General sound feedback on 2.6.0


Survivors' screams can be heard like they got downed or hit right next to you. Clown intoxication and infectious fright screams are included.

Terror radius is like killer is chasing you all the time. Even if you are not being chased the music keeps up like it is you being chased.

You can not tell anymore the proximity of the killer. Or the direction. I could able to differentiate before the patch where the sounds are coming from like right, left, behind, downstairs, upstairs. Now every sound comes from every direction.

Directional misleading also occurs at normal footsteps. You can tell someone is running just can't tell the direction anymore.

Skill checks, they are really quiet, like can be suppress by anything. A completed gen, a hooking, especially terror radius. Plus I felt like huntress lullaby cursed all the time. Notification and appearance time seems like slightly came closer.

Collecting from corrupted wells, the sound is quite sharp and disturbing.

You can not separate blood web noise from main music. Since the general music is so loud and so quiet at the same time now, I have to constantly adjust volume bar. Can't you make it attached to menu music?

As killer footsteps are not muffled but completely gone. You hear someone fall from above but absolutely no idea where the sound is coming from.

Apart from Jeff and now Jane, pretty much everyone else like has iron will, no grunts.

Spirit phasing. You can not hear exactly phasing sound in terror radius, but you hear something like it can tell she is phasing.

To be honest I really liked being aware of my surroundings with the audio. I understand some adjustments for stealthy play style, but muffing and mixing two different things.

All things aside I also wanna show appreciation for the positive audio changes,

Less puking noise that's huge plus for me.

Less music at Haddonfield and after escaping through gates.

Could you please give a statement if these changes are intended and final, or some audio bugs and they are being fixed in the future.

These are the some I came across till now. If you had encountered more please feel free to add.
