We need better Xenomorph

I wanted xenomorph in dbd for so long, and you finally added him. I got kind of disappointed with what you did to him. I fully understand that you try to balance killers to make survivors escape easier, but in this case you almost fully killed Xenomorph. Crawl mode makes no sense by itself, why do I have to wait for it to come slowly (if not in the vents)? Okay, I'm fine with crawl mode, but why he is not faster when in crawl mode? That's the main point on why Alien is crawling. If you cant make him fast this way, why you cant add him a sprint for 5 sec. The way it can work: you press shift (if on PC), and you run faster for 5 sec, but with 30 sec cooldown for example.
you want an A tier killer buffed why exactly?
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To make him look like an actual xenomorph.
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he may have 4.5 and 4.7 for each states and it may not be that bad in term of balance
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I mean ugh…. 4.5 is kinda low.. That's the biggest problem in BHVR, I dont know why they add licensed characters, knowing that these licensed characters will be f…..d up. Fairly, xenomorph supposed to be 5.0, but your idea seems cool, but imo he should "walk" with 4.5, but crawl at 4.8
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Not sure about 4.8, 4.7 has been seen in hag addon and doesn't seem that bad, permanent bloodlust all the time might be a quite strong
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he already..looks like a xenomorph…..how would being 4.8 for free make him look like a xenomorph moreso?
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Have you seen/played Alien? If you did, you must know that they are fast as hell
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I understand. Because I also became a little disappointed when Xenomorph came out live. I thought I could choose to be in crawl mode or not. I don't like being forced to be in that mode.
I hope that alien will change in the future. This is why I don't play much as the alien. Just did it at the start to get to know how to play it. To know it's strengths and weaknesses.
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True, another thing I dont understand why they couldnt make something with Facehuggers, like why they dont even appear in the mori xd (that cheap easter egg on Alien map doesnt count)
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in dbd? yes? in which they are not fast as hell? what are you talking about
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in dbd he is slow. I talked about if you seen movies/ Original video game of Aliens. Compared to dbd version- they are faster
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I think they did thought about the facehuggers and how they would work.
But in the end the sole horror were the alien itself. If we want the facehuggers etc. We have to play a Alien game xD
But I understand. And I see why they didn't include eggs and facehuggers. We did get one facehugger on the map as a jumpscare. But how would a facehugger work chasing survivors. And have an alien burst out of their chest.
Like it could work if the alien could spawn an egg that's slowly coming out it. While a survior is on a hook. Or they will get a facehugger on phase 2 on second stage at some point. And need to find medical equipment to remove them.
This way I see this could be simular to the pig with the cages and head traps.