I feel like Kate Denson is very overlooked

When I say this I mostly mean in regards to her lore. She is the only survivor who we know has fought off the entity and won of her own will (unlike others who the entity played with, hers was a direct attempt at taking her and failing). Shes such a strong force of positivity and light that she somehow manages to ward off the entities corruption and seems to be a detriment to it with its reason for keeping her around mostly for the emotions she brings to other survivors.
Kate was written up to be such a strong character with a strong backstory to back her up yet she's been mostly forgotten about and written off as "Yeehaw country girl" in lore and fandom perception. Imo we should bring her back as a focus character, shes a great pick and has lore established from the beginning to back up the decision as well.
Then there's Felix and Elodie who they built up as if they had some important connection to the lore and then nothing has been done with them or the Pariahs for nearly 4 years now. Neither of them have a tome either.
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I mean, survivors are only just skins really so if like me you could not care less about their lore then being overlooked is nothing but personal preference. Though I do think the female survivors with small stature like Nancy or Feng do feel noticeably nimble to play… it could just be placebo but I feel like they just feel 'good' to play compared to the larger/male survs
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TRUE. Where are ny pariahs? I want the other 3, it was my favorite lore area ever made and they've done nothing with it since Binding of Kin.
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I wouldn't call that fighting it off, as all she did was just holding onto a rock when she fell in a cave.
Vecna's encounter with The Entity would be closer to fighting it off.
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It could be worse. She could have the Jonah Treatment, where the only popular lore content creator intentionally misinterprets the lore, spreads genuinely dangerous misinformation without a second thought, and causes the entire community to villainize the character based on false assumptions, unwillingness to actually read the lore themselves, and mob mentality.
Compared to that, Kate's only crime is having lore that was good for being so early but got left behind as time passed and having an archive that did nothing to add to her character.
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Tbf I do recall it being said the reason the entity couldn't take her there was because of the hope and positivity she possessed made her immune to the entities influence and that was why it started down a years long path to corrupt her to a point in which she would be able to be taken which I feel is so interesting esp with how her story played out vs the others
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Hell even I have never read Jonah's lore or bothered to look into him and I have 5k hours on this game😭
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Very good point because I always forget that Felix was apart of that for some reason. They really should do an Elodie and Felix focused tome directly involving that incident and how it affected them later on
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Tbf I do recall it being said the reason the entity couldn't take her there was because of the hope and positivity she possessed made her immune to the entities influence and that was why it started down a years long path to corrupt her to a point in which she would be able to be taken which I feel is so interesting esp with how her story played out vs the others
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Especially her jiggle physics. Shes still like the only female in the game whos tits jiggle and even lara croft has no jiggle physics. Why was kate the only one of the entire roster tonhave the jiggle physics for 90% of her outfits?
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She gave hope and positivity to others yes, however nowhere is the ''immune to the entity's influence'' or ''years long path to corrupt her'' stated in the lore.
Post edited by Smoe on0 -
It feels like BHVR writes the lore then forgets about it. Both Vecna and The Unknown tried fighting off the Entity to no avail. Trapper is getting tortured by the Entity to force him to participate. Blight actually returned to the trials with the promise of Pestula plants from the Entity this is mentioned the very first Hallowed Blight tome.
The Pariahs and the Black Veil society is pretty much forgotten about as it feels like BHVR is more focused on collecting IPs like Pokemon and pumping out cosmetics in recent times.
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I wish devs would respond to these sometimes cause I swear to God I saw it somewhere and it was like a huge thing lore wise like thats why her music and stuff got dark because it was slowly trying to corrupt her and get her to a state it could take her omg
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This is why Kate Denson should be the face of DBD.
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- Dave Richard said at one point early on that Nurse & Wraith were a canon couple, however then later down the line, some other dev stated that killers never meet each other as they all stay in their designated realms whenever the trials don't occur and that if killers did ever meet, they would kill each other.
- Dave also wrote back in 2019 in a now deleted tweet on his personal twitter account that Trapper was framed by his father as the culprit for the death of all those workers and that his base lore was based onthe POV of how the newspapers portrayed him as, while his tome was what he was really like.
- Then there is also Mathiue Cote who at one point said that cosmetics aren't canon and that only default ones are, but then later tome cinematics features cosmetics outside of the default ones.
- Cote also said at one point that cosmetics aren't alternative or multiverse versions of the playable characters and that there are only one version of them each, as the actual multiverse version of the characters only existed in the NPC tomes.
The points above are just examples of things i've seen devs talk about regarding the lore that as far as i'm aware, was never really stated, told or hinted at in the game's lore to this day, however because the sources for each of these dev lore explainations have gone lost now because they were either from now deleted livestreams or from personal deleted tweets, meaning there is no way to truly back them up as being actual canon lore bits or even reliable lore bits in any conversations regarding the official lore, just like with the Kate thing you wrote.
Also because none of these dev lore explainations are officially stated inside the lore of the game itself, should the devs suddenly change their minds at some point, they can easily do so without issue because it was never officially stated in the game to begin with.
That's why unless something is also directly written in the game as well, i don't consider any lore bits told by devs outside of the game as reliable lore info, simply because they don't have to commit to those lore explainations they give, because again, they were never officially stated in the game to begin with.
Post edited by Smoe on0 -
The real main character
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I never knew the devs made so many inaccurate lore statements omg.
Only defense I offer them about the Tome is the tome could be just different universes and or adding to the official canon. I think the multiverse was confirmed with Haddie since we didn't get the Haddie from the tomes we just got some podcast chick0 -
I haven't read Kate's lore (but now I feel I have to), but... Aren't those things... Emotions... Hope especially, the things that the Entity feeds on? I mean people might loose a fight with food that have too much vitamins, but the Entity is feeding on potentially infinite number of survivors at the same time, so I don't believe any single human could have so much positivity to fight the Entity.
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Some of those statements stems from older livestream before something else entirely became the official lore that was added instead, so those statements may have been true at the time or at least they were what the devs initially had planned before never talking about them again or changing it for something else entirely.
My point was less that they were inaccurate at this point in time currently, but moreso that any lore things not currently in the game which they talk about at any point in time shouldn't be taken at face value, because if it ain't in the game yet, it means that the devs haven't committed to making it official canon yet, exactly like with the Kate thing.