More accessbility option ideas- problems i and others have.
I have 2 wants for the game that would make the game smooth with no drawbacks.
Loud noise notification rework- instead of a large bubble you cant see through that blocks your vision with a blaring sound, replace it with seeing a green aura for 3 seconds and make a new calmer sound. Keep the arrow that guides the player to move their camera. This would make nouse notifcations much nicer and help hard of hearing people by nit removing their vision by a bubble.
Renove unneccesary loud sounds- specific cases of this are when you are playing as bubba or billy, and when a survivor screams in your face. Being able to reduce the noise of these or turn them off entirely would be very nice, and allow sensitive hearing people (me) to play smoothly and comfortably.
Meant to say a survivor screaming in your face when hooking.
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Honestly muting survivors screams on hook isn't bad idea
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I always tab out of the game right before getting hooked to avoid hearing it lmao
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I almost stopped playing when i picked the game back up just because i had way better headphones and meg screamed in my face. Its pretty bad rn with a lot of survs
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For once we agree, you shouldn't have to BECOME DEAF because you drank ANGRY JUICE
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For real. Hate that large explosion, all it does is blur vision for a potential hatchet snipe.
Can we also change the colour of gens and survs please?
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can us console players have higher sensitivity already.
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Me too, windows key is godsent
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Survivors should be pink auras like it is for the killer, gens should be blue imo that way it can be highlighted differently when using perks