Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Survivors need a perk equivalent to Franklin's Demise

If I stun the killer it should make the killer drop their add-ons. They'd have to go and pick up the add-ons within a certain period of time or the add-ons disappear forever. Pallet stuns/head on/blast mine should all work with it.

I don't think this would be a healthy addition to the game, but folks who primarily/exclusively play killer can get a taste of what Franklin's Demise feels like.

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  • Member Posts: 222

    Oh, you're right. So the killer would lose both their power AND addons…. brilliant!

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    You have no idea how much you would get tunnelled/bleed out for this perk...

    And definitely add to Enduring ignoring this perk.

  • Member Posts: 3,399

    This is a bad idea in my opinion. A killer should never lose their addons.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    Imagine all those new bugs we would get...

    How the hell would mirror Myers work for example?

  • Member Posts: 4,916

    I can imagine Adriana picking up a chainsaw from a chest mid-match now.

  • Member Posts: 9,716

    It would be a funny modifier mode tbh. Technically there is nothing stopping other killers from using other powers outside of lacking the animations.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    The real answer is a perk that prevents you from dropping your item under any circumstance unless you drop it. Costs the same in resources (perk slot) and much like lightborn is a choice to remove an annoying part of the game for one side.

  • Member Posts: 239
    edited July 2024

    I would think you can just tier up as normal as long as the addon is lost but if you pick it back up you get forced back into tier 1 (or tier 2 if it's vanity mirror)

  • Member Posts: 155

    Imo, the perk needs changes. My suggestion is a hit with a basic attack no longer drops your item, but instead makes you unable to use the currently equipped and any other item picked up for 20 seconds, and you also lose 35% of the charges that CAN'T be recharged with perks like Built To Last, etc… It would be more healthy for the game, while still being useful, imo.

  • Member Posts: 433

    Even if i think that addons and survivor items are not even remotely the same…. would it actually change anything?

    The good thing with FD is that, even if you can pick your items again in 0.5 seconds, you are in a chase with the killer and you need to keep running or just got downed, in both cases the items start to disappear.

    However, even if it was done the way you say (dropping them while stunned), would even do anyithing at all? If i get stunned and drop my items i just need to lose 0.5 seconds to instantly get them back, is not the same with the survivor as he needs to keep running to not get caught, but the perk working the same way for the killers? Get stunned, instantly get the items back and keep chasing.

  • Member Posts: 33

    You would never catch a killer player doing this. Not even a killer main, just anyone who played ANY killer.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    Never going to happen. At most, they might make some kind of status effect for killers that disables their power for a couple seconds. This is essentially a stun that doesn't stop the killer from moving or using basic attacks. I could see that happening. For instance, imagine a blast mine that doesn't stun but disables killer ability for triple the duration of blast mine stun. I think that would be reasonable.

  • Member Posts: 195

    OP literally said they don't think it would be a healthy implementation. So many people are acting like it's a real suggestions. It's a funny concept that could never actually be done. It's ok to have some speculative fun, guys.

    I think we should give survivors the ability to fly for Valentine's Day next year!

  • Member Posts: 195

    This, on the other hand, is a viable and awesome suggestion. Counter-play options like this should be built in to most game altering mechanics. I also think there should be a perk to negate killer instinct reads. It might be a wasted perk in 80% of games, similar to power struggle actually getting value .03% of the time, but the option should be there.

  • Member Posts: 1,206
    edited July 2024

    Why do you think a survivor perk slot is worth the same as a killers slot?

    The game is asymmetrical. It's not a seesaw.

  • Member Posts: 195

    But in order for the game to be enjoyable and worth playing, it needs to feel balanced in the way that was referenced. Having the option to counter an ability through a perk, but not basekit, is a good solution. And perks slots are absolutely equal in value across killer and survivor, I believe. The asymmetry exists elsewhere, in places like speed and power. I think there's a lot of confusion over the fact that asymmetry doesn't mean the survivors should have no shot lol. It should be challenging, not impossible, and the best way to make it challenging but not impossible is to give options to avoid potential disaster. The rest is up to skill of the player. A skilled killer is going to do well regardless of what the survivor can counter. A skilled survivor is going to maximize their ability to counter killer abilities and do objectives. Both should require effort and consideration of loadout.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    All good, you are basically asking killers to take franklin's item camping bubba, now with rancor too, until this perk gets nerfed

  • Member Posts: 1,206
    edited July 2024

    You're wrong. Sorry. Why do you think survivors don't have a perk that progresses a gen by 20% instantly when someone is hooked? Why they don't have a perk that gives 5% haste around a completed generator?

    The answer is simple: survivors take 16 perks, the killer 4. The power of survivor perks is distributed across those slots. Any of the above ideas is probably okay in a vacuum, but not when multiplied by four. Having a single survivor perk flat out disable a killer perk is unfair in a way a killer perk disabling a survivor perk or item will never be, because every survivor may not have that thing that gets disabled. It's only 1/4th as unfair in the grand scheme of things. Get it?

    It's got absolutely nothing to do with "enjoyment". Anything you opponent does in a PVP title is not going to be something you enjoy. You're trying to do stuff. They're trying to stop you. It's naturally frictional.

    Finally if Franklin's fills you with uncontrollable rage you do have a soft counter- built to last combined with your brain. Remember where your item was. Pick it up and refill it. Also if you see items littered around the killer probably has Franklin's. Use your items ASAP. If you see items littered around and the flashing neon sign that says WEAVE ATTUNEMENT then you should definitely do that and just ditch them in a corner.

  • Member Posts: 195

    It's got absolutely nothing to do with "enjoyment". Anything you opponent does in a PVP title is not going to be something you enjoy. You're trying to do stuff. They're trying to stop you. It's naturally frictional.

    If devs want people to play the game, it has everything to do with enjoyment, and that's what I'm talking about. The game, above all else, is supposed to be enjoyable. In order for people to want to play the game, it has to have a degree of balance and counter-play. That's the only reason to play survivor in this game. Of course there's friction, but if it feels pointless to play as a survivor because it's hopeless and miserable and you have no chance of countering the killer, then there's going to be a shortage of players playing survivor. The killer is already stronger, faster, and faces very few consequences within the scope of the game. This is the inherent power imbalance or asymmetry. Each survivor's perks are their own, and equipping a perk that negates a possible killer perk or ability a) is entirely a gamble since you have absolutely no way of knowing if you'll get any value out of it or what anyone else is running, and b) only effects that one survivor, so the killer's perk or ability still has the function of working on 3 other potential survivors. Coordinated SWFs are an entirely different conversation, but probably the only way any single perk is multiplied by 4.

    I'm not sure what a lot of what you said has to do with what I said, honestly.

    Also, there's no rage involved in any of what I said. My entire point is counter-play is healthy for the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    What's there to feel? I don't lose my ability to play the game when I lose my unused medkit from Franklins, I'll just heal with a teammate. OP makes it sound like losing an item equates to a lost game.

  • Member Posts: 1,206

    I just gave you a soft counter. Built to last. Gamesense.

    If a single perk is hamstringing your fun that badly you are likely not enjoying the game as a whole. Play something else. I play whatever the incentive is and I almost always have fun.

  • Member Posts: 141

    I am 1000% serious. Also after more consideration i think the killer should not be able to pick their power/add-ons up. Maybe even disable the ability to basic attack for 120 seconds?

  • Member Posts: 141

    Losing an item pretty much loses you the game, yes.

  • Member Posts: 141
  • Member Posts: 195

    Again, you've missed the entire point of what I'm saying. I'm not singling anything out as "hamstringing my fun". I'm talking about the game, in general, and how counter-play on both sides is integral to player satisfaction. Apparently there's only one way counter-play should work in your opinion, and it's "softly" lol. For some reason, you keep trying to make it personal, as though I'm talking about my own enjoyment and experiences, but I'm not talking about me specifically at all. Like homie, context is key.

    but seeing someone say "play something else if you don't like it" is always indicative of some things. So I hope you have a good time, and I'll do the same.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    I don't understand what kind of players you are, newer players don't even know the power of items, medium players can't get the full value of items, and veteran players can win the game with items but never rely on it

  • Member Posts: 1,206

    I don't think you have a good grasp of what a direct counter does in the context of an asymmetrical title. When a survivor directly counters a killer it is more impactful because each survivor has the opportunity to do that. They have a force multiplier the killer does not. It's not my opinion, it's basic game design. So yes, soft counters for survivors on the killer are much better than hard ones. I can't think of any other way to walk you through it. You either accept reality or choose fiction.

    This stuff isn't "counterplay" because there's no play involved. It's a thing that gives you immunity to another thing. You're not dodging hatchets or earning your reward. You just have to equip it.

    Finally a hell of a lot of people who play this game profess to hate it. Those people should definitely take a break for a while. Your statements as a whole make it seem like you're not enjoying it. You call playing survivor hopeless and miserable. Do you play survivor? If so, why are you engaging with something hopeless and miserable? It doesn't sound like you're having fun.

  • Member Posts: 195

    I just wish you would actually read what I'm writing instead of pushing this narrative that I'm talking about myself at all. It would really help a lot. It's super simple.

    Me not talking about me, me talking about general game mechanics and all of players. Me play both survivor and killer. Me like game. Me think having direct counters make game healthy for everyone. Me know direct counters already exist for both sides and think they should continue to be added for health of game.

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