fast to play next one. To prevent people from abusing it, you can add a penalty that is not a ban for ~minutes. Penalty could be removing # of Iridescent Shards, and with each time the number would increase, and this # will reset on each week.

update: After reading the comments I realized that it wont be good. Surrender voting at the other hand would be useless if you will create a system that will detect if voting should be available. For example if game sees that killer tunnels or camps the surv, voting will be available, and if all 4 survivors agree to "surrender", then match will be canceled and all players will get BloodPoints that they earned. In order to make it fair for the killer too, all survivor offerings/ items will burn, and killer will keep its addons, and offering.

Post edited by SleepyWater on


  • kosaba11
    kosaba11 Member Posts: 119

    If you're not going to play, then don't boot up the game in the first place.

    And look, I get it - slugging, tunneling, and camping have gotten so much worse lately, and BHVR is clearly not interested in their game being healthy, but if you're just seriously not having fun, don't play. Don't let a game that cares more about getting licensed content than it does about properly balancing the game so both sides have an equal chance of succeeding without the need to perform toxic, cowardly actions ruin your day. Just try again later and pray you get a team or killer who isn't playing selfishly in a game where the only reward is currency to get new perks.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    We have this. It's called the Leave Match button. The DC penalty is intentional.

    I'm sorry, but this is the dead opposite of what the game needs. This is a team game and survivors dipping out early ruins the game for the four other players left behind. Allowing that as anything other than an emergency not only makes it harder for players to complete a match, but encourages more early quits and ruined games by enabling shopping for favorable conditions - survivors who won't play unless the killer is on their mythical List Of Killers That Are Fun To Play Against and their teammates are running meta builds, or killers who won't play unless the survivors are confused baby solos they can wipe at 5 gens.

  • Doxie
    Doxie Member Posts: 137

    Totally agree with you. Now you will notice killers telling you....hey don't play. Same killers crying about swf teams and background player etc. I love this idea. I play my game.…I shouldn't have to suffer through a sweaty match for some losers ego. For every 4 matches that are bad. I get a good one....that good one keeps me playing. Just like everyone says a killer even in an event can run the way they want....I respect that...but if I want an early out ... I'm taking it. I would love this game more of they had a bleed out option as well. Please add this

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,105

    So you're saying ruin 4 other peoples game because you don't want to play it? Why did you ready up to play if you didn't want to play the match? I have only left a handful of matches in the past couple years when i've played survivor regardless of what's happening whether it's being tunneled or slugged or camped. I never leave killer matches as it's just a skill issue on my part if i can't combat what survivors do or bring.

  • Doxie
    Doxie Member Posts: 137
    edited July 2

    Absolutely. Most of the time.... They weren't working on winning anyhow. Nobody on gens, some just hiding etc. my level of killer I go against have gone up while the level of my team mates have gone down. It's like a sick joke

  • yukiday
    yukiday Member Posts: 39

    Quit the game or go to DC, your choice.

  • SleepyWater
    SleepyWater Member Posts: 26

    Yes, but no. Sadly you cant predict how your teammates will play. Another cool thing that BHVR can add is statistics of each surv. For example on average how many gens they are doing per match, how many sec they runs the killer, etc.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,384

    If you're only looking for excuses to not play the game, do yourself a favor and don't queue up.

  • SleepyWater
    SleepyWater Member Posts: 26

    Yes, thats what I am talking about, it is a team game. How can I ruin a game for "4 people", if these 3 survs literally dont do anything. I have seen players that did NOTHING throughout the game, even when killer was far away. Yes, it's happening not every game, but its still annoying. How I said to other guy, in this case BHVR can add statistics in game so you can look how these players play.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    Because your idea of 'my team sucks and I deserve to leave' isn't going to line up with other people's idea of 'my team sucks', and I have zero reason to trust it. I've seen literal hundreds of players suicide because they went down in chase first, or because one player went in a locker for a bit, or because their teammates went down too quickly, or because the killer used tactics they didn't like. I've seen people sandbag their teammates because they missed a skill check. I've seen killers that quit because their hex gets cleansed immediately or 3 gens pop at 90s. Giving them carte blanche to do this is an awful idea, because way too many players think 'I'm losing' is a valid reason to ditch a game at the start.

    While players who do absolutely nothing and urban evade in bushes all game exist, as well as SWFs who screw around and don't do anything - I'm very skeptical of anyone who claims this happens regularly, and assume they're exaggerating and just want to bail whenever they have teammates that don't meet their standards.

    And you ruin the game for 4 people because the killer's match is also botched if you suicide on hook. Most people don't like playing unfair matches; when I get a 3man at 5 gens because the first guy I hooked decided to throw a tantrum, I can either mop the rest up to get the match over with and feel really bad about it because I've been on the other end more times than I can count, or I can farm and waste my time in tedium. It's not a real game. And if the player DCs… bots are bad from both a surv and a killer perspective. They play like scared newbies but they have wallhacks and hide constantly, so they don't progress objectives much and often leave people to die on hook because they don't want to go into a terror radius, and they either go down in 10 seconds in a deadzone or break the killer's kneecaps, and rooting them out is a nuisance compared to human players which play bolder and don't avoid chases.

    If you aren't having fun playing the majority of your matches, it's probably time to find a different game. Quitting whenever something you deem unfair happens in a match is selfish behavior, and scuttling the game for everyone else you queue with until you get a match that meets your standards deserves the punishment currently attached.

  • SleepyWater
    SleepyWater Member Posts: 26

    I agree that I dont see those "bad players" regularly, but a the same time it weights a lot when you see them in your match. But again I will repeat myself, and say that BHVR should add opened statistics on each player while you in the lobby to see what you should expect to see from them in the match.

    "If you aren't having fun playing the majority of your matches, it's probably time to find a different game." This phrase never makes sense, I added suggestion as a way to deal with unfair "balance system" in DbD. I can say the same phrase to you, if you dont like my suggestion, then why you're wasting time saying something here?

    Seems like I wasnt clear with my idea. BHVR can add a choice of doing it after something will happen, for example if gens will be repaired in under than # seconds, if surv is moving way to fast (but its more about anti-cheat theme). When other surv DC'd, why BHVR wont let you DC too, but without penalty (like other games have), or when killer is camping and tunneling. Another way, they can add a voting system, if 3 or 4 survs will agree to surrender and go next match faster, why not?

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    Your suggestion is 'I don't want to play this match and the game should let me leave', though. Enabling and incentivizing people to quit matches they're not having fun in is one of the worst things you could do for game balance, because this game already has a major issue of teammates leaving and ruining matches.

    Can't agree with player statistics at all. I already think they should hide prestige because all that does is enable lobby shopping and ruin how MMR is meant to work, and also encourage the killer to target players that look less experienced. This would just make the same problem worse - half the players in the game would dodge you if you didn't meet some arbitrary criteria of a 'good' teammate. And your survivor statistics can look terrible because you've been in bad matches with bad teammates! ELO hell is bad enough as it is.

    Voting systems don't work because it's an assymetrical team game and the teams are at cross-purposes. Survivors automatically outvote the killer, and again, you'll frequently get players trying to leave a game for no other reason than they're losing. Even more frequently because players used tactics that are deemed unfun (camp/slug/tunnel, bodyblocking, sabo, flashlight saves, genrush) or because the killer brought perks most survivors don't like (slowdown, franklins, weave attunement… in the case of swfs, lightborn), or because the killer is playing a killer most survivors don't like (skull merchant, knight, nurse, billy, plague, legion, bubba, clown, etc.) When you make this possible and penalty-free, the floodgates open - have you ever played DBD at a time DC penalties were turned off? Match shopping skyrockets.

    A voting system would only really work in cases where most players are in agreement something very weird has happened, like one survivor is trolling the others and throwing the match (and the killer is an honorable enough player not to take advantage of this), there's a gamebreaking bug, or someone is hacking. Otherwise it's just disagreement about who's winning and losing and unfun tactics.

    I support survivors being able to leave the game when they're slugged for the 4k/the killer is bleeding them out to be a dick, but otherwise I'm expecting players to play out the match they signed up for. I do sympathize with going 'screw this' when your teammates are completely useless and they're all afraid of gens, but in those situations, you can exit the match by letting the killer catch you and just bailing on hook. Which is a huge problem because people abuse the hell out of this for the aforementioned purposes, but it's there if you do get a match that just isn't going anywhere.

    If the issue here is camping, tunneling, etc, it's better to address the unfun game tactics by adding built in counters and making them less rewarding and harder to pull off - which DBD has done to some success (they're still problems, but I was around before the anti-facecamp mechanic and back when you could be smacked back down 0.01 seconds after being unhooked, and things are much healthier than they were then.) There isn't really anything you can do about bad teammates, though... but leaving games certainly isn't it, because that just makes you part of the problem.

    You'll get way worse games if you let people ditch with impunity. As it is, the painfully bad matches suck, but you being stuck in them actually decreases the number of bad matches that play out. If you have 20 games, would you rather play them all out and 3 of them are bad, or have to quit 13 of them because another player gave up first for whatever reason and then everyone started leaving? Again, when DC penalties have been turned off, this game became near unplayable.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,105

    That's a poor way to look at it. How can you tell how things are going early on? I've had many games where it looked like it was going no where only for it to become one of the better games i played that day. I don't think you should play the game if you don't intend to play regardless of what other players are doing.