Singularity AMA update concerns
The PTB update feels fantastic as someone looking to get back into the game and play singularity. But the AMA brought up some concerns for me and others.
One of the answers said that the devs "have decided to remove the aim-assist from biopods for now."
Can someone clarify what this is referring to? Is this talking about:
1. Extra stickiness from Hux's arm reticle on survivors
2. Extra stickiness for placing biopods
3. Auto lock on when in a camera
I believe this is referring to 3, but the comment u/deadbydaylightdev was responding to was referring to 2.
Assuming 3. is being talked about, are there any plans to revert the change to scan time? It was increased from 0.6s → 0.8s on the PTB. I assume this is to compensate for the autolock.
I urge you if you do get rid of the autolock to PLEASE revert the scan time alongside it. Otherwise this is a nerf that makes hux feel worse to play.
One last concern I and others have is how this affects controller/console players. Many found it very helpful to have the cameras auto target nearby survivors. Controllers simply can't flick the way mouse and keyboard does. It feels like the door has been opened for console players and then closed again.
I will encourage everyone to leave their own alternatives to the autolock we saw on the PTB. For me, I suggest maybe limiting the autolock to the FOV of the angle the camera is currently looking. So it won't do a crazy 180 or anything. That way players still have to adjust the angles and can't just place it and never move it again.
Another idea is moving the autolock to an addon. Maybe replace Kid's ball glove bc it's largely useless now. Think of it like the plaid flannel for the nurse. Helpful, but not necessary for everyone. It's also a low rarity so it's accessible to all. If this route is taken, defintely add extra time to the scan. Maybe somewhere between 0.9s-1.0 seconds to even it out? Not quite sure
Console players just need button mappings for quick flicks. For example,
Left front bumper = 45 degree flick left
Left back bumper = 90 degree flick left
Right front bumper = 45 degree flick right
Right back bumper = 90 degree flick right
(Depending on the controller, it might need to be button combinations like LT+A, or whatever is available, if the controller doesn't have many extra buttons on it)
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Respectfully saying "console players just need X" isn't really the solution you think it is. The PTB camera aim assist mechanic worked perfectly fine, and reduced the mental load required to operate the Singularities biopods, which is not where his skill expression comes from. Having bumper buttons to flick doesn't really solve the issue of his biopods being disorientating on console, and completely ignores the PC QoL aspect of the feature.
For beginner players, the aim assist will be invaluable to letting them use the Singularities power in interesting ways, as it lets them get over the hurdle of scanning survivors; something which you will do 20+ times per match ideally
For experienced players such as myself, the feature was a nice QoL change at most. I had minor implications for muscle memory, but no real downside, and definitely doesn't oversimplify the killer to any extent.
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Asking very nicely for the devs to keep the aim assist in the game in all aspects. It just helped controller users so so so so much
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Devs directly stated biopods in the post. Thank god the devs aren't going through with the aimbot changes
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Yeah, he don't deserve that much of a nerf, 0.6 second isn't short time as is
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Biopods are equally disorienting on console and PC. The main difference between console and PC, is that mouse users can very quickly flick the camera to a survivor. Adding preset flicks to controller users, would greatly help close this gap.
And mentioning that aim assist is good for beginner players, also has nothing to do with console players versus PC players. I was very specifically mentioning a solution to bridge the gap between console and PC players.
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Singularity is my most favorite killer, and I as a controller player, do find it cumbersome and disorienting to deal with the biopods. This change alone would open the door for me and a lot of other people who gave up on this killer because of the cumbersome gameplay involved in playing him. This auto lock feature in effect makes the killer more accessible and a lot smoother to play for all parties. It doesn't make anything **more** inconvenient for anyone than before unless they were already accustomed to the current singularity and the muscle memory they had with the killer. At most this is just something you get out of the habit of. This isn't a form of skill expression when it comes to biopod scans, it's a form of "tool" or "equipment" expression because it just simply isn't a controller friendly mechanic to do.
There was a recoil mechanic on Trickster that was removed by BHVR for the sole reason that it was more cumbersome for controller players. This is no different from that. I think overall despite what some people are saying about the auto lock biopod feature, that in the long run adding the biopod auto lock feature, this will be healthier for Singularity and the players because they ultimately deal with less frustration when playing this killer and have more fun with him.
Ultimately it should boil down to how fun the killer is and that is why his pick rate is the way it is. A lot of players find it too frustrating or not accessible enough to put the investment into Singularity. We want to see more of Singularity, not less, but making him attractive only to a very small minority because some people think this feature is not allowing "skill expression" in some way isn't healthy.
Post edited by Shade7723 on5 -
If they don't go through with the auto-aim, I at least hope they have the camera reset to the center of the camera's viewpoint every time you use one so it isn't just wildly looking at another direction even if you never looked there before.
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This would be what I would want. Having to memorise where I left a PoD that I briefly looked at for 0.5s is rough. At least if it was always forward I would always know what to expect.
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I honestly greatly disappointed that they removing the aim assist. I don't think keeping skill expression is good enough excuse to make the killer feel bad for those who has to play the game with a controller. I can't help to feel that this change was made just to make those who cry about it(the p100 singu who have huge egos and want to hold their skill over ppl head).
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It's nuts that the singu gatekeepers won. I'm decent singularity player and couldn't care less if they snap to people a little bit. "Skill expression" has gotta be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard associated with this game.
If the pods aren't gonna snap then I really really hope they reverted the lock on time change.
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Please Behaviour, if you plan to revert the auto aim, at the very least revert the scan time back down to 0.6 seconds, as otherwise the 0.8 would just be an outright nerf and make his gameplay even more clunky
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If they remove aim assist they need to lower down the lock-on time not to 0.6, but to 0.5 seconds. This is one of the buffs I’ve wanted Singularity to get and they overlooked it.
Not only will it make him just as good as he already is on outdoor maps, but it would give an easier time for controller players and also make him somewhat more playable on indoor maps.Also remove the decay since auto-aim is gone.
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Horrible that they removed the most important part of the Singularity update. But I'm sure all 5 Singularity mains on PC can be happy they've successfully ensured other people will continue not playing their character.
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Even if the longer lock on time isn't reverted this is still an overall buff and a hard pander to bad players, you've got multiple buffs that make him so much easier to play and then one slight nerf, you cant have your cake and it eat too
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Aim assist didn't hurt anyone and didn't take that much skill expression away from the killer. It only made it so ppl who are forced to player with a controller lives easier.
Edited: I cool off and remove my first part. I still think tho that aim assist doesnt hurt anyone and is needed to make the lives of console players easier when playing singu.
Post edited by BlackRose89 on3 -
hell lets just give huntress aim assist/aimbot while we're at it right? since skill expression is just a concept for elitists who want casual players to suffer, give me a break lmao
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sorry I got heated but Im tired of console player getting the shot end of the stick all the time. This coming from someone who plays on PC.
Edit: I wanted to add more but was busy in a dun in ff14. Either way I dont think there was no harm giving the pods some aim assist just make the lives of console players easier. They have to play with a controller and its a known fact aimming in dbd with a controller is really bad and makes some killers super bad to play. They deseve to be able to play and enjoy a killer just as much as the K&M players out there. Yeah the auto snapping when entering a pod was to much but having some kinda of aim assist is a good thing bc it helps them be able to enjoy the killer. As I said Im sorry I got heated, I just think its dumb when ppl only care about thier exp with a killer and no one elses. Its selfish and not fair to those who dont have the chooce to play with a K&M.
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btw Im not talking about casual players here. Im purely talking about PC players vs Console players. Unlike PC players console players do not have the choice on what input they use to play the game since console dbd doesn't support K&M. Now you the one who put words in my mouth since I never said anything about elitist vs casual players. That said Im sure casual pc players don't mind if console players have an easier time playing the game with a controller. It does seem the only ppl who complained about the aim assist were those who came off as elitists and are PC players. It's the same song and dance in every game, pc players always look down at console players in pvp games. Honestly, I believe they should just add aim assist just to the console version of the game and turn off cross-play so it playing field is more even. To me that the only real way to fix this problem. That or do what other said and make a addon that allow aim assist that why ppl who dont want it can just not use the addon.
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Or BHVR could just add preset flicks (i.e. 45 degree flick left) to the killer while in camera mode, to bridge the gap between console and PC.
The scanning window in camera mode is huge, so preset flicks are a good solution for console players. This isn’t like Trickster, who his tiny knife hitboxes that need to be aimed carefully.
Auto aim does way more than “just help console players”. It also super boosted many PC players, that weren’t fast with aiming even though they had a mouse and keyboard.
Again, there are ways to help console players, that don’t involve auto aim, and BHVR should look into that.
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Honestly, I don't care what they do as long they do something to help console players. I even said I would be happy if they just added the aim assist to the console version of the game like other games do. Like I personally don't need it bc I play on K&M but I do feel for those who have to play this game with a controller. They deserve the help.
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Adding aim assist to console only, might create the opposite problem, where some players perform much better on console than PC, because aim assist is that game changing to them. The scanning aim assist isn't like FPS console aim assist, where it can slightly nudge the projectile to the correct place. This is full instant 360 degrees aim assist.
Also, this isn't the first time console aim assist went way too far. Apex Legends was well known for having aim assist that went way too far, and some tournament players were even purposely playing tournaments on a controller because the aim assist was that powerful.
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Once again I honestly don't care what they do as long they do something. It's not fair to console players that they have to deal with this while PC players don't. Also DBD and Apex are too different games. DbD isn't as comparative or has a ranked mode like FPS games. So I don't see the issue of giving help to ppl who need it even if it does make things little unbalanced console vs PC. ######### just turn off cross play if it's that much a issue but once again the game was never designed to be a ultra competitive game.
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Preset flicks prolly won't help much with a controller, as the button input delay of like a third to half a second would gobble up most of the intent. Worth testing out though I'd say!
The basic overall problem is sensitivity and responsiveness. If a killer needs snappy quick movement and/or swing the camera around super fast to feel good & be effective, you simply cannot match M&K vs. a controller here. Not with DBD.
That lock-on with Singularity gave some hope those having to use a controller might give him another chance. Not looking too good now that'll be happening, despite the other mostly fine changes made.
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Can we stop pretending that literal aimbot is necessary for console players btw as opposed to idk, just better sensitivity settings? Obviously? Also you keep saying it does no harm but personally whenever I play surv I would appreciate it if the killer wasn't given literal aimbot to tag me just because they're not a good enough player to aim or to limit their thoughts to "maybe controller should have better camera control in general" because again, aimbot is not necessary for controller players at all
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Honestly at this point I'm just going to say we can agree to disagree. I have made my point pretty damn clear that all I want is for the devs to show some interest in helping controller users. I honestly don't care how they do it as long as they do it. Also aim assisting isn't aim botting and this game isn't apex or ow2. It's not some ultra competitive game.
Either way I'm honest done talking to you and going to politely ask we end this here. This discussion will not go anywhere. Have a nice day.
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Several years back they straight up doubled the max sensitivity for the consoles, unlocking the potential to run many killers much more effectively with a controller.
While very very welcome, this is not enough. Look around the forum and elsewhere for persistent complaints about what Boil Over still does against controller killers, the necessity of completely removing Trickster's recoil, or the fact that practically no one on console plays Singularity, or even Hag. Hag of all killers.
The best solution imo is to finally add M&K support for the consoles, let players use the input device they wish to. But they've stated many times over the years they have no plans to do so. Next best thing to do is what you suggest here, more sensitivity settings, something all platforms could benefit from.
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As long as they give him 5% haste in overclock, he'll be fine.