Still having trouble facing Nurse

jamally093 Member Posts: 1,778

It's still the same problem she hits me before she appears on my screen so I can't properly counter. I know people say just wait for her to do the holding breath sound but that's a full blink there are times where she does smaller ones. Running towards doesn't do much and well I can't look both behind and infront me at the same time since either I go down or run right in to a wall. So I'm just really stumped on how to counter her when her power I won't lie messes with hit validation as the game has to figure out where she lands but on her screen she's already there and hits but then the server has to take that and send it to my screen so both happen at the same time.


  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    Does it matter though, whether she appears earlier or later if she managed to predict where you go, you'll get hit, and if you managed to predict where she go, you will dodge hit

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited July 2024

    I feel weird when I get hit before she even reappear. Its like she can hit while blinking. No reappear, no attack animation.

    Its like survivor can drop pallet without animation. Then arguing if killer isnt nearby they wouldnt get stunned anyway. The short dropping pallet animation can decide between killer gets the stun; or killer gets the stun but manage to hit survivor. Even if its 0.25sec from attacking animation still make it a difference.

  • jamally093
    jamally093 Member Posts: 1,778

    It kinda does since how am I supposed to counter a killer if I can't figure out what to do. Yeah she predicted where I was but here's the thing back then like a couple years ago she would appear then go into the hit animation which gave me a split second to react I lost sometimes and I won sometimes.

  • Nightram
    Nightram Member Posts: 153

    Hello. To counter Nurse isn't easy. It really depends on how good of a nurse player is playing.

    But mindgames by go one way and switch to another way. Get as much distance you can get.

    If there are lockers in close radius, you can use them to dodge her blink attacks, sincd she get stunned for each blink.

    Idk if the other is a internet problem or the server isn't really 100% with your internet.

    I hope you'll get the answers you are looking for :)

  • jamally093
    jamally093 Member Posts: 1,778

    Maybe the server isn't 100% with my internet I know I'm not changing my internet to counter a single killer. But maybe lockers can work downside is some maps just love having areas with no lockers aka a dredge players worse nightmare.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,127

    A decent Nurse is difficult to counter. The best I hope for is to keep her busy for as long as possible. Trying to stay out of line of sight (can be very map dependent I know) is the best option, and also be as unpredictable as possible

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 787

    ’still having trouble against nurse’ are you saying it should be easier? do you not know that she’s a killer

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,449

    Lockers are a last resort kinda thing. They wont help a lot. If a nurse doesnt hit, the cooldown is shorter and she can easily wait and get you with the next blink at close range. (You should still do it, but dont rely on it)

  • Nightram
    Nightram Member Posts: 153

    Yeah I know. We gotta make the best of any situation. We have good matches and bad matches.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,258

    There is no counter. You just have to hope her blink gets messed up. She's my Achilles Heel as well. No matter how good I am at running other killers, she's just impossible to avoid unless you hide all match.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    It does matter, because the fact she hasnt appeared yet means you can still do something to avoid getting hit. If she basically blinked on top of you it doesnt really matter cus her increased autoaim does the rest, but in 99% of the cases, she teleports somewhere you could avoid.

    It is fixable by leaving a ghost of her the moment she lets go. It doesnt matter for Nurse much, but it does basically give survivors that one small moment to actually react

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    ah yes, because being a killer means you shouldnt have reasonable counterplay.

    Thats like killers saying "I have troubles against sfw" and replying to that with "are you saying it should be easier? Do you not know that they are survivors?:

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    Best advice I can give other than the countless hours of videos and usual tips and tricks others give is to actually play her yourself. Because I mained Nurse for years I understand her and I am frequently the only one they give up on out of my solo queue team mates.

    Also something people forget is that splitting up, stealth and holding W are all really painful for Nurse, as she doesn't have that much map mobility and she cant waste time searching due to slow walking speed and with no double recharge anymore if you hold W at the right time they have a hell of a time catching up if you can force a missed blink.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    there's no consistent concrete 100% working counterplay in chase. good enough nurse is something you're supposed to beat by team coordination if you're outplaying her in chase.

    prerunning W keying against her is a good way to lead her away from the gens and make her waste time going back and forth.

    otherwise try to run to spaces where she would have harder time landing blinks like triple wall tiles or other complicated structures, path in unpredictable way (going back is not unpredictable for most nurses at this point) and try to constantly break LoS so she doesn't just see and blink on you.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,227
    edited July 2024
  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2024

    So I mained nurse for a while, the best counter to nurse is never being out in the open obviously lol, when you go against a good nurse she's always gonna be thinking ahead. Shift W is a nurses worst nightmare as well as line of sight blockers. If she can't see you she has to guess where your gonna be. Most will blink at your last known location and follow up after that. They are also extremely good when they learn your habits so switch it up, one time maybe double back the next hold w. Other counters are things that you wouldnt know unless you played her. For example there are places and objects that she can't blink through and or that are really hard to consistently blink through. The edge map is another friend when facing nurse it's usually littered with fillers and los blockers. If you're on a two story map run towards her as she can't short blink or cancel her blink and if she tries to look down to shorten it she'll go through the floor, and if she looks up she'll travel far enough to give you some distance. Always be un predictable and never run a loop the same way twice. Bottom line is nurse is playing chess while all the other killers are playing checkers. A cracked nurse really has no counter outside of rushing gens separately while keeping her busy and making use of every bit of the time you have, even then it's a 50/50. As for the hit before appearing I would assume latency issues kind of like huntresses' hatchets hitting after you rounded a corner.

    Hope this wall of ramble helps you and good luck!

  • jamally093
    jamally093 Member Posts: 1,778

    Thanks though the downside is when facing nurse it's those kinds of players who just play her and only her. Since players who like to taste a platter of killers might not play her often due to the fact she is well hard to master. I haven't played her since her tome because I don't want to basically get screwed over by MMR and well still its difficult to just get a hang of her blink since it can be a little grumpy you moved a little bit to rock so your not blinking past it. But yeah in the end I have trouble countering Nurse because I only get those players who just play her. I think faced a Nurse who seemed not new but weren't 100% with her so I figured out some stuff but that was a while ago.

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 374

    Yeah that's true, at this point most nurses are semi competent. Being unpredictability is literally the only counter to a good nurse unfortunately that isn't even guaranteed.