No Way Out - Buff and Nerf

Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
edited July 9 in Feedback and Suggestions

This perk can be buffed in a way that helps killers deal with gates that have been 99'd, and nerfed in a way that gives the last survivor a chance at escaping through a gate.

No Way Out - After hooking a Survivor for the first time, No Way Out gains a token, up to 3. Sacrificing or killing a Survivor removes 1 token. As soon as an exit gate is opened, a loud noise notification is made at that gate and The Entity blocks both Exits for all Survivors for 12/16/20 seconds per token.

(Updated:) No Way Out - After hooking a Survivor for the first time, No Way Out gains a token. As soon as an exit gate is opened, a loud noise notification is made at the gate and The Entity blocks both Exits for all Survivors for 9/12/15 seconds per token. No Way Out deactivates when there is only 1 remaining survivor.

— — — —

The perk no longer affects the last remaining survivor, but Survivors now take on great risk by leaving the exit gates at 99% until the last moment. The more tokens, the greater the risk.

By blocking the Exit itself instead of the switch, it makes this perk synergize with Blood Warden. Even if you do not get a hook after the gates have been opened to activate Blood Warden's blocking effect, you will still see the auras of survivors in the exit gate area after No Way Out has activated.

Post edited by Nos37 on


  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited July 9

    If you get all your tokens by endgame, this version is strong if you are "losing" and weak if you are "winning."

    If you get all your tokens by endgame, the current version is strong if you are "losing" and stronger if you are "winning." The last survivor may as well be insta-sacrificed by an Entity Spike.

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 319

    Current no way out is fine. If last survivor failed to find a hatch or they team failed to repair all gen they should not get free escape.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited July 9

    "Free escape??"

    If the killer closes hatch, the killer is not stunned for 20 seconds, letting the survivor get a "free escape" through the exit gate. The killer still has a very good chance at finding/preventing the last survivor from escaping through the gates. Plus, gate RNG means there's a chance the killer doesn't even have to walk between the exit gates.

    Imagine if closing the hatch did stun the killer for 20 seconds and the survivor did get a free escape…

    That's pretty much what the current No Way Out does… It gives the killer a free kill.

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 319

    If we didnt count Midwich mostly maps has huge area between 2 exit gate and if you not Billy you have 50/50 to know on what gate survivor is.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,400

    Considering that the situation you are talking about happens after survivors failed to repair 5 gens and you lost finding the hatch first, I don't see a need to change no way out for this specific situation that is already unfavorable to the survivor.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    You are more concerned about losing a free 4k as soon as you 3k than you are about making the survivors think twice about leaving the gates at 99%?

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257
    edited July 9

    That's a nerf overall for normal gameplay at least.

    Even if you hooked every survivor, if you killed someone before last gen is finished you have by 20 seconds less time against 3 survivors. It also wouldn't work that well with remember me, but it would be amazing with blood warden....

    Basically best use would be hard tunnel one survivor, then one hook each survivor to stay at 3 tokens. That doesn't seem as good design to me.

    Instead of trying to pressure all survivors and end the game, this would be huge buff for camping last survivor. That's also very bad design.

    I would still manage to get hatch situation anyway.

    Kill one survivor, 0 tokens.

    Hook all three 3 tokens, kill two 1 token left for hatch play.

    I would just need to make sure not hook one survivor and probably slug them until I kill one survivor. Then I am sure to stay at 1 token.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    So basically you are asking for a nerf because of a situation where, Survivor failed to repair 5 gens against 3 perk killer, last survivor failed to find the hatches, and also failed to hide against the killer for 1 minute

    I don't think the change is nesessary, like if killer brought perk to prevent last survivor escape, let them do so, it's not an end of the world

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    You're right. Didn't catch that.

    The perk gets 1 token the first time a survior is hooked. Exits blocked for 15 seconds per token when a gate is opened. The perk deactivates when there is only 1 remaining survivor. Fixed.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited July 9

    So basically you are asking for a nerf because of a situation where, Survivor failed to repair 5 gens against 3 perk killer, last survivor failed to find the hatches, and also failed to hide against the killer for 1 minute

    I am asking for a trade.

    This perk stops pooping all over the last survivor and it poops on survivors who 99 gates instead.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Not really,

    you realize that's by working this way, it's best use is going to be camping last survivor in end game, right? That's simply really bad idea.

    When they reach the gate, most of them are injured. This perk would singlehandedly give me 4k on completely lost game...

    It would create bad experience for whole team in winning game instead of 1 player in completely lost game. That's just bad design...

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    You realize that's by working this way, it's best use is going to be camping last survivor in end game, right? That's simply really bad idea.

    The anti face-camp mechanic disables in the end game. What else is the killer supposed to do in the end game? Camping is fine at that point. No Way Out in its current form already promotes camping at endgame. It buys yous time to secure a sacrifice.

    When they reach the gate, most of them are injured. This perk would singlehandedly give me 4k on completely lost game...

    If they left the gate at 99%, unhooked the survivor, ran to the gate, and opened it up at the last second, yes.

  • MrKrabsAckAckAck
    MrKrabsAckAckAck Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    I have thought of the idea of the exit gates being blocked when it's completed instead of when the gate is simply touched, would make end game really risky for survivors (In a good way, I am not opposed to the change)

    As for the nerf I don't know how to really feel about the perk completely de-activating. In my opinion I'd keep it the way it is.

    But for the sake of just tossing another idea out there, maybe No Way Out could instead close the hatch and begin the end game collapse for the last survivor. Either right when the 2nd to last survivor dies, or when the survivor is in close proximity to the hatch, or maybe even once they try to jump in

    I think this is more of a rework than a nerf, however some may view it as a nerf, others may see it as a buff. It takes away the need to find the hatch for the killer, however if the exit gates are no longer blocked for the last survivor, then it may still give the chance to leave through the gate

    Currently killers have no perks for the hatch, survivors have three. Left Behind, Clairvoyance, and Sole Survivor.