
- Do people take too long to hit the "Ready" button?
- Do every survivors like to TBAG before pass through the exit gate?
- Do survivors like to see the killer watching them jumping into the exit hatch?
The ready button is something I've wondered about for as long as I've been playing. Maybe they have to pee? Maybe they're getting a snack? Maybe they have no respect for others' time. Who knows. Used to be, if you didn't ready up as a survivor before it auto blocked at 15 seconds, you could expect to be tunneled for wasting everyone's time.
The other two, along with why do killers bleed out survivors when there's a hook nearby?, Or, why do killers make you think they're going to let you get hatch or open the gate only to slam it in your face or down you at the gate switch when you're almost done opening it?
It's because people think they're the main character of life and they need to be seen being "better than others" or they need to bully others in order to feel validated. It's sad, and I feel sorry for them.6 -
Reasons I have not clicked Ready:
- Bathroom/water break
- Spending Bloodpoints so I don't hit the soft cap and miss out on points after the match
- I switch my monitor input to PC between matches and need to buy myself some time to wrap up on PC before switching back to console input
- I'm replying to teammates from last match who had messaged me (a separate screen / menu on console)
- I'm trying to change my build around / customize my character's cosmetics
- I'm debating playing a different role/game and have not committed to Readying up
I very rarely tbag the killer. If I see another survivor tbag the killer and they go down just short of the exit where the killer can pick them up, I will tbag that survivor for laughs.
I will look for a gen or totem near hatch to repair/cleanse for some extra points until the killer shows up. All they see on their end is me waiting for them to watch my escape, which is not my intent. If it is a newly released map (feels like it's been a while since we got one), I wait around so they can see the hatch and learn its spawn location.
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- I'm spending my blood points and picking my perks for the next match, cut me some slack
- I don't like doing that
- I don't like doing that either, but I imagine it's because either they don't win that often or they feel you played sweaty
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The way I see it, there are 5 players in the lobby and 60 seconds on the timer. If I ready up, take MY 12 seconds of time off the clock (or however much of it is left). Or leave it on the clock, but make the clock tick down faster for each player readied up.
If perks are not going to be shown/shared amongst the survivors in the lobby then why bother with the lobby? Let us queue straight into a match. 🤷♂️
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If I havent clicked Ready it's because I forgot to.
Also never dropped a t-bag or lingered around hatch in my life so can't help you there.
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It's like 1 whole minute of waiting (so long as nobody leaves). Personally, I use the queue / lobby to make a cup of tea or go for a bathroom break.
It's not a huge deal to wait for a minute, surely? Just spend some BP.
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I had a Wraith game on Midwich, where a Sable camped hatch. I managed to close it and kill her.
I have no idea why do they do this. If I see a hatch, I'm getting in.
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1: It taking “too long” is highly subjective, and can have many, many reasons. 1 minute isn’t even all that long, when it starts ticking down the instant the lobby is filled.
2: Not all survivors do this.
3: Not all survivors do this.
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ready button greys out randomly 10-15 seconds before the match gets locked in.
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It takes time to look the player profiles in the lobby.
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When playing a killer, matchmaking lobby is the only time I can spend BP most of the time
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- "Ready" button? I spend BP sometimes in this time
- TBAG before pass through the exit gate? No, not really
- Do survivors like to see the killer watching them jumping into the exit hatch?
well, sometimes. If I'm in a playful mood, It feels childish, like i'm saying: "Look, what i found, daddy Wesker! ". But I don't TBag there as killers don't like it)
And it can also feel like flirting with death, because you can't be sure that the killer won't grab you at the last moment)
Post edited by YulechkaLive on1 -
1 - They're probably afk or doing something else and don't even know they're in the lobby. Or they simply forgot to do it.
2 - It's not EVERY survivor or even most of them but it is indeed a lot of them. Most of the time it's done it's because the survivors perceive that the killer played 'mean' by tunneling or camping or otherwise being toxic. They're saying "Hahah I escaped even after you played like that". However, it does still happen a lot no matter how you play and in those cases it's just sore, toxic winners.
3 - Same as the second answer. It's either the mock 'mean' 'toxic' killers, or it's done by sore winners (even though the hatch isn't considered a win')
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- 1) Do people take too long to hit the "Ready" button?
- Spending bloodpoints
- Adjusting or changing offerings/add-on's/perks
- Getting drink/snack
- Have a quick smoke (I do occasionally)
- Quick bathroom break
- pet related problem (happens to me more than it should 😅)
2) Do every survivors like to TBAG before pass through the exit gate?
- I don't do it personally unless the killer has a crappy attitude
- Some people are just douchebags
3) Do survivors like to see the killer watching them jumping into the exit hatch?
- Again, some people are just douchebags and sore winners/losers
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The ready button is because I'm either messing with my build and add-ons because I got put into a match too fast. Sometimes I also go to the bathroom after starting a queue and come back to being in a lobby.
More often than not the t-baggers only t-bag when they feel you've done something wrong or the game was too close for their liking so they make you feel bad about it.
Hatch is just petty that one's pretty much always just luck and they're trying to show off that they "beat" you
Only low and mid MMR people do this so unfortunately I'm just going to say accept it and realize that they may be having a bad day. I don't think it excuses their behavior but just let it go. They're also sometimes trying to say gg but I can't think of a single gesture I don't look at think to myself wow that's toxic besides giving up their item which isn't always something you want to do.
Best advice is just smile and realize that if they're being toxic that you can get better and beat them and that was my main reason i tried to improve because I wanted to beat the toxic ones and could show kindness by letting them live and hopefully encourage less toxicity.
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all good points, but you are all missing the main thing: the mindgame already starts before the game. Right in the lobby. Get in the killers head and under his skin.
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- Spending BP, went to the bathroom during the queue-time, trying to figure out what build to use with the new tome they are attempting, and plenty more.
- This is a self-report to a playstyle. I go for 2 hooks each Survivor before each kill, and I get about 10% exit gate teabags (when they can even reach that far). If they are teabagging 100% of the time in your games, then you probably are to blame. When one person stinks, they should probably clean up, when everyone stinks, it probably is me.
- See 2. I clean up pallets and they just leave the majority of the time (>90%).
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I either forgot I hit”ready” or I’m busy choosing my outfit and charms.
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I keep trying to look in the C section for "Cat Perk", then I have to remember what Cat Perk is actually called, THEN I have to remember where L is in the alphabet. "A b c d e f g...."
My bad
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I'm no stranger to tunneling, but I've never done it to someone who took too long to ready up. It never even occurred to me. We just readied up when or if we could.
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Because they smell like Cheetos.
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Yeah, it was a short-lived meta. It definitely wasn't nice, so I'm glad it ended quickly. It definitely happened, though, and if you messed up and didn't ready in time, you almost expected to be tunneled and accepted it haha.