Another suggestion to improve fun and health of the game

The problem in DBD isn't win rate or loss rate (at least not directly); the problem is the system , the mechanics of the game. As long as Killers can camp, tunnel and 3 gen, they can feed into those mechanics to win. Some may argue that, "the gens go too quicky," but my data (and I'd love to see your stats in this regard) shows that EVEN when ALL 5 GENS are done, Killers are 52-75% likely to 2K or better. My idea aims to add fun elements (elements where Survivors can actually do things and Killers are rewarded for playing the game). 1) Hooks are turned into torture racks. Killers still have to down and transport Survivors to these racks. But once the Survivor is there, they are locked there. This means that Survivor is unable to rejoin the game and do gens. Other Survivors CAN'T save that teammate. 2) The tortured Survivor can't go into additional stages. No more hook states. A killed Survivor must be hooked 3 times outside of Devour or other similar mechanics. No more camping a Survivor to death. 3) If a Survivor is on the Hook, the gen progression is slowed a bit (I'd start with 5% and adjust after accumulating data). 4) The tortured Survivor (as opposed to just sitting there), enters a mini game of some sort. Maybe a series of progressively more difficult buttion matches. SOMETHING. There should be a degree of risk (if relatively small). If the Survivor manages to keep up, he's released. If the Survivor loses the mini game, he loses the "state" and is one stage closer to death.
At this point, there is no point in camping because 1, the Survivor can't be unhooked by a team mate and 2, the Surivivor can't enter the next state unless that Survivor loses his mini game. He's also rewarded because gens are slowed if someone is on a hook.
This accomplishes 2 things. 1, it removes the value AND need of camping. 2, it gives the Survivor in question SOMETHING to do instead of just sit there and do nothing. Giving them gameplay. It also rewards hooking and encourages more gameplay. The Killer SHOULD go seek out another chase.
Survivor whining once more. All of your complaints are about killers
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I wasn't complaing about killer. I WAS pointing out that camping and tunneling are unfun aspects of the game. I play both sides. I play Killer no perks or addons and WIN most of the time. Just look at the actual suggestion. What would be so bad about guaranteeing 5% (or more) regression while a survivor is out of play (thus reducing effectiveness)? Really? How is this whining?
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Honestly, just remove hooks, let entity consume survivors, and let survivors respawn up to two times