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Hex perks that spawn at the start of the match should temporarily be concealed as Dull Totems

adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,063
edited July 8 in Feedback and Suggestions

I find it strange that BHVR hasn't addressed Hex perks yet when they have been unpopular for years. The problem is that their risk far outweighs their reward. They get cleansed too early, and you get little value out of them without a build fully dedicated to Hex perks. My suggestion is to give Hex perks the same treatment as Corrupt Intervention. Hex perks are concealed as Dull Totems for 2 minutes or until a survivor is downed.


  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 615

    I agree, but they should do that alongside a boon/hex buffs update, where they also make totems less obvious.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 615

    I wonder wether it would be too op if the would put them between or even in bushes or in structures (like on doctors map). For them to be hidden in bushes they would need to add a lot more of them.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 5,962

    This. This is 90% of the problem right here. If you get a map like Midwich or Swamp or the Game or Lery's, you'll get hex value because your bones have Sneak 100 and even survivors who know all the spots will have to go on a scavenger hunt to find them. If you get a map like Ormond or MacMillan or Autohaven, your bones are gone before the camera's finished rotating because they're sitting across from gens when they're not out in the open sunbathing.

    Predominant map design used to be totems spawned in lol obvious places, then they started getting sneakier for a while, and now they're back to lol obvious spots on the latest maps and reworks. Which is unfortunate. I'm hoping Midwich's rework doesn't ruin this, because RPD's rework changed several of its totem spots to be less sneaky.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,188

    I like Leri's totems. They definitely have a pattern and it's possible to find it, but on many spawns you have to actually look for the totem. Except the one in entrance to main room...

    I just don't believe there should be a totem spawn you can see from working on generator or more than 5 meters.

    And there definitely shouldn't be so many guaranteed spawns.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,188

    Yeah, I just got actually Leri's when I had Ruin. Well, survivor spawned next to it… It's a long time since I wanted to DC so much.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 551

    I agree with @VomitMommy. The main issue with totems are their awful spawns. I don't understand it. It even seems like the developers don't care about bad totem spawns. For example: a totem can spawn right next to the Generator in the mainbuilding on Greenville (a new map). In general, besides a few maps, many totems spawn right next to Generators or in an open spot where survivors typical like to be. I really wish they would finally rework the totem spawns and let them rather spawn where survivors usually don't want to be or where they are hard to spot. This would make them so much better and reliable.

    I really like the idea of totems that they have strong effect but can be removed (high risk - high reward) but all these bad totem spawns make them more like a very extremly and huge risk with high reward. As a result, many hex perks are unreliable and players rather use reliable perks which are Pop, PainRes, GrimEmbrace, Corrupt, Deadlock ect. You get it: They use the best perks in the game that you will see every match. Of cause, some hex perks have a good usage like NOED or Plaything but NOED is free and akward while Plaything is rather slowdown or for other stuff. But many other Hexes like Blood Favor, Face the Darkness, or Retribution are really good but not often used due to bad totem spawns.

    The developers want more perkbuild variety, which is good, but instead of nerfing the best perks in the game and hoping for the best, they should make the totem spawns better so Hexbuilds (which can have a huge variety) are playable again.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 7,857

    it goes against design of hexes. hexes are suppose to be secondary objectives for survivor where when a survivor does not do their secondary objective, they get punished with hex effect. the issue is that time needed to do said objective is too low on average. a single hex cleanse is too little time opportunity cost for survivor to remove the perk.

    4 hexes gives a proper secondary objective but the killer is perkless. the cost is too high.

    there is only so many places to put a hex. eventually a survivor will find it, especially since hexes both glow and have distinct sound. I think survivors are suppose find hexes but destroying 1 hex shouldn't be the end. they should need destroy more then 1 totem to remove its effect. Hex Uindying does ok job at this but it is still a bit under-powered at keeping hex alive.

    I am curious what is % chance that when a killer uses hex undying and another hex(two hex), how many games does this hex stay for entire game. I bet it is something extremely small like 5%.

    The other stat i am curious about is. What is % life span of a hex in time that a hex survives? How long on average does it take for survivor to cleanse hex undying and the other hex if two hexes are used. I would wager 3 minutes-5 minutes. On average my hex when i use it feels like it goes away after 3 hooks. 3 hooks for me sounds about 3-4 minutes. in general, i think hexes need stay alive for around 6 minutes to create an impact.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,188

    I am curious what is % chance that when a killer uses hex undying and another hex(two hex), how many games does this hex stay for entire game. I bet it is something extremely small like 5%

    Depends on what hex. Blood favor / Ruin? Probably not much, survivors are motivated to cleanse those and find about them fast…

    Devour Hope? That number is probably going to increase, because it doesn't have warning and when it comes to effect, the game is likely to end.

    there is only so many places to put a hex. eventually a survivor will find it

    There used to be more locations where survivor had to actually check it to find the hex. I would put as example those spawns in The MacMillan Estate. Where you have like hook shape from boxes next to those bigger square structures. It's nothing really there, no reason to go there other than checking for hex.

    I would want way more spawns like this. Put more totems on map edges too.

    Also wouldn't be so difficult to think of a hex spawns when designing a map, no? But they ignore it completely and then put them literally next to a wall in open with no cover...

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 7,857

    i see hexes more like pig boxes, if you had to go to every pig box, it still consumes time, even if you know where hex is. It is just that right now, most hexes have 1 life so it is not much time wasted.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,188

    Yeah, they are almost equally easy to find...

    I believe totems should be hidden so survivors actually have to try find them, not do it by accident or spawn next to it.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 7,857

    i think that is pretty much impossible. especially when you consider maps that shrinking in size, the accident spawn is more likely to occur and it is easier to check hex spots.

    If anything, i would say that hiding hexes is bad because it creates exponential value instead of consistent value. You might have games where survivor spend like 9 minutes to find a hex and they still don't find the hex even after all that time. it creates larger extremes.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,188

    What is purpose of totem hunting perks when you make them so easy to find?

    consistent value

    There is no consistent value for hex perks now.

    it creates larger extremes.

    Never in DBD was a time where I would need that much time to find a hex totem.

    Totems have pattern, as soon I find first, I can find rest of them. Indoor maps can make it more difficult tho.

    i think that is pretty much impossible. especially when you consider maps that shrinking in size

    It's really not so difficult. Just thinking about what direction totem is facing would be often enough.

    If you want such useless spot as next to wall, at least make them face wall, not middle of the map...

    There is no map where I wouldn't be able to create at least 10 decent spots where to put a totem.

    It would be so easy to use spawn like is on Badham. You have those bushes creating a semi closed space with totem inside. You don't see to it unless you walk there. That would be enough.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 9

    I think hexes should simply have a power relative to remaining totem counts instead, so newer players don't get hurts as much as now while long term players won't demolish them as fast as now

    Some totems have to be reworked completely though

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,063

    That's far too complex and would limit the design of Hex perks.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited July 10

    I don't know about all the other hex perks, but Hex: Third Seal should be blocked by the Entity for survivors unaffected by it. Only those who are blinded by the hex should be allowed to cleanse it. Some value is therefore guaranteed.

    The downside is that if the killer only tunnels without hitting any other survivor, the tunneled survivor will be blind for the entire time. (BUT, there are far better options for tunneling, the killer only has 4 perk slots, and it can be pretty hard to avoid hitting other survivors who insist on bodyblocking.)

    Post edited by Nos37 on
  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,474

    Hell, some hex perks can be reworked to act like that, if anything it doesn't even have to be called hex perks, demonic ritual or something

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,063

    Fixing totems to not spawn in the open or next to gens isn't enough. Many of these extremely fast totem cleanses occur when the survivors spawn right next to the totem. If the survivors didn't spawn there, they would be in a hidden location far from gens. Totems need to be concealed at the start of the match to fix this.

    Examples: https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/pp41sx/i_think_that_i_broke_the_record_for_the_fastest/?rdt=48164


  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,188

    It would definitely help overall.

    I would rather just block cleansing of hexes until first gen is finished, but survivors can still find them in advance.

    Trying to "hide" as dull totems would simply become even bigger gambling situation. Imagine how irritating would be for someone to cleanse ruin for inner strength by accident…