What is the most underrated perk for each side?

I think it’s time we appreciate some underrated perks here in this thread, here are my picks:
Low Profile for survivor, it’s situational but very useful if it activates. I run this perk very often and against killers who slug for the 4k, or if your in a situation where your team gets downed pretty quickly, it absolutely saves the match at points, 90 seconds is quite long, and since it activates multiple times, the value can be small or life saving. Low Profile is not as bad as what people make it seem to be. I hope in the future it can get additional effects like no aura reading, and so you can no longer scream when its active, along with increasing it’s duration to 120 seconds.
For killer it’s going to be Spies From The Shadows, I used to think this perk was useless, but I decided to give it a shot, and the information it provides is very nice in keeping track where survivors went if I lost them.
Calm Spirit.
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weaving spiders … high risk, really high reward (however not recommended for beginners). Unlike 95% of other perks, there is never a game where it isn't useful