One Hit Downs Are Not Fair

Speaking as someone who plays both sides extensively, being able to instantly down a survivor is not fair. Some one hit downs, like Oni, Michael, and Ghostface, can be sort've excused, since it has to build up, but even then - there's very little to no counter play.
And I get it, the defensive will be "GeT gOoD", but when a killer, like, say, Bubba, can instantly down you with no build up, where not even a palette can help you, there's a big problem. Looping only delays the inevitable.
Honestly still clueless why they omega buffed cannibal. He is insane at camping, tunneling and slugging. Can literally shred through post hook BT. Why did they give an insta down killers chainsaw same cooldown as an M1 killers weapon wipe. His tantrum should be 5 seconds again, 3 is insane. And him having essentially zero collision is also a problem, you literally can’t make him bump into anything. For some reason survivors are fine with it though. The amount of tunneling and camping cannibals have skyrocketed and it’s annoying to play against.
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Most of the killers have plenty of minus to their power still, though
Statistically speaking, pretty much none of instant down is unfair, passive slowdown from power is
And also you are never meant to "avoid inevitable", everything survivor does ultimately "only delays the inevitable" unless they finish all gens
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The counterplay is looping, though? Exposed pretty much always works on a timer, be it perks or power. You play extra safe, drop pallets early. You can hold off Myers or Ghostface or Haunted Ground for a minute if you're good, and if you're not good, you would have gone down in that time frame anyway.
It's harder in the event mode with Tryks randomly exposing everyone against every killer, but for Myers and Ghostface and Oni, there's conditions and tradeoffs built into their power. The chainsaw killers are a little more ehhh, because they counter pallets and that's the main way of keeping an instadown killer away from you. But the only instadown I really consider an issue is Bubba, because he chases like a regular killer (juking won't help and won't gain distance like it does on Billy and Oni), always has his power, and your only means of consistently holding him off is a good window loop… which he can and will counter with perks.
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What are you even talking about? If I want to down you with pig no matter the time invested, looping will only delay the inevitable too.
Looping does not, never will be and shouldn't save you completely from going down: you WILL go down at any point, if it wasn't like that the killer couldn't win at all lol.
"Very little to no counterplay" on michael, ghostface and oni: yes there is, you said it yourself, you have to loop them for a while until it runs out. The addons from michael are not to debate because that's the only exception and the only strong thing about him anyways.
Bubba was a absolute joke before his buffs, don't know how it's now but I don't think he's much stronger, he's useable now at best.
Well billy got buffed quite a bit and is pretty strong at the moment, but it's not like you couldn't loop him at all and sometimes m1s would be faster anyways.
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Do you mean any exposed status isn't fair, or just power related one-hits? Like do you think Devour is unfair?
Not judging, just looking for clarification.
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You think one-hit downs aren't fair when a match can be over 4 minutes (or less) from the start? Are you serious?
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Omega buffed? All they did was reduce the collision so he don't tantrum from hitting nothing and his tantrum being 3 seconds isn't game changing cmon
Buffs wise all they did was add .25 duration on his saw so he gets 1 meter of more distance oh yeah truly omega buffs
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I have definitely ruined some days with my Devour Hope + Make your choice build....
Survivors were usually not happy about it.
There is no slowdown with it, so unless survivors go for unhooks as soon I leave, it's not that effective.
Wouldn't call it unfair personally, any of those. There is always some limitation/requirement.
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Oh, here we go again....
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Didn't they also make Tantrum trigger sooner?
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Tell me you've just got the game without telling me you just got the game
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this is slightly off topic. I remember an old thread somewhere. Where killers didn't like the two hit down on survivors. Imagine that #########. Nah they gonna have to decrease killer movements speeds or something. Cause that's be straight ass lmao
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Speaking as someone who has played as Oni and Ghostface many times, they're not particularly easy to get that one hit knockdown. Oni is hard to aim against even a half decent survivor and Ghostface stops building up when they get spotted, and as soon as the survivors know they're facing GF, their head is on a swivel looking for him
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we need more instant down killers and less of this 4vs1 game-delay stacking slowdown gameplay.
But the only instadown I really consider an issue is Bubba, because he chases like a regular killer (juking won't help and won't gain distance like it does on Billy and Oni), always has his power, and your only means of consistently holding him off is a good window loop… which he can and will counter with perks.
He is my favourite instant down killer to play. That is why I was concerned that if they ever buff bubba, load of survivor mains would complain about him because he has no downsides for having an instant down and only has upsides. I always thought he was strongest instant down killer in the game unlike to what most on tier-list label Oni as the best instant down killer until billy got buffed which now people label Hillbilly as best instant down killer.
In bubba defence, his chasing gameplay is difficult to optimize where even slight mistakes can make bubba easily lose/get bully looped in the chase. In that sense, Billy is also susceptible to mistakes but i think bubba has more control over being consistently good with skill vs billy that relies a lot on survivor making mistakes/playing badly.
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Bubba was quite weak before the buff probaly easiest killer to loop unless it was really cracked bubba player. He needed buffs and his collision was bad and tantrum way too long.
Hillbilly is the superior instadown killer anywau with way smaller cooldowns. If one was over buffed it was him.
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The problem is he was trash and should have stayed that way because even after omega buffs they all still tunnel and camp. Not only that but he is the best at tunneling and camping too and has zero counter play for it. Haven’t ran into a single one who hasnt tunneled.
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Tunneling is certainly not related to him at all, he is definitely not the "best" for it
Camping maybe, but even then he may be inferior to the billy nowadays
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We are not still here arguing that Ghostface and Myers are OP because they can instant down.
I agree, Billy was overbuffed. Bubba is fine now, Oni has fair counterplay. Ghostface and Myers both have fair counterplay.
What about those instant downs isn't fair?
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Who is a better tunneler? I’m curious who can be better than the only killer in the game that can down you through your base kit BT. Not to mention his chainsaw sweep catches up to sprint burst easily. Pyramid head at least requires you to torment survivors to ignore BT. Cannibal is unmatched
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Went from 5 to 3 seconds 5 seconds was extremely long you could be halfway across the map by then
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says huntress player that can camp basement all game and machine BT. Upset that the killer optimizes the meta strategies? Bubba is gonna get nerfed by new BabySitter perk If they make it good because haste will outrun his chainsaw. so in order for bubba to instant down people through BT, he's going need to use iri-flesh. yay for mandatory iri add-on to equip.
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Use ds that counters his tunneling and just loop him. We have now anticamp mechanic so you can do trade and counter his camping unless it's basement. If thT the case then other teammates should just do gens. But to be honest camping/tunneling bubbas has been rare to me usually they play quite fairly.
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Bubba is still better at camping basement and non basement. Huntress has counter play, cannibal does not. Baby sitter will do literally nothing to stop Bubba even if bubba has zero add ons considering his second sweep catches sprint burst and his 3 sweep goes past it. Also maybe 1 out of 4 survivors use babysitter, meanwhile bubba has to bring nothing.
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Shouldn’t have to pay for a perk to keep you in the game. He shouldn’t be able to use his chainsaw within a range of Hooked survivors after being near for a certain amount of time. Good luck getting solo queue teammates to trade with you (they almost never do)
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okay…by the same logic i can say that endurance is also unfair? because instead of 2 hits you have to give 3 then ds and few more hits
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maybe don't get hooked in bad positions as bubba? his strong basement play… aligns with his canonical story.
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Being hooked anywhere is bad against bubba lmao, and you can’t control where you get hooked for the most part. You can go down in a certain area and hope they don’t go somewhere or have agitation.
Do NOT use cannon/ Lore for him being good at something. If we do that then we have to make Huntress move 2x faster along with being able to jump and dash attack lol.
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Outside of Oni, all of these killers you named are bottom half of the roster in terms of strength, no counter play is different than not knowing the counter play lol