Pharmacy Rework

jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

Pharmacy, as a perk, has always historically struggled.

Prior to 6.1.0, it was technically worth running because the Emergency Medkit was overpowered and therefore justified the time investment, but you could still just… bring a medkit yourself, while leaving a perk slot open for something else. Then they reworked it in 6.1.0, and…

Prior to 6.7.0, Pharmacy was a little more awkward to use, but still fundamentally justified its existence, because it still gave you an overpowered item. The Emergency Medkit was just that good, and Pharmacy technically gave you even more of them than before. Then medkits were balanced in 6.7.0, and…

Nowadays, Pharmacy just isn't worth it. It's finicky to use as it requires you to be injured and to find an unopened chest, and the item it gives you isn't meaningfully different from just searching a chest perkless and getting a medkit that way. It's weak, uninteresting, and no longer justifies its own existence. So here's what I pitch for its new effects:

  • Increases the speed at which you open your first Chest by 80%
  • Reduces the distance at which you can be heard while unlocking or rummaging a chest by 8 metres
  • Allows you to rummage any opened Chest once, to attain an Emergency Adrenaline; this is a new item that, after a short animation similar to the Nemesis Vaccine, functions the same way as the pre-6.7.0 Anti-Haemorrhagic Syringe. There's a delay of 16 seconds, during which time you can do anything you like, and afterwards you're healed for a health state.

The goal here is to lean in to what this perk is actually trying to evoke - my understanding of this scene is that Quentin literally takes adrenaline vials, though I haven't actually watched this movie lol - while making the perk actually better than just bringing a medkit since it gives you a slightly better version of the syringe rather than something you still have to stand in place and use for 24 seconds.

I'd also propose ditching the injured requirement, it just wasn't all that helpful for the reasons they thought it would be. This way, you get a fixed number of heals tied to how many chests are in the trial - incentivising running tools like the Coin offerings and perks like Plunderer's Instinct or Detective's Hunch without requiring those tools to function - and you can choose when you go to acquire them. You also get a speed boost for the first time you use it, making it something you can save to use in a pinch since the time investment is lower the first time it's used. Subsequent heals using this perk require a slightly longer investment, while still being competitive to other tools you could use instead.

What do we think?


  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 817

    With such item, perk should be 1 time use, or should reduce chest opening time by 40% (maybe 30% or something between).

    Alternate version could be to increase self heal speed by medkits by 18%.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    I think once per chest is still fairly balanced. That's three uses without burning an offering, and it'll require running around to go spend time opening and then rummaging through each one.

    It's a whole perk slot so it should be meaningfully impactful, and it's a self heal perk so it needs to be limited in speed and/or in number of uses- this design is limited in both.

  • MrT1412
    MrT1412 Member Posts: 108

    This allows you to get multiple syringes in a match. That's hilariously overpowered. Just make it a rummage that guarantees a medkit and increases your medkit self heal speed by a small amount.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,293

    I had a somewhat similar idea a little while back:

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    At the cost of requiring you to find, open, and rummage chests, of which there are always a limited number.

    If you have time to do all of that without being interrupted, then you'd have had time to use any other self heal too. I could see more than one being OP, so I could see it being downgraded to a one-use perk, but I do strongly believe that the only way to make Pharmacy even slightly worth running these days is for it to give you a heal that both isn't a medkit, and is stronger than a medkit.

    Otherwise, why not just bring the item with some actual supporting perks?

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,049
    edited July 3

    Can other people rummage the same chest? Could an elodie with this perk come by the same chest and grab another syringe from it?

    As it stands it seems like it's eating inner healing's lunch. Interact with object, get healed. But better. It's it's 3 chests vs five totems that might be better though.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    I think that'd make sense, right? Each player would get their own instance of the perk to use, otherwise it'd be too up to chance.

    As to Inner Healing, there are enough differences to make them sidegrades, in my opinion. Inner Healing has more synergies and doesn't steal your item slot, whereas Pharmacy here would be harder to synergise with since chests aren't generally worth it and would require use of your item slot which makes trying for chest builds even harder. That, on top of three chests versus five totems.

    Inner Healing still has the "not everyone can run it and get full value" issue, but that's separate from this discussion, I think.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    You know, I never thought about the medkit nerf making Pharmacy completely worthless? Granted, I haven't thought about Pharmacy much since 6.1 nerfed it for no reason at all, but you're right, this perk is pits now.

    As for the rework - very interesting. I love the thematic tightness on show and I'm intrigued by the syringe effect, but I think there needs to be limits on how many syringes you can get. Raising it to the number of chests in the match is a little insane when these things can potentially be used mid-chase - with more difficulty than the OG near-instant pop you could pull off, but still viable in strong enough tiles or mid-chase stealth builds. How long is the vaccine animation again?

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    The actual vaccine animation is about five seconds, iirc, and there's an addon that can bump that up by another five.

    This'd need to be tested, but I feel like it'd be kind of hard to stand still for five seconds in a chase to use this that way. The actual syringe only requires about one second or so, right? Enough time for the prompt to show up.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    Ah, that changes things then. I'm not familiar with the animation (I wasn't around when it got added) and I thought it was more like 3. 5 would be pretty difficult to use in a chase unless you had a stealth build, and then you could be using Bite the Bullet anyway.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    Pretty much, yeah - and there wouldn't even be anything stopping Pharmacy from using a longer variation of it, if I am wrong about how long the vaccine animation is specifically.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,372
    edited July 4

    i was running pharmacy+appraisal+specialist on PTB. you can farm med-kits while helping you do gens in this build. if specialist was a lot better…. like 2x effectiveness than pharmacy could easily be a valid perk for swf. Soloq? Well…. unless you want spend time giving everyone a med-kit manually, it could work but is very time consuming.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 817

    If we add 10s of oppening the chest and 5s of animation, its 15s for health state, compared to regular 16s of being healed by someone else is qiite ok, but then… you have to find this someone else, which takes time, and this thing gives you 15s self heal multiple times in a match. That why oppening chests should lasts longer, 30%-40% slower chest oppening gives 14-16s of chest +5s of animation and time to find a chest makes it more fair

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    If we assume 10s of opening the chest, and 5s of animation, that'd be 31 seconds for a health state, surely?

    10 for the chest, plus 5 for the animation is 15, but then you add the 16 seconds that the actual item takes after you've used it. It'd be like the Anti-Haemorrhagic Syringe, it'd start a timer before it actually heals you. That's still better than someone else healing you, but it still requires trading away time to gain the extra efficiency.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 817

    You should not count this 16s delay since you can do whatever you want in this time, like doing gens. Which is main point of this. Doing gens is a moat important thing, because without this, you cannot succeed in trial. Each second you do other things is a trade off. But since you can do gens while delay, you can't count it as a price. Thus the time price is only chest opening and animation, plus variable of looking for a chest.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    Even so, I'm pretty sure what I'm pitching would be relatively balanced. You'd still have a timesink so it's not broken, but you get the efficiency of getting to repair generators for half of it, meaning it's good competition to things like medkits or SiS or Inner Healing.

    It'd have to be tested, obviously, but I still think this is the best way to buff Pharmacy. Plus, even if a change did end up being necessary, I think the smarter choice would be to make the animation longer rather than the chest opening part take longer, that'd probably feel less obnoxious to the player while still representing a higher timesink overall.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,186

    All I want is the Chest Searching Speed.

    They made the requirement be tied to only being injured which killed the perk for me since before it provided the flat bonus speed for all chests for the rest of the match.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 817

    I hear you. Tho Devs stated they want altruistic healing being main source of healing. Thus any other ways of being healed should be inferior to this.

    Sis and IH are little op in my opinion, especially sis with botany knowledge tho this combo also boosts altruistic healing so maybe it's not that bad.

    But because of that, we should compare time spend on getting healed by the perk to time needed for being healed by someone else. This is why I think those 15s are too fast. Making this between 20-30s would be more balanced. If this helps we can make countdown for this effect also while downed, so that surv can stand up if killer downs them before healed.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    It's my opinion that SiS and IH are about where self heal perks should be, balance wise. Both are limited in terms of time, Inner Healing requiring a totem to be found and cleansed before being static in a locker and Strength in Shadows requiring you to run to the basement as well as being slower than default heal speed without Botany, and IH is limited in terms of uses, too.

    With the right supporting perks, you can make both genuinely strong and reliable, but they'll always require something more from you than just starting to heal.

    That's why I think this version of Pharmacy would work. It's meaningfully limited in terms of how many times you can use it, and has roughly comparable time investments to those other tools too. You wouldn't be able to use it to delete killer pressure on you as many times as you wanted, which was the problem with old healing, but it'd be more desirable than someone else healing you in a lot of scenarios, which is kind of required for a limited-use perk.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 817

    Problem is, that in most trials you should not need to heal more than 2 maybe 3 times, and if you do, then most likely you shouldn't because it's plague or legion. If 2-3 heals is enough for most trials, then IH and this suggestion of pharmacy can remove all needs for altruistic healing. There is also a scarcity of resources. IH allows for 5 heals, while there can be various from 3 to 12 chests on map, and I'm pretty sure that everyone taking this perk would love to increse number of chests at the same time.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,603
    edited July 5

    Personally I'd just buff its current effects to be better, and add one or two more.

    While injured, Pharmacy activates:

    • Chest opening speed increases by +100%
    • Chest opening is silent
    • Opening a chest guarantees a yellow-rarity medkit
    • Self-healing medkit speed increases by +33%
    • Self-healing medkit efficiency increases by +33%
    • Highlights auras of all medkits on the map

    Post edited by Caiman on
  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,049

    My initial thought was that it power creeps inner healing, but if you can only do it once then it is merely another option. Which is fine.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,372

    Pharmacy is not suppose compete with self-healing perks. It is suppose be a perk that you equip to search all chests on the map to floor entire map with green med-kits which act as Circle of healing boon stations. It is team-based perk that requires SWF-level synergy to gain value.

    It is extremely powerful in principal. You get injured, you search every chest on the map with 4 of those chest offering and now entire map is floor with 10+ green med-kits all over the floor. that is a lot of health-states and self-healing efficiency. It is not good for soloq because soloq cannot see each other perks and doesn't have coordination to utilize perk its to full potencial but this is easily of stronger healing perks for SWF.

    The only balance they put on it to not make it crazy in swf is injured condition but this is also very easily mitigated by using For the people to become injured early on by force. After that. it is just med-kit city.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    I don't think that's true at all.

    For starters, I don't think the perk would've given you the only medkit explicitly designed to heal yourself if it was supposed to be for healing your team. That alone says to me that we're supposed to consider Pharmacy an emergency heal for yourself, not a way of healing your team faster.

    Second, when they changed it in 6.1.0, the little joking flavour text they put in the changelog was "try stealing my medkit now, Meg" which implies that they wanted to make it LESS likely for Pharmacy's medkit to go to someone else instead of you.

    Pharmacy is supposed to compete with self heal perks. It's just not good at it, and never has been.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,372

    that was a bit of humour. I think the joke was that meg wasn't going to be stealing your med-kit, instead you will be giving her a med-kit because you have like 10 med-kits to spare.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    I went back to that dev update to go reconfirm, and it reads like this:

    Considering the two options presented are "hope nobody takes it" and "hide it", I think it's fair to say Pharmacy is considered a self-healing perk first and foremost, with the possibility of altruistic healing just being only that, a possibility. The focus is still on you getting to use your medkit on yourself, after all.

    It's still important to note that, at the time this update was written, the perk still gave you a green medkit, the only one with a self-heal bonus.

    As an aside, it's not like it matters. As an altruistic healing perk in a SWF, Pharmacy is still excessively mediocre and not worth running over much better options since it still requires a lot of prep-time for a medkit that isn't any better than any other medkit these days. It still needs to be buffed, and making it more focused on self-healing would still be a way of doing that.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,964

    Pharmacy, as a perk, has always historically struggled.

    How did you conclude this?

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    Personal judgement based on my own experience with it, my overall understanding of the game outside of my own matches, and a little bit of community feedback.

    I do go on to provide my reasoning in the post, talking about its various incarnations and their place in the wider game.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,372

    What exactly is stronger then 24 second self-heals? Med-kit are still incredible powerful and dare i say over-tuned. It is because they unlock self-healing action but don't cost any perk slot to use.

    Pharmacy is like old circle of healing. you spend 1 perk slot and entire team unlocks an extremely fast self-care action because of abundant amount of med-kits that the perk can produce. It has two downsides to balance itself. the first is amount of heals is == to amount of chest. a non-factor for swf team that just runs 4 coin offerings. The other is that survivor that opens chest must be injured. Also a non-factor in most cases because survivors will be injured at some point in the trial.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    If the goal is to get your teammates healed, there are a lot of better options. Botany Knowledge, We'll Make It, Desperate Measures, even Circle of Healing itself works better as a zone of keeping your teammates healed than you personally spending a whole lot of time unlocking various chests just so your teammates can get a slower heal than if you'd not spent the time at all and healed them directly.

    That's if we're assuming you want your teammates healed, too. If we're just looking at what's stronger than 24 second self heals, then 22 second self heals (Strength in Shadows) or a 20 second disjointed self heal (Inner Strength, 12 seconds cleansing and 8 seconds in a locker) would both count. Whether it's considered an altruistic heal or a self heal, Pharmacy just doesn't stack up against the other options.

    Medkits are still very good, yes, but they're not that good. The old medkits, absolutely, the old Emergency Medkit was flat out broken, and even an old regular medkit would've made what you're describing only kind of weird instead of a flat waste of time. New medkits, though? Those heals are already slower than if you'd just healed them outright, and that's not counting all the time you spent unlocking those chests.

    The only benefit to what you're describing is that teammates don't need to be near you to heal, but that brings us back to the age-old problem with this perk: They can just bring themselves a medkit and it'd be better than relying on Pharmacy. It's a fine niche tactic for hyper coordinated SWFs, but even in that context it's worse than a lot of other options- and a perk only being good in that context would still warrant changes even without that.

    Pharmacy is weak and undesirable either way, and since it's pretty clearly meant to be a self heal perk, that's where I'd like to see it improved.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,372
    edited July 7

    those perks require two survivors to heal. Pharmacy and med-kit don't require 2 people to heal. They only require a single player to go around map opening chests. It is arguably more potent than all other healing perks. that is simply how good med-kits are.

    It's a fine niche tactic for hyper coordinated SWFs, but even in that context it's worse than a lot of other options- and a perk only being good in that context would still warrant changes even without that.

    i disagree that it is worse then other options. part of its strength is ability to compress survivor's perk slots. 1 person runs pharmacy and everyone has access to abundant amount of med-kits.

    There is just simply no perk where using a single slot rivals that much self-healing capacity for a team. Only Old circle of healing and pre-nerfed self-care at 80% efficiency were better perks than this form of healing. Those two perks were some of strongest perks in dbd's history.

    if the perk were to get buffed, it could have an additional effect where med-kits found in the chest have double the amount of charges. In other words, they have iri gel dressing and bandage add-on equipped. Now it goes from a perk that SWF can niche abuse to a perk that soloq might run with coin offering to get 2 heals.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    Yes, those perks require two survivors to heal, but the actual time investment would be so much lower that it's much stronger.

    What you're describing is spending an insane amount of time running around the map opening chests just so everyone's heal can be slower than you healing them to begin with, after you've spent all that time setting it up. Medkits aren't fast anymore, this time investment doesn't pay off.

    Even if what you're describing were as strong as you're describing it, wouldn't that still be a good reason to rework it? To make it so that it's not something SWF can abuse, and also making it so solo queue can benefit from it just as much?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,372

    depends on how many people run pharmercy. two people can open chests twice as fast around the map lowering the time commitment. 24 second self-heal is not that slow. in fact, it is only +1 second slower then original circle of healing at 50%. the only risk you have is running out of med-kits. while 10 med-kit is a lot of med-kits, it is not infinity healing but for average match, that many med-kits is sufficient in most situations.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    Two people could run Pharmacy to open chests twice as fast… or one person could run current Circle of Healing to get vastly more efficient heals for less prep time.

    Two people could run Pharmacy to open chests twice as fast… or everyone could just bring a medkit with two heals and get the same effect for zero prep time.

    Two people could run Pharmacy to open chests twice as fast… or two people could run We'll Make It and get much better healing efficiency overall.

    The fact remains that prep time like that only pays off if the resulting heal is SHORTER than default, but the heal you get from a medkit is LONGER than default. Medkits are good specifically because of the flexibility and lack of investment that comes with them. You just have the medkit, from the start of the trial, and can use it whenever you need. They're also good because their only "decent" baseline can be improved, via addons and perks, which doesn't come into play with Pharmacy here.

    Even when medkits were busted, Pharmacy wasn't appealing because having to go find and search a chest for an item you could just bring in yourself was an unnecessary extra step. Now that medkits aren't busted, it's honestly detrimental, whether the heal goes to you or to your teammate.

    It's not like the ACTUAL situation old Circle of Healing enabled, where everyone's healing was significantly faster than someone else healing them due to stacking CoH with their (old) medkits or something like Botany. If everyone was forced to actually use CoH's 22 seconds ish as their heal every time, the perk never would've been as huge a problem as it was, because that's only "decent". A version of that, but with a slightly longer heal, way less flexibility, and way more prep time, is flat out bad.

    Plus, I'll direct you again to the question I asked in the last post: Isn't that still worth fixing, even if everything I'm describing were somehow wrong? Isn't it bad for a perk to only be useful in hyper coordinated SWF groups?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,372
    edited July 7

    Plus, I'll direct you again to the question I asked in the last post: Isn't that still worth fixing, even if everything I'm describing were
    somehow wrong? Isn't it bad for a perk to only be useful in hyper coordinated SWF groups?

    Isn't that what 80% of the survivor perks are currently? they're only good in a swf. If they're good in soloq, they're often perceived as too strong/busted perks. For example For the people+Buckle up was a perk that people complained about. it wasn't that good in soloq but it was still good enough for some soloq player to run it that it got nerfed to the ground.

    If everyone was forced to actually use CoH's 22 seconds ish as their heal every time, the perk never would've been as huge a problem as it was, because that's only "decent". A version of that, but with a slightly longer heal, way less flexibility, and way more prep time, is flat out bad.

    If self-healing wasn't issue than why was one of biggest target nerf for said perk to remove self-healing effect from the perk? COH biggest strength was ability to self-heal without a med-kit. It is one of mains reasons why COH isn't selected by most soloq players anymore. the setup for totem and than requiring two people to heal doesn't have any merit. it is not time efficient. It is why you see we'll make it with 8.16% pick-rate in soloq for Nightlight.

    I am saying that pharmacy is close to comparable to old COH in term of self-healing capacity when 4 purple coin offering are used. there is just chest everywhere and searching a chest at 80% of speed and self-healing has similar benefits to setting up a boon and self-healing.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    In order:

    1: No, I don't think that's accurate, most survivor perks are perfectly usable in solo queue.

    However, if that WERE accurate… does it become okay all of a sudden? Isn't it still a problem for solo queue players to not be able to make use out of perks like this? Isn't it a problem for a perk to be innocuous in solo queue but broken in SWF?

    2: I feel like I already addressed this, but self healing WAS the problem with old CoH. It just wasn't CoH ALONE that caused the problem. The issue with that perk was that a very small extra investment (a medkit, and maybe Botany if you're feeling fancy) made CoH a station for ultra-fast self heals that were significantly faster than someone else healing you.

    Self healing is problematic when it's FAST. It's not problematic when, like with medkits, Strength in Shadows, and Inner Strength, it's SLOWER than someone else healing you.

    As an aside, we're not talking about solo queue in this discussion, we're talking about SWF. You're contending that Pharmacy is a top tier source of healing for SWFs, right? That's why I bring up that perks like We'll Make It and Circle of Healing are significantly better for SWFs. They're also not actually that bad for solo queue because the problem is lack of coordination rather than time inefficiency, but we're not talking about that here.

    3: To address your last part about Pharmacy being comparable to old CoH: Only if you view CoH used ON ITS OWN, which it wasn't before and wouldn't have been particularly problematic if it were. Old CoH, meaningfully and consistently, provided FASTER self heals than someone else healing you. Medkits provide SLOWER heals.

    The prep time of CoH was considered acceptable and even strong because it paid for itself by making subsequent heals faster. It still does, if you're in a SWF, it's a very very good perk if you have the coordination to use it. What you're describing is putting in more prep time than old or current CoH to make everyone heal slower.

    If you put LESS prep time into using a perk like WMI or CoH, while in a coordinated SWF, time spent healing overall goes down, considerably. If you put prep time into opening every chest on the map with Pharmacy, in a coordinated SWF who then use those medkits to self heal, time spent healing overall goes UP.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,372

    However, if that WERE accurate… does it become okay all of a sudden? Isn't it still a problem for solo queue players to not be able to make use out of perks like this? Isn't it a problem for a perk to be innocuous in solo queue but broken in SWF?

    that is been case for dbd perks since beginning. a great example is like flip+power struggle where dying on a pallet to let a survivor recover and threatening pallet save makes perk much better but in soloq. nobody going to be doing that actively or play around your perks.

    Unbreakable is another perk that actively benefits from that play-style.

    This just another one of those perks that falls under the SWF category to gain benefits. the thing is, while swf can use a lot more perks, like in any other competitive game, the top perks rise to the top and alternative weird perks aren't worth messing around.

    SWF can use pharmacy but they can also just equip 4 med-kit with charges and red syringes. that is all the healing you'll ever need. if they want more healing, they'll just run 4 adrenaline. Might as well use top perks rather middle ground stuff.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    I mean, it sounds like you're agreeing with me now, so you'll have to forgive me for asking for more clarification.

    That makes it sound like it's a good idea to start changing some things. If a perk is only even potentially useful for those in a super coordinated four-stack, AND people in that very specific configuration have no real reason to want to run it even then because it's heavily outclassed by a wealth of other options, it kinda sounds like the perk is operating in a pretty lacklustre state and could use an overhaul.

    For instance, a rework that allows it to better fulfil its intended role as an emergency self-heal by uncoupling it from medkits and bringing more unique, evocative flavour to its use.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,372

    this is more of a problem of not showing your allies load outs and not having auras for items on the floor. Once again aura reading wrapped into a perk.

    Plundered instinct is a perk that show aura of items left on the floor. in a swf, when someone drops a med-kit or any item, a player can notify other players to pick-up the item. if you open all chest, survivor might not know you have the perk and might not check chests unless they're near a chest and just happen to see med-kit.

    I don't think you should be trying to balance around instant heals. Adrenaline and red syringes are only needed/potencial useful healing perk for a swf. otherwise stacking second chances or gen-rush perks are better choices. there is not much to change. it is probably better to just nerf Red syringe and Adrenaline instant heal instead as these are over-performing mechanics.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    I strongly feel that no players, SWF or solo queue, would use Pharmacy this way if all that changes is that they can see the aura. It's still a waste of their time compared to almost any other healing option, altruistic or solo.

    For the record, this isn't an instant heal, it's a slightly faster syringe that requires both opening a chest and rummaging it before you can even do the animation to start the timer. It's not instant like Adrenaline, and it's also not instant to start like a syringe.

    Pharmacy has prep time: You need to find and open chests, and I'm pitching adding rummaging to that too.

    In order for the perk to be viable after the prep time, it MUST provide a heal that's faster than options which don't require prep time, IE, medkits. The only exception to this was old Circle of Healing, which had its own unique approach + was broken because it provided WAY faster heals anyway.

    The only two ways to make Pharmacy's current design halfway appealing is to either have it buff medkits directly (a terrible idea for a wealth of reasons) or to make it provide a heal that isn't tied to a medkit + is faster than a medkit to counteract the extra time investment. I lean towards the latter, obviously.

    As an aside, I don't want it to be only useful or viable for SWFs, I want it to be useful for solo queue as well.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,483

    Its alright as a perk but I would want something more multi use so heres what I would make


    Increases chest searching speed by 80%

    Decreases noise made by opening a chest by 8m

    While active allows you to rummage through a chest and find a temporary (lost at the end of the trial) EMT-kit (can't have addons)

    This perk starts the trial with 1 token, and gains a token every time 4/3/2 generators are complete and a token is consumed every time you rummage for an EMT-kit

    EMT kit has these stats

    16 charges (no 33% charge penalty for self healing so it will heal fully)

    50% increased heal speed (self and altruistic, and it also has no 33% self heal penalty so it isn't a 16s heal its a 11.6s heal)

    Healing done by this item reduces the maximum charges needed to be healed (aka healing with this item is permanent until you either become fully healed or get downed hemorrhage is a non issue)

    This item is consumed upon losing all its charges

    This item is not affected by efficiency bonuses or other heal speed bonuses or penalties (aka overwhelming presence and streetwise have no effect and botany and sloppy butcher has no effect always 16 charges and always 50% faster)

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,372

    the prep time is less then blessing a totem. chests take 10 seconds to open. pharmacy grants 80% boost to opening chests. This is 5.5 second opening time. if there 10 chests in the map, it is far more accessible to find chest nearby than it is to find a totem.

    In order for the perk to be viable after the prep time, it MUST provide a heal that's faster than options which don't require prep time, IE, medkits. The only exception to this was old Circle of Healing, which had its own unique approach + was broken because it provided WAY faster heals anyway.

    The self-healing time for 50% COH was 21.33 seconds. it wasn't that much different then 24 second med-kit. this is what. 5.5 second chesting open and 24 second healing. I mean the total interaction time is marginally faster.

    The absence of chests spawns in the trial is likely big component for pharmacy low popularity. You have to use an offering every game to utilize the perk in most efficient way possible and soloq 1. cannot coordinate this in the current iteration and 2. most don't see expense as worthwhile.

    As an aside, I don't want it to be only useful or viable for SWFs, I want it to be useful for solo queue as well.

    Most perk that end up being good for soloq end up being too strong overall. Background player at 200% haste was great example of that. any time that BVHR has tried buff perks that are valid for soloq, they've ended up reverts changes or sometimes deleting the perk out of existence. It is just an obvious pattern that this point.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    Tackling those both in order:

    1: Okay, so, we've already covered that what made CoH so good was that it was FASTER than the 21 ish second timer due to it being stacked with other tools. People DID NOT rate CoH on a 21 second heal, because their heals with it were FASTER than 21 seconds. You can even go back in this forum's history and find people arguing that CoH is fine and doesn't need a nerf because that 21 second number is only alright - all of whom were obviously missing the problem that existed back then, because they were only considering CoH in a vacuum.

    If it were used on its own, CoH was just "decent". The same way that what you're describing with Pharmacy would, in theory, be "decent". It wasn't strong, it was just usable. People made it strong by pairing it with their medkits and with other tools, and that is what made it so broken it needed to be nerfed.

    What you're describing with Pharmacy is the worst case scenario of old CoH and a scenario in which that perk was just "fine". It's a viable niche strat for hyper coordinated SWFs, but it's outclassed by actually bringing altruistic heal perks instead of bending Pharmacy into being one. It's fine in a vacuum, but a waste of time compared to what you could be doing.

    It's also still unhealthy for it to only be halfway decent in a coordinated four man, especially when even those players don't really want to bring it due to it being heavily outclassed by other options. That's still a good enough reason to rework it.

    2: This just flat out isn't true. There are plenty of perks that are good for solo queue and that aren't too strong; even setting aside perks like Kindred and Bond that SWF generally don't want to use because of redundancy, there's also just… the usual suite of innocuous meta perks. Deja Vu, Resilience, Sprint Burst, Lithe, Distortion, Off The Record…

    Then adding in the off-meta good perks like Lucky Break, Strength in Shadows, Wicked, Alert, Breakdown, Iron Will, Champion of Light, Quick & Quiet, Built to Last…

    None of those perks require a SWF, they're all perfectly valid in solo queue. This pattern doesn't exist, the only way you could think that any perk which ends up being good for solo queue gets nerfed is if your bar for "good" is, y'know, broken stuff like old Background Player, or old Made For This + Hope, or old Dead Hard.

    Things get nerfed if they're too strong overall, that isn't connected to whether they're good for solo queue or not.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,372

    People DID NOT rate CoH on a 21 second heal, because their heals with it were FASTER than 21 seconds. You can even go back in this forum's history and find people arguing that CoH is fine and doesn't need a nerf because that 21 second number is only alright - all of whom were obviously missing the problem that existed back then, because they were only considering CoH in a vacuum.

    yes they did. in fact i would argue that faster healing wasn't reason why COH fell off as a perk. it was its ability self-care that was removed from the perk that made unpopular. Just look at nightlight stats. Self-care is 5.74% usage rate and Strength from the shadow is 3.74%. COH ranks as like 5th best healing perk if we just discount the number and just look at ordering. player is clearly prioritizing self-healing effect over anything else. We'll make it is the one exception that i do not want to go into large details. IF coh had self-heal component, player would likely still be using COH to this day.

    What you're describing with Pharmacy is the worst case scenario of old CoH and a scenario in which that perk was just "fine". It's a viable niche strat for hyper coordinated SWFs, but it's outclassed by actually bringing altruistic heal perks instead of bending Pharmacy into being one. It's fine in a vacuum, but a waste of time compared to what you could be doing.

    As stand alone perk with no items, pharmacy really isn't that bad. a portable self-heal that is moderate quick is decent. It is just that it is better to bring your own med-kit and spend 1 altruistic perk slot than it is to use this perk. that is why i said this perk really only shines in swf because you can equip 1 of this perk and than give your entire team self-care by opening the chests. this leaves room for your other teammate not need healing perks and perhaps choose other perks like anti-tunnel or generator progression choices.

    As for why swf don't use this? well…. there is no reason to use it because…. 4 syringe+4 adrenaline is better than pharmacy. also using offering like that makes killer play more sweaty…. due to well.. suspect swf. med-kit in lobby? a lot less suspicious. probably just watch out for franklins.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    We're drifting away from the main point here, so I'll bring us back on topic with my main argument, which I'll simplify as much as possible.

    It's this: In the current state of the game, self-healing is reigned in with one of two downsides. It's either slow (IE, slower than the default 16 seconds), or it requires some kind of prep time + resource in exchange for the heal itself being faster. Medkits, for example, are balanced by being slow. Inner Strength, the closest comparison to Pharmacy, is an eight second heal balanced by requiring interactions with limited totems first.

    Pharmacy, right now, is a slow heal that also requires prep time and a resource. That needs to change if we ever want it to be considered as a reasonable alternative to its closest comparisons. It's the worst of both worlds currently.

    CoH isn't actually that relevant here outside of being a slight historical oddity (that still actually obeyed these rules in practice) because we're not in that state of the game anymore. Things are different now, and we should be looking to treat Pharmacy according to the current norms, not the old ones.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 949

    I have some thoughts.

    So, this perk would be great, but it would be good to limit it to, lets say... twice per trial. You can rummage twice per trial and get a Andrenaline Injector.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    I'm inclined to think that tying it only to how many chests are on the map would be healthier than only having it activate twice, because that would encourage off-meta picks like Coin offerings and perks like Plunderer's Instinct or Detective's Hunch as well as pushing survivors to spend much more time running around the map and setting up their heals.

    Travel time + opening time + rummaging time + five ish seconds for the animation (depending on balance) would absolutely add up if it's done more than once. It's good for the killer if survivors are spending time doing something other than generators, and it's doubly good if what they're doing involves traversing the whole map looking for static objects. More time and opportunity to ambush them.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 949

    Maybe. This is exactly the type of thing we would have to test in a PTB to see how strong it could be.

    Unfortunately, we can only talk about it atm.

  • MrKrabsAckAckAck
    MrKrabsAckAckAck Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    I like the idea of rummaging for more items, however an item that heals you similar to the syringe in game may become over powered. I say this because the time used actually working (opening the chest and rummaging) is 20 seconds. It takes 16 seconds for another survivor to heal a player. Meaning the amount of work a survivor has to put into healing is hardly above what healing is. On top of that, you get an item (which may or may not be good, but beside the point)

    I do like the idea of rummaging, whether or not your idea of a syringe is too OP or not, honestly I think it needs a test run to find out. I could be wrong. However, back to the idea of rummaging, it would be cool to see chests become sort of like an actual pharmacy where you can go to them and pick out medicine, possibly indefinitely that give some random buffs. Like speed, repair speed, or other small buffs that can help you. A player with pharmacy could potentially share these medications with the team. Nothing too excessive, but the chests with this become a sort of medicine cabinet