The Twins

What happened with the rework?
The rework ended up super broken, so it was scrapped for the most part.
They gave them a bunch of QoL changes, though.
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They made them stronger than nurse on the ptb everyone collectively wondered how it took them 2 years to come out with something so obviously broken, most of the relevant changes got reversed so all we got left with was QoL number tweaks and now there's 3 more Twins mains in the world.
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They put 30 second of recall on victor and it killed the killer.
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I wonder if they plan on reworking the rework, or just sticking with this version.
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I do wonder bc many of the Twins I’ve gone against slug.
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Honestly, even if it's sad that they made this rework for two years just to cancel it, Twins right now is my most playable killer and I enjoy them a lot. Hope they will stay like this.
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Yeah, I would rather them not touch Twins again for some time...
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Do you have to slug to get kills? Genuine question
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I like playing Twins, but my annoyance and rework hope is they haven't addressed the main issue with their gameplay, which is there is literally no incentive to go for long leaps.
Long leaps would be fun to use and fun to face, but you can't afford to miss cause you get kicked in the teeth, so you just crawl between survivors ankles and then pounce. I still try for longer leaps, but it's frustrating that it's so much riskier for no reward, and knowing that I should just be an ankle biter.
This is why slugging on Twins is so irritating, cause there is basically nothing you can do about it against a halfway competant Twins.
This has been made worse by the changes the recovery from Victor downs from 5s → 2.7s, with no compensation. Twins were never weak, they just slugged like hell using Victor from point blank, so it wasn't fun.
I made a thread about my suggestion to address this here, but honestly I'd take anything thats attempts to address the above problem:
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No its pretty obvious Twins are one of their "mistakes" that they just hope get swept under the rug they're ALWAYS buggy ever since they came out they've been buggy and they're still buggy and broken. The best way to play them is the "meanest" way to slug everyone BHVR probably has no idea what to do with them because of all their problems
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No, i got two 3k yesterday out of 2 games (i let sable go in the second one, but could have killed her) and i always instapick when i down.
But even if you can reliably down and kill without slugging, i admit is the better/most powerful strategy.
I dont do it because im aware it sucks for the survivors, but i would definitely kill more and easier if i did.
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You never had.
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Have to? Nah, you can play without it, but you definately waste potential of your power. I do slug a lot on Twins, because of my playstyle. I like to play strategically, keep everyone busy, eat resources, try to interrupt survivors. You can use Victor as catch up tool and ignore him as map pressure tool, but it definately doesn't make you a good Twins player.
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They basically just gave QoL changes..but also not only didn't fix her core problem (taking Victor hostage) but made it even worse as the cooldown is longer now. So kinda a side grade with no real issues addressed. Likely just as unpopular as before since the main reason people don't like playing her is Victor being taken hostage. People don't like having survivors control their power.
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I am honestly PRAYING that the Freddy update doesn't go the same way this Twins update did……
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Victor's recall timer has always been 30 seconds no?
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After rework, the recall was like 10 seconds. After that, it was nerfed back to 30 seconds.
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Lol I think he is fine as is but I'm glad he's getting changes, I'm sitting here on a 73 win streak with Frederick right now it's hard for me to really complain about him other than just QOL minor tweaks I'd personally make
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True but twins is still definitely better than they were before the rework and still strong, twins with 10 second recall was pretty ridiculous
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i think they're no different/no better than before. Nothing changed. Twins rework just proves that BVHR has no interesting making slugging gameplay viable in dbd. Not only does it take long time to kill anyone through bleed out but the fact that killer has abusive mechanic purposely put in place to hinder's ability to win further cements that point.
I also suspect that Oni's drawback where he loses -7 seconds for downing a survivor is same type of drawback put in place for no other reason because killer is slugging. So if your slugging killer, you're getting nerfed/hamper for no other reason other than label.
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It was complete disaster so instead of reworking them they just gave twins some small QoL changes to make the 3 twin mains happy. Nothing else has really changed, they still one of the most unfun killers to play especially when one survivor decides to make you a m1 killer for 30 secs. Hey at least the 3 twin mains are happy right? 2 years of waiting and excitement completely wasted. Honestly I don't want the devs to do reworks ever again bc imo they end up being disasters. I bet the Freddy one will be one also.